Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - Abused her power as governor]

MJJC Moderator

Long read but all who are concerned about the direction of the USA and world politics should read.

Sarah Palin is the most extremist major party candidate since Barry Goldwater, aligned with the most far right wing elements in American politics on issues ranging from denying that human activity has helped bring about global warming, to seeking to block protection of endangered species, to advocating the teaching of creationism in the public schools, to opposing abortion even in the case of rape and incest, to preventing teenagers from learning about contraception in school, to advocating drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve, to flirting with Alaska voting to secede from the Union, to proclaiming our troops in Iraq are on a mission from God.

Moderates, centrists and independents need to be made aware of these positions and consider whether they want to elect someone with such extremist views to the second highest political office in the land, a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a 72 year old cancer survivor.

Moreover, they should questions John McCain's judgment and claims to be a moderate and a maverick within the Republican Party when he caved in to pressure from the extreme right-wing of the Republican Party to choose someone with the thin resume and extremist views of Sarah Palin to stand second in line to the Presidency.

Palin's nomination marks a decision by McCain to try to turn the election from one about the economy to a replay of past elections about cultural issues and about which candidate represents real Americans. If Republicans can make the election about cultural imagery and who is more of a "real American"--focusing voters minds on the war hero and the hockey mom--they may well win. But when it comes to the specific issues of the culture wars, the religious right represents a minority of voters and their positions scare many moderates and independents. Democrats need to focus on Palin's extremism on the issues and McCain's endorsement of such extremism by choosing Palin to stand a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Here are some examples of of Palin's extremist ideology which the McCain campaign wants to hide and Democrats must expose:

* Palin does not believe in science.

** Palin does not believe that global warming is caused by human activity. In an interview for the September issue of the conservative magazine Newsmax, Palin said"A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."

** Gov. Palin recently sued Bush's own Interior Secretary for determining, based on the scientific evidence, that the polar bear is an endangered species. Documents released through a Freedom of Information Act request show that Alaska's state biologist agrees with the science of Bush's Interior Department, not Palin. "She's either grossly misinformed or intentionally misleading," according to Kassie Siegel of the Center for Biological Diversity. "Even the Bush administration can't deny the reality of global warming. The governor is aligning herself and the state of Alaska with the most discredited, fringe, extreme viewpoints by deny this."

** Palin believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public schools. "Teach both," she said in a forum while running for Governor. Palin's statement closely mirrors the language of "Teach the Controversy", the slogan of the intelligent design campaign, under which evolution's "unresolved issues" and the "scientific weakness of evolutionary theory" would be presented alongside intelligent design concepts in public schools. This despite the fact that in 2005, the Federal District Court ruled in Tammy Kitzmiller, et al. v. Dover Area School District, that teaching intelligent design in public school sciences course violates the establishment clause in the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.

* Palin is part of the most extreme wing of the anti-abortion and abstinence only movement. This should particularly worry moderate suburban women.

** In response to a questionnaire from the far-right Eagle Forum, Palin responded that she opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest. While a Gubernatorial candidate, Palin stated that if her then 14-year old daughter were raped, she would not permit her to have an abortion. This places Palin on the far right of the anti-abortion movement. Even many pro-life supporters agree that abortion should be permitted in these extreme circumstances, Sarah Palin disagrees. In fact, when a majority of the legislature in the heavily pro-life state of South Dakota recently put an abortion ban on the ballot which would band abortion even in cases of rape or incest, many pro-lifers opposed the ban and it was defeated by the voters.

** In answer to another Eagle Forum question, Palin stated that she supports schools funding "abstinence-until-marriage" education and opposes schools funding sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools.

