Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - Abused her power as governor]

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I have to say... one thing that I do love about Palin and that is that she looks very similar to Tina Fey :D which I'm sure SNL are just thrilled to bits with :rofl:
Speaking of which....

Tina Fey Sarah Palin

Tina Fey nailed it, lol."I was sou excited"
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I can't believe she's against rape victims:no: I would not want to keep a baby if I got raped......If it was my own fault for getting pregnant than that would be a different story, but we're talking about innocent victims here.....what if the girl was 10 years old and had been raped and got pregnant, then what? Is she going to make a 10year old give birth? That's rediculous:no:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

^^ I know..I think its pretty messed up How Palin is against Rape..wtf?thats just seems not right at all :no:Thats just sad!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

^ and it's dangerous too. Young girls who get pregnant from a rape can often feel like there's no way out, especially if they don't believe there is a support system avaliable (for either choice). I've read too many horror stories of young women who horrified at the fact that they are pregnant from their rape ordeal, have then gone off to either give themselves an abortion (which often ends up tragic) or worst case scenario they attempt to committ suicide etc
Rape victims are already dealing with feelings of guilt for getting themselves into the situation, even if it was never in their control, why would we want to make them feel any guiltier by not allowing them options. Or even worse telling them that they have to PAY for their experience...
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I know right...Exactly!!!!:clapping:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I am not pro choice never have been never be. But when you deal with a situation such as a child was raped by an uncle or there father. Not given them a choice makes it almost seems like it is there fault for getting raped. You guys feel me on this? It is like it is your fault now you have to pay.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Palin savaged over interview

REPUBLICAN running mate Sarah Palin, after again laying claim to foreign policy expertise because Alaska is near Russia, suffered a media roasting overnight with one conservative calling on her to quit.

Pro-Republican columnist Kathleen Parker, writing in the National Review, said the Alaska governor was now such an embarrassment to the party that she should step down as John McCain's vice-presidential nominee.
US election: Obama vs McCain
"Palin's recent interviews with Charles Gibson (ABC News), Sean Hannity(Fox News) and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League," Parker said.
In her third session with a television interviewer, this time with CBS News anchor Couric, Palin struggled to offer examples of Senator McCain's claim to regulatory zeal at a time when Wall Street is reeling from financial crisis.
In the interview, which aired in two parts on Wednesday and Thursday nights, Ms Palin also said US forces had secured "victory" in Iraq, a bolder assertion than Senator McCain has offered.
Pressed on why Alaska's geographic location enhanced her world knowledge, Ms Palin said: "Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbours are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of."
She said when Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin "rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska."
"It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right next to, they are right next to our state," Ms Palin said.
The socially conservative governor, whose polling boost to Senator McCain appears to be flagging, also said the US economy could be staring at another "Great Depression" - which Senator McCain backed away from in his interview with Couric.
Asked to give examples of legislative action taken by Senator McCain that could have headed off the financial crisis, Ms Palin pointed to his call two years ago to rein in the bailed-out mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Couric, noting Senator McCain had been in Congress for 26 years, pushed Ms Palin for further examples. "I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you," the Republican running mate said.
Baltimore Sun television critic David Zurawik contrasted Ms Palin's interview with Couric to Senator McCain's no-show on another CBS program, Late Show with David Letterman.
Senator McCain cried off a scheduled appearance in New York with the acerbic funnyman, citing his urgent need to return to Washington to attend talks in Congress on an enormous economic bailout package.
But Letterman cut to a studio shot of McCain getting face powder applied at the very same time for his interview with Couric, and then mercilessly poked fun at the Republican during the rest of his show.
Zurawik said: "Between the two (TV appearances), it looks like some serious damage might have been done to the GOP (Grand Old Party/Republican) ticket."
The Boston Globe opined: "The honeymoon is over for Sarah Palin.
"After a third major TV interview, during which her performance was uneven at best, even fellow Republicans are having trouble enthusiastically backing their vice-presidential nominee," it said.
Ms Palin wowed the conservative base when she was selected by Senator McCain four weeks ago, but a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey suggests 49 per cent of voters believe she lacks the leadership qualities required in a president.
The McCain campaign has kept Ms Palin largely sequestered from the media, and several conservative writers had attacked Gibson for adopting a prosecutorial tone in the governor's debut national interview with ABC.
But in the National Review, Parker wrote that Ms Palin had betrayed insufficient knowledge of economics or foreign policy to show that she was ready to step up should something befall the 72-year-old Senator McCain.
"As we've seen and heard more from John McCain's running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem," she said


