TII, was the preperation rushed.

Well... from the film let's see:
Intro- Incomplete
WBSS- complete
Jam- complete
TDCAU- complete
Human nature- complete
SC- complete
TWYMMF- complete
J5 Medly- complete
Thriller- complete
Beat it- Incomplete
B&W- complete
Earth song- Incomplete
Billie Jean- complete way before rehearsals even began ;)
MITM- not enough footage.

So from the movie only 3-4 pieces seem incomplete. dome project was done, Props were done, outfits were done.. there wasn't much left really. Then again, there is a complete third of the setlist that we didn't see yet so I don't know reallly.... then AGAIN, they had 2-3 weeks left...

I think it was a bit rushed, but nothing too dramatic really


Beat it was complete,
earth sing was complete
and MITM was complete cuz Michael was suposed to be singing alone on the stage , it is like BJ he only wanted to get the feel of it.

anyway, thank you,,, i think you made some sense in this post.
i finaly saw tii and no it didnt look rushed only thing i noticdeed was it was basicaly the dangerous tour set list in the footege
I remember reading Somewhere that when he was still married to Lisa Marie she used to get extremely worried at the integrity of the people who seemed to attach themselves to Michael.

I remember reading that she spent a great deal of her time trying to rid him of these bad apples. It must have been tough for her because she loved him. In his final days there where quite a lot of questionable people surrounding him. It is written that the Nation of Islam were there and Dr Tohme Tohme and the now infamous Dr Conrad Murray aka Earl Carter.

Michael said that he signed for only ten Shows and suddenly he was told that he signed for fifty. I read in a British Newspaper that he spent his last hours begging to speak to his father as he believed only his father could get him out of that mess. No matter what you think of Joe Jackson, he would have moved the earth to get to his son, he loved Michael. Did they send for Joe? no they did not.!

Michael was trapped he no longer had control over his own life....at the age of fifty that is a scary place to be. I would be the same if I where in his shoes. I strongly believe I may be wrong that somebody somewhere needed Michael Jackson off the scene. I also read that Michael did not attend all the rehearsals... he did not want to do TII in the first place anyway. I do not know why I feel that TII was not going to happen and was never meant to happen. It comes across to me as stage managed Plot.

Murray will squeal like a pig when the time comes because he is a wealthy man and the prospect of Prison does not please him, obviously not part of the bargain.

Withut TII Michael Jackson would be alive today and please do not believe all those stories you read in the Media about him being broke it is all bubble Gum. The Sycophants around him kept dipping their hands into his Bank Accounts and spending