** There are serious questions whether Palin even believes in birth control. While in general, a candidate's personal family decisions should be outside the realm of political discussion, the pregnancy of Palin's 17-year old daughter raises questions about Palin's beliefs on birth control. Palin is a member of the deceptively named "Feminists for Life" who would criminalize not only abortion but the IUD and hormonal birth control methods (e.g. the pill). Although Palin's decision to keep and raise a baby with Down's syndrome may be admirable, the same questions are raised by Palin herself, already the mother of 4 other children, becoming pregnant at age 44. Palin is lucky that her failure to educate her daughter about contraception only led to an out of wedlock pregnancy. It could have led her to contract a sexually transmitted disease.

** Palin's answer to the Eagle Forum questionnaire also reflected other extremist views. She supports the right of parents to block their public school children from reading books or participating in curricula and classes which disagree with their religious beliefs. (This is consistent with Palin's firing of the Wasilla town librarian for refusing to remove books to which Palin objected from library shelves.) Palin is against expanding hate crime laws. She opposes the decision of the Alaska Supreme Court according spousal benefits to same-sex couple who are state employees.

* Far from putting "Country First", Palin has been closely associated with the far-right wing whack job Alaska Independence Party which questions the legality of the vote for Alaska to join the union and wants to hold a referendum for Alaska to secede. Just 6 months ago, Palin gave a speech to the AIP conventions calling on them to "keep up the good work" and wished the party luck on what she called its "inspiring convention." Palin's husband was an AIP member for 7 years until 2002 and she and her husband both attended AIP's 2000 Convention. AIP founder Joe Vogler said "I'm an Alaskan, not an American...I've got no use for America". There is evidence that Vogler was connected to domestic terrorism--He died in a plastic-explosives sale gone bad.

* Palin seems to believe that she knows God's will and that he is on the side of Republican political positions. She has said that the US sending troops to fight in Iraq is a "task that is from God". She called the building of a $30 million natural gas pipeline in Alaska "God's will." One can debate the pros and cons of these political positions, but claiming unique knowledge of God's will in human affairs is scary and contrasts sharply with the views of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, who proclaimed, "Don't pray that God's on our side, pray that we're on his side."

* Palin has close political and religious ties to theocratic groups which do not believe in the First Amendment's separation of church and state and want America ruled by biblical law rather than the Constitution. Many of these groups are associated with Dominionism, an extreme religious ideology which, according to journalist Frederick Clarkson shares the following beliefs:

"1. Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe that the United States once was, and should once again be, a Christian nation...2. Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity. 3. Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, insofar as they believe that...'biblical law' should be the foundation of American law."

** This Dominionist ideology is consistent with Palin's statement that she was the first "Christian Mayor of Wasilla", which was objected to by the prior Mayor of Wasilla who was also a Christian, must not one of Palin's denomination.

** Right before McCain selected Palin, she was vetted for McCain at a meeting of the secretive Council for National Policy, whose members include such leading Dominionists as Rev. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, and Tim LeHaye, author of the apocalyptic "Left Behind" books which predict the coming rapture in which true Christians will be instantly transported from earth to heaven and while the rest of humanity will be left to face plagues and pestilence on earth. After this vetting, Dobson, who once said he would "never" vote for McCain, issued a statement hailing Palin as an "outstanding" choice. It is reported that McCain caved in to the Council for National Policy in choosing Palin, after they unequivocally rejected his more moderate first choices of pro-choice candidates Tom Ridge and Joe Lieberman.

** Palin's home church, the Juneau Christian Center, and its pastor Mike Rose advocates Dominionsim and is closely connected to the Dominionist movement. Rose is an advisor to Rodney Howard-Browne's Revival Ministries, one of the leading Dominionist organizations. Palin's church is also connected with the "Joel's Army" movement which uses stealth methods to recruit teens to the cause. One cannot definitely connect Palin to these extreme politico-religious views, but she certainly has her own "Pastor problem".

These views place Palin on the extreme right-wing of the American political spectrum and should raise serious concerns among moderate, centrist and independent voters. The McCain campaign will try to bury these views behind a rosy picture of an all-American hockey mom and mother of five with a Downs Syndrome baby. Despite Republican attacks on media coverage of Palin, the media seems to be focusing on the personal aspects of Palin's story and not the issues.