I keep thinking this this is some big joke and that soemone is going to say "oh hey we're just pulling your leg she's not our real VP candidate.... :ermm:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I personally don't think Sarah has what it takes. And the fact that she is against rape victims is just nasty and stupid IMO. I also think she's headed for a problem much bigger than she can handle if she ever has to step up to the plate. Judging by the way she's doing in the interviews she's given so far I think she's secretly hoping she can learn everything quickly if she and McCain make it in office.
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Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

oh please, she is not against rape victims. This is ridiculous propaganda. How is this any different from someone saying Michael Jackson is a crazy man who sleeps in oxygen chambers. I cant stand propaganda. Use your brains people. She isn't about this. Maybe actually watch her and listen to what she has to say instead of what other people says she stands for.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

oh please, she is not against rape victims. This is ridiculous propaganda. How is this any different from someone saying Michael Jackson is a crazy man who sleeps in oxygen chambers. I cant stand propaganda. Use your brains people. She isn't about this. Maybe actually watch her and listen to what she has to say instead of what other people says she stands for.

Actually it is not said that she is against rape victims, but rather that she was part of the "if you get raped, then it's up to you to pay the bills"

And as for listening to what she has to say... well that's just part of the problem, she has not stepped up to the plate and spoken about where she stands on anything. Instead she did that interview that was broken into parts, and we all know just how well those kinds of interviews can be controlled. I'm waiting with baited breath for her VP debate when we finally get to hear her talk about real issues.

Watching her talk about foreign policies should be great fun. :lol:

I'm sorry but I just have a real issue with the fact that McCain seems to say that Obama is not ready for a presidential role and his comments of "we need someone who knows what to do as opposed to learning on the job"... I'm sorry but they're both going to need to go through learning curves if they get the job cause it's one thing to observe and speculate on a job... and quite another to do that job.
Seems a bit hypocritical to imply that Obama will be spending his time "learning the ropes" as oppose to being all presidential.... when Palin is clearly acting like she's been put in a role that she is not ready for.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]


WASHINGTON/NEW YORK: When John McCain and Sarah Palin attended a campaign rally in a small town called Vienna in Ohio last week, the joke was they went to Vienna (also the name of Austria’s capital) so that the former Alaskan beauty queen, political lightweight, and vice-presidential nominee could get some foreign policy experience.

On Wednesday, McCain threw her to the wolves, keeping himself busy with the economic crisis while sending Palin to meet with various world leaders attending the UN Session in New York, including India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari. All in an effort, it seemed, to get her some heavyweight foreign policy exposure.

How did it go? No one quite knows, because Palin’s minders, intent on shielding her from a predatory liberal media, provided limited photo-op look-in to the press, leading to spotty, hyperbolic accounts.

Palin’s meeting with Zardari was dominated by the Pakistani leader trying to charm her with smooth talk and flattery. ( Watch )

According to media accounts from the photo-op, Pakistan’s information minister Sherry Rehman, who greeted Palin as she entered, tried softening her first. ''And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?'' Rehman gushed, drawing friendly laughter from the room. ''Oh, thank you,'' Palin said.

When Zardari walked in, he turned it up a few notches, telling Palin that she was ''even more gorgeous'' than he had expected. ''You are so nice. Thank you,'' Palin responded, seeming to change the subject, but Zardari continued. ''Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you.''

It didn't end there. When a cameraman asked them to shake hands again so that he could get the right shots, Zardari really turned it on: "If he’s insisting, I might hug.''

Evidently, Zardari hadn’t heard of the episode regarding former Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, who is said to have famously boasted that there wasn’t a woman he could not seduce. When he tried to impress US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, he came to grief.

''There was this test of wills where he was trying to use all his charms on her as a woman, and she just basically stared him down,'' Rice’s biographer Marcus Marby would recall later. ''By the end of the meeting, he was babbling.''

Palin, however, was much kinder to the recently widowed Zardari. When things quieted down, she extended her condolences on the death of Zardari’s wife Benazir Bhutto and also expressed her sympathy at the recent bombing of the Marriott Hotel. Zardari then invited Palin and John McCain to visit Pakistan if they win the election.

Palin’s meeting with Singh was the last of half a dozen tete-e-tete’s with world leaders that began with calls on the leaders of Georgia and Ukraine. But McCain left her to take care of the economic crisis, leaving Palin to handle the tougher meetings, including with Iraq’s Jalal Talabani and Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai, before she meets Zardari and Singh.

The US media, seething at the limited access her camp provided, mocked her efforts. One late-night show amplified part of her exchange with Karzai, where she inquires about his new born child. ''His name is Mirwaiz,'' which means light of the house, Karzai explains.

Indian officials present at the Singh’s meeting with Palin said she was an interested listener as the Prime Minister explained to her India’s position on various topics, including regional issues and energy security. Palin was originally scheduled to accompany McCain to the meeting, but the presidential candidate dropped out because of his preoccupation with the economic crisis.

After greeting Singh with a limp handshake, Palin explained his absence to the Indian leader. ''Of course, what he’s working on, the economic matters, in terms of our nation, impacts India,'' she said gravely.

"So it is very important that he deal with those matters.'' Singh, a former economics professor himself, evidently did not mind -- McCain has been an ardent supporter of the nuclear deal -- as he launched into his tutorial.

Shes not too bad with foreign policy. Zardari you perv :).
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Actually it is not said that she is against rape victims, but rather that she was part of the "if you get raped, then it's up to you to pay the bills"

And as for listening to what she has to say... well that's just part of the problem, she has not stepped up to the plate and spoken about where she stands on anything. Instead she did that interview that was broken into parts, and we all know just how well those kinds of interviews can be controlled. I'm waiting with baited breath for her VP debate when we finally get to hear her talk about real issues.

Watching her talk about foreign policies should be great fun. :lol:

I'm sorry but I just have a real issue with the fact that McCain seems to say that Obama is not ready for a presidential role and his comments of "we need someone who knows what to do as opposed to learning on the job"... I'm sorry but they're both going to need to go through learning curves if they get the job cause it's one thing to observe and speculate on a job... and quite another to do that job.
Seems a bit hypocritical to imply that Obama will be spending his time "learning the ropes" as oppose to being all presidential.... when Palin is clearly acting like she's been put in a role that she is not ready for.
That sounds about right what you have said. I can't stand politics to be honest. I have only watched her first speech but I didn't have to know her inside out to know that the title to this thread is propaganda. I never liked it when I saw it about MJ before I became a fan (nor do I now), and I don't like it when I see it about someone else either. I don't know Sarah Palin or Sara or whatever, but I do know that to say she is against rape victims sounds like propaganda garbage. She is prolife, that is obvious. People should start to try seeing other peoples points of view before slamming them. Maybe a real solution could come out of it that way, instead of Us and Them mentality. Look at the problems, then search for a solution that actually works. I am not going to get into what I think would be good solutions because I don't feel like taking on that debate. I simply hate propaganda wherever it is directed.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Ape, maybe you missed this post #26:

and I quote:

But no, none of that has enraged me as much as the most recent discovery that while Sarah Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, she charged rape survivors for their rape kits. A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed. As a general rule, rape survivors (nor victims of any other crime) are never charged for collection of evidence.