Democrats need to inform swing voters, in particular, of Palin's extremist views and McCain's caving in to the extreme right wing of the Republican Party in choosing her. If they are fully informed, centrist, moderate and independent voters are likely to think twice about voting to put Palin a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

** In answer to another Eagle Forum question, Palin stated that she supports schools funding "abstinence-until-marriage" education and opposes schools funding sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools.

Well that's dangerous and foolhardy... sex education is a must, if not to try and prevent teen pregnancy or the spread of sexual diseases and infections... at least to ensure that sex is a healthy and safe activity when students decide the time is right. Without that education (and proper education) students are left with two options, experimentation or to research elsewhere. The source for their self research could be the wrong sources too.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

** In answer to another Eagle Forum question, Palin stated that she supports schools funding "abstinence-until-marriage" education and opposes schools funding sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools.

SO!! Let me read this right. She COULDN"T teach HER OWN DAUGHTER to abstain from SEX, yet she feels that SHE IS ULTIMATELY QUALIFIED to DO THIS TO THE REST OF US? OMG. NOW I've heard EVERYTHING.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

MJJ Mod 1 - hope you don't mind - I put this as a blog entry..
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

I don't mind at all. We have to get the word out to the undecideds that this person is a extremist. She's very frightening.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

** There are serious questions whether Palin even believes in birth control. While in general, a candidate's personal family decisions should be outside the realm of political discussion, the pregnancy of Palin's 17-year old daughter raises questions about Palin's beliefs on birth control. Palin is a member of the deceptively named "Feminists for Life" who would criminalize not only abortion but the IUD and hormonal birth control methods (e.g. the pill). Although Palin's decision to keep and raise a baby with Down's syndrome may be admirable, the same questions are raised by Palin herself, already the mother of 4 other children, becoming pregnant at age 44. Palin is lucky that her failure to educate her daughter about contraception only led to an out of wedlock pregnancy. It could have led her to contract a sexually transmitted disease.

Absolutely true!
Birth control and sex education is something every teenager should have access to, teenage kids are having sex and will continue to do so whether we like it or not, so the bare thought of denying them not only enducation but also protection is downright irresponsible for any adult.
Best case scenario, teen pregnancy, worst case HIV, are people really willing let their children take their chances?

And I won't even go to the global warming and endangered species issues.

Thanks for posting MJJC MOD 1, excellent piece.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

And they trashed Rev. Jeremiah Wright??

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.

"You'll be encouraged by the power of God's love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality," according to the insert in the bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has prayed for about six years.

Palin's conservative Christian views have energized that part of the GOP electorate, which was lukewarm to John McCain's candidacy before he named her as his vice presidential choice. She is staunchly anti-abortion, opposing exceptions for rape and incest, and opposes gay marriage and spousal rights for gay couples.

Focus on the Family, a national Christian fundamentalist organization, is conducting the "Love Won Out" Conference in Anchorage, about 30 miles from Wasilla.

Palin, campaigning with McCain in the Midwest on Friday, has not publicly expressed a view on the so-called "pray away the gay" movement. Larry Kroon, senior pastor at Palin's church, was not available to discuss the matter Friday, said a church worker who declined to give her name.

Gay activists in Alaska said Palin has not worked actively against their interests, but early in her administration she supported a bill to overrule a court decision to block state benefits for gay partners of public employees. At the time, less than one-half of 1 percent of state employees had applied for the benefits, which were ordered by a 2005 ruling by the Alaska Supreme Court.

Palin reversed her position and vetoed the bill after the state attorney general said it was unconstitutional. But her reluctant support didn't win fans among Alaska's gay population, said Scott Turner, a gay activist in Anchorage.

"Less than 1 percent of state employees would even apply for benefits, so why make a big deal out of such a small number?" he said.

"I think gay Republicans are going to run away" if Palin supports efforts like the prayers to convert gays, said Wayne Besen, founder of the New York-based Truth Wins Out, a gay rights advocacy group. Besen called on Palin to publicly express her views now that she's a vice presidential nominee.

"People are looking at Sarah Palin as someone who might feasibly be in the White House," he said.

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

Is THIS what the Republican Party wants to IDENTIFY with now?? EXTREMISM???
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

Oh this is rich. Republicans used Barack's church against him, but failed to vet Sarah Palin & her extremist church!!!

Palin's Pastor: God Will Damn America

Palin's pastor, Larry Kroon, warns God "is gonna strike out his hand against" America

On July 20, 2008, the pastor of Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's home church, Larry Kroon, delivered a sermon called "Sin Is Personal To God." Kroon, the senior pastor of the non-denominational Wasilla Bible Church in Wasilla, Alaska, used the book of Zephaniah as his reference point for discussing "that great day of the Lord, when God will finally bring closure to human history... a day of wrath." According to Kroon, "all things and all people" are going to bear the brunt of God's "intense anger." "There's anger with God," he proclaimed. "He takes sin personal."

Kroon placed Zephaniah in a modern context, warning that the sinful habits of Americans would invite the wrath of God. "And if Zephaniah were here today," Kroon bellowed, "he'd be saying, ‘Listen, [God] is gonna deal with all the inhabitants of the earth. He is gonna strike out His hand against, yes, Wasilla; and Alaska; and the United States of America. There's no exceptions here -- there's none. It's all.'"
(Kroon's sermon can be heard here; a full transcript is here.)

While Kroon has cautioned his parishioners against the mass marketed End Times prophecies of Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, he has nonetheless invoked doomsday scenarios that mirror those on the pages of Lindsey and LaHaye's bestselling tracts.

"It's so very possible that God, instead of responding by granting spiritual renewal and sustained prosperity," Kroon said in a sermon on July 13, 2008, "could just as easily...it's conceivable that He could just as easily, for example, raise up a revived, prosperous and powerful Communist Russia with a web of alliances across the Middle East. And our gas pumps would go dry. The dollar would collapse. And the markets would crash. The kayak could go upside down. And it could happen in a matter of weeks. That could happen. It could happen by this fall."

Palin joined Wasilla Bible Church after leaving Wasilla Assembly of God, a Pentecostal church where she delivered a controversial sermon asking her audience to pray that the war in Iraq is "God's plan." When she is working in Alaska's capitol, she worships at the Juneau Christian Center, another Pentecostal church where charismatic displays like speaking in tongues and dancing in the spirit are encouraged. Palin describes herself as a "Bible-believing Christian."

Palin's presence at Wasilla Bible Church has not been confirmed for the days Kroon warned of God "striking out his hand against... the United States of America" and "rais[ing] up" an alliance of nations to ruin America.

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

Get the word OUT! This is big news about Sarah Palin and her pastor. Her pastor went on record (while she was in attendance about two weeks ago) made a very anti-semitic statement about Jews!! And she was clapping in the audience all the while. This woman is DANGEROUS!!


"Sarah Palin actually sat in a church where a preacher declared that terrorist murders of Jews represent God's judgment against Jews for resisting Jesus last August 17, has been up for half a day, and no one is writing about it on the right and center-right."

Here's the originating article from Ben Smith/Politico:


Palin's pastor, Larry Kroon, introduced Brickner on Aug. 17, according to a transcript of the sermon on the church's website.

"He's a leader of Jews for Jesus, a ministry that is out on the leading edge in a pressing, demanding area of witnessing and evangelism," Kroon said.

Brickner then explained that Jesus and his disciples were themselves Jewish.

"The Jewish community, in particular, has a difficult time understanding this reality," he said.
Brickner's mission has drawn wide criticism from the organized Jewish community, and the Anti-Defamation League accused them in a report of "targeting Jews for conversion with subterfuge and deception."

Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.

"Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It's very real. When [Brickner's son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can't miss it."

Palin was in church that day, Kroon said, though he cautioned against attributing Brickner's views to her.

The executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, Ira Forman, cited the "cultural distance" between Palin and almost all American Jews.

"She's totally out of step with the American Jewish community," he said. "She is against reproductive freedom – even against abortion in the case of rape and incest. She has said that climate change is not man-made. She has said that she would favor teaching creationism in the schools. These are all way, way, way outside the mainstream."

Will this be mentioned on MSNBC/CNN/Fox the way the Jeremiah Wright issue was repeated over and over and over and over again? For Pete's sake! Her Pastor/Rev is anti-semitic and a NUT JOB but no one in main stream media is saying ANYTHING about it! This is too much of an important issue to let slide. It should be on the front pages of every news organization. The media eviscerated Barack Obama and showed him as an extremist black man with militant views which we all know is not true. All we hear is "We don't know Barack Obama" when in fact, Sarah Palin is the Christian extremist with MILITANT views! So because the Jewish belief is different from the Christian one, God will allow jewish people to suffer at the hands of terrorists?

Dude c'mon!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

What a load of crap, god isn't going to strike down anyone, I'm not even religious but even I understand the fact that god doesn't have a role in any of the things that we as humans chose to do... that's why he gave us free will and he most certainly doesn't come after us naughty humans with floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes.... someone has god mixed up with Zeus.

And another thing in regards to sex education, I'm sick of folks like her using pregnancy as a threat. Kids should be educated and understand that the risk of contracting an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) is not only higher than the risk of getting pregnant, but once you contract the majority of these fantastic STIs you have them for life... (of course some are treatable or manageable... but still why would you want to take that chance if you're not educated on the subject? It's not all about putting a condom on, which in that case only protects you from getting pregnant or passing on infections that are contagious via bodily fluids. Kids without sex education are aware that they can still catch things such as genital herpes, genital warts, crabs and a whole host of other wonderful things that only require skin to skin or hair to hair contact...
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Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

"Sarah Palin actually sat in a church where a preacher declared that terrorist murders of Jews represent God's judgment against Jews for resisting Jesus last August 17, has been up for half a day, and no one is writing about it on the right and center-right."

oh geez... I see it as either one of two things... either she's really got a screw loose... or she's like the opposite of Hilary Clinton and represents a fine example of what it is to be a brainless woman led around by dated old man ideals.

We need women in positions of power who not only work for the community in a positive way, but are also examples that women can follow and that don't actively destroy all that women have been fighting for, (yes that's right equality).

I'm sorry I didn't mind McCain, and I felt he would have been better than Bush had he been put into office back when Bush got in instead... but sadly he just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself with this rubbish.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

^^ Lost screw sounds about right....
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

We NEED TO spread this FAR and WIDE. You know, I get so many emails from my conservative friends - I'm sending THIS back to THEM!! And THEY can delete this if they don't like it!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

Hell, OPRAH should put this on HER talk show!! Or put this on CNN - MSNBC - all of the major news outlets ! THIS is NEWS!!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

*wonders what Whoopi and co will have to say on the View and also wonders if Elizabeth Hasselbeck will have a meltdown trying to defend her party choice*

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

I would like to get the information to Joy & Whoopi!! Do we have their contact information??
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

^^ Hell, I'd WATCH the View just to see that!! LOL!!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

I would like to get the information to Joy & Whoopi!! Do we have their contact information??

LoL I love Whoopi and Joy, I know a lot of MJ fans don't like Joy but she is very funny and she's not stupid, she was a teacher and she does a lot of reading.

Whoopi has such a level head on that show though

If you go to the abc website: http://abc.go.com/daytime/theview/index

you can have your say!

Oh and a big LOL they're going to have John McCain on this Friday (12th) I know Joy is itching to ask him the hard questions, she did last time and it proved to be interesting. I have to say he handled himself rather well. Hasselbeck was like a little cheerleader it was kinda funny to watch that.
If Joy get's her hands on this stuff about Palin she'd have a damn field day :rofl:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

Go sarah palin
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

^^ I now know WHY McCain picked Palin. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that this is a WOMAN, and an "Outsider" to Washington. This pick has EVERYTHING to do with Alaskan DRILLING for OIL. He is FOR the DRILLING of Alaskan WIlderness. This is a STRATEGIC PICK.