While Palin was Mayor, survivors were charged between $300 - $1200 for rape kits. As someone who has been a long time volunteer at my local rape crisis center, I have seen way too many rape kits administered over the years. It is not a pleasant process for survivors, but more of a re-victimization. And to be charged in order for the police department to collect the evidence, is yet another re-victimization!

And to add insult to injury, once you have been through this traumatic ordeal, then been charged for the police to collect the evidence, Sarah Palin will have 1. blocked the ER from allowing you to receive emergency contraception before you leave so that you can make sure you are not impregnated by your rapist and 2. if you do become pregnant by your rapist, she does not support your right to an abortion in the case of such violence.

I truly don't believe that the government should have a right to say whether a woman has a right to do anything with her body because this comes into combining church and state.. which should always be seperate. But above everything else and ignoring the abortion debate... I don't think that a rape victim should ever be charged for the administration of a rape kit. What insanity!
Do you pay the police the costs involved to catch a robber after they have broken in and stolen a TV? No? Granted it's an awful experience to have someone break into your home, but surely it pales incomparison to an attack on ones own person?
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

No that, in my opinion, is wrong to charge for the kits, BUT...this may not have been something she was even aware of that was happening. Simply something that happened while she was in government. Now that it has been brought up, it will probably be dealt with and taken care of and might be provided free of charge as it should be. ..and yes I did miss that post. I never read most of the posts. I don't like politics as it is, and since I am Canadian, I pay less attention to this than my own countries politics. But the title was enough.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

1) As mayor of Wasilla, Palin made rape victims pay for their own forensic evidence kits
2) Palin is opposed to abortion in cases of rape and incest (even if victims are children)
3) Palin believes creationism should be taught in public schools
4) While mayor of Wasilla Palin tried to fire the librarian because she refused to censor books (VIDEO)
5) Palin has no international experience and only obtained her first passport just last year (2007)
6) Palin supports the Alaskan Independence Party which seeks independence from the USA (VIDEO)
7) Palin is presently under investigation in Alaska for abuse of power
8) Palin offered a bounty of $150 for each left front leg of freshly killed wolves
9) Palin promotes aerial hunting of wolves even though Alaskans voted twice to ban it (VIDEO)
10) Palin used $400,000 of state money to fund a propaganda campaign in support of aerial hunting
11) Palin believes man-made global warming is a farce
12) Palin strongly supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
13) Palin is a champion for big oil and her campaign slogan has become "Drill, baby, drill!"
14) Palin is suing the federal government to prevent listing the polar bear as an endangered species
15) Palin is opposed to listing the unique Cook Inlet beluga whale as an endangered species

Our website contains full journal citations for every Sarah Palin fact. To read more about her
atrocities committed against wildlife in Alaska, despite the protest of Alaskan citizens and wildlife
biologists, view our webpage at: www.GrizzlyBay.org/SarahPalinInfoPage.htm
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Time for an INTERVIEW with "Sarah Palin" - LMAO!!

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I can't believe she's against rape victims:no: I would not want to keep a baby if I got raped......If it was my own fault for getting pregnant than that would be a different story, but we're talking about innocent victims here.....what if the girl was 10 years old and had been raped and got pregnant, then what? Is she going to make a 10year old give birth? That's rediculous:no:

10 year old girls cant get pregnant. u have to be over 12 and have started ur period.
anyway i agree with ur post. rape victims should have the legal right to get an abortion.
either ur 12 or 30 being raped leaves u emotionally scarred for the rest of ur life and if u get pregnant nobody should force u to keep the baby if u dont want to.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

10 year old girls cant get pregnant. u have to be over 12 and have started ur period.
anyway i agree with ur post. rape victims should have the legal right to get an abortion.
either ur 12 or 30 being raped leaves u emotionally scarred for the rest of ur life and if u get pregnant nobody should force u to keep the baby if u dont want to.