Yep, you read it here FIRST people. THIS is why McCain Picked Palin. Nothing else.


Read this also.

Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

it's no conspiracy, Linda, he picked a hardcore neo-con who's into babies, guns and god. and it worked out just great for him because the republicans love her. and being a woman was a PR bonus.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

Arxter - He just did a MAJOR FLIP FLOP also. I agree with your post ^ above, but he's been telling EVERYONE before that he's against the drilling. Now he's got Palin, and she's to be the next Energy Chief.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]

^^It sounds to me like she doesn't even want to be a part of America, so why does she want to be the next vp?

it's no conspiracy, Linda, he picked a hardcore neo-con who's into babies, guns and god. and it worked out just great for him because the republicans love her. and being a woman was a PR bonus.

Guns, babies, and God, lol, good way of putting it. I can't believe more people can't see through her. She seems like a terrible woman. She's completely backward in her thinking. The way she thinks about sex ed, hunting, gays, and the environment is just ridiculous. How can she refuse to even acknowledge that global warming might be caused by humans?

Also, I'm sure some of you love animals like I do. I was horrified when I watched this video. and here I thought it was bad enough that she's a hunter...:no:
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [The Truth]


Breaking News: Palin Charged Rape Survivors

This is finally it for me, the straw that has broken the proverbial moose’s back! I thought maybe it would be her membership in "Feminists for Life", the staggering amount of hypocrisy coming from her camp, her daughter being the poster child for what happens when we teach our children that birth control is dangerous, the stance on how her daughter's pregnancy is a "family matter" we should all stay out of, but my private medical decisions should be made by politicians, because they are not "family matters"?

But no, none of that has enraged me as much as the most recent discovery that while Sarah Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, she charged rape survivors for their rape kits. A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed. As a general rule, rape survivors (nor victims of any other crime) are never charged for collection of evidence.

While Palin was Mayor, survivors were charged between $300 - $1200 for rape kits. As someone who has been a long time volunteer at my local rape crisis center, I have seen way too many rape kits administered over the years. It is not a pleasant process for survivors, but more of a re-victimization. And to be charged in order for the police department to collect the evidence, is yet another re-victimization!

And to add insult to injury, once you have been through this traumatic ordeal, then been charged for the police to collect the evidence, Sarah Palin will have 1. blocked the ER from allowing you to receive emergency contraception before you leave so that you can make sure you are not impregnated by your rapist and 2. if you do become pregnant by your rapist, she does not support your right to an abortion in the case of such violence.

NOTE: Gov. Tony Knowles signed a sexual assault bill to change this horrible policy in 2000.



We are in major trouble if we elect Sarah Palin into office. Exercise your right to vote!
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

AMen MJJ Mod 1 - keep preaching. People need to HEAR this.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

i've gotten to where i dont care for politics as much as i once did, and began to see every politician as pretty much the same. sarah is indeed extreme, and under their thinly veiled rhetoric, the rest of the so-called moderates in the party ive little doubt support everything she says, they're just too afraid to say it. that she will does make her all the more dangerous. where the so called moderates and closet agreers will not cross certain boundaries, she would. she is not the same, and this thread is a good example of why we cant grow apathetic with regards to politics, because when we sleep, the ones like this get through the system. good campaign to reveal her. a lot of effort needs to be focused on getting the word out. ty for bringing this to light.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

I can only say....wow.
Re: Time For Sarah Palin To Come Clean [Update - She was against RAPE victims]

Barack was just in Ohio very close to my home today and I couldn't of been more proud. We really do need to get the word out.... they made eye glasses on her and people are buying them and now kids can buy an action figure of her... that's right - an action figure... and in her action figure she wears a gun under her skirt - it's discusting!!!!!!!!!