Actually sorry Roxanne that's not an absolute.... a girl can get pregnant once she starts her menstrual cycle, and some girls can start as young as 9 years old. ;)
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Actually sorry Roxanne that's not an absolute.... a girl can get pregnant once she starts her menstrual cycle, and some girls can start as young as 9 years old. ;)

oh yeah but most of the females start it around 12 right before puberty begins. of course thats not an absolute as u said. me and my female friends we all started it when we were around 12-13. terrifying experience the first time but thats another story :lol:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Periods are a normal part of a woman’s life from around the age of 10-14 until about 50.


'normal' in this case I guess means most girls.
But as many girls do have their period starting before this age (10-14), as many are starting later than this age. Both is still possible if the word 'normal' was used correct by the author.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Please, you who live in USA, don't choose McCain :innocent:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Is she the one who said she "wouldn't mind" starting a war against Russia ?
My uncle was about 10-15 years old during the second ww and he is SO SCARED for a next WW.
Since McCain is already pretty old, my uncle was really worried, if McCain dies, she'd have a lot of power.
My uncle took his bike and rode of to somewhere quiet to think and be alone after he heard her say this, he just couldn't understand how anyone would even consider another war :no:.
It really made me worry and think about it too, imagine WW2 but with more powerfull weapons, would the planet still excist after such a war?
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Tell 'em, Puffy.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

10 year old girls cant get pregnant. u have to be over 12 and have started ur period.
anyway i agree with ur post. rape victims should have the legal right to get an abortion.
either ur 12 or 30 being raped leaves u emotionally scarred for the rest of ur life and if u get pregnant nobody should force u to keep the baby if u dont want to.

Roxanne - that is not true. I was 10-1/2 when I got my first period. You can get your period as young as 8.

From http://womens-health.health-cares.net/menstruation-age.php

At what age does menstruation typically begin?

Girls start menstruating at the average age of 12. However, girls can begin menstruating as early as 8 years of age or as late as 16 years of age. Women stop menstruating at [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]menopause[/COLOR][/COLOR], which occurs at about the age of 50. At menopause, a woman stops producing eggs (stops ovulating) and can no longer become pregnant, the body stops preparing the uterus for a possibly pregnancy, and the monthly menses stops.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

10 year old girls cant get pregnant. u have to be over 12 and have started ur period.
anyway i agree with ur post. rape victims should have the legal right to get an abortion.
either ur 12 or 30 being raped leaves u emotionally scarred for the rest of ur life and if u get pregnant nobody should force u to keep the baby if u dont want to.

yeah they can



Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Is she the one who said she "wouldn't mind" starting a war against Russia ?
My uncle was about 10-15 years old during the second ww and he is SO SCARED for a next WW.
Since McCain is already pretty old, my uncle was really worried, if McCain dies, she'd have a lot of power.
My uncle took his bike and rode of to somewhere quiet to think and be alone after he heard her say this, he just couldn't understand how anyone would even consider another war :no:.
It really made me worry and think about it too, imagine WW2 but with more powerfull weapons, would the planet still excist after such a war?

The planet? yes... humans on the other hand... no.

Our planet is an amazing place and is fairly self maintaining. We would all die off from radiation poising etc and plants and that would too to an extent but they would eventually grow back and evolution would start a new cycle. :)
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

She won the debate. But that's because all she had to do to win was not lose badly. But if you were to read the transcript without the names, just Candidate A instead of Joe Biden and Candidate B instead of Sarah Palin, then would probably tally a lot points for Candidate A and not so many for Candidate B. Biden won on substance, Palin won on character and appeal. Perhaps if they both went into this debate as equals instead of as the real smart old dude who makes non-stop gaffes and the really stupid hick chick who makes non-stop gaffes, then most people would have said Biden won. But because there was such a low expectation of Palin, a lot of people were really impressed with her. It's just like what happened with George W Bush. As he said himself, people thought he wouldn't be able to string a sentence together so all he had to do was say "Hi, I'm George W Bush" to impress a lot of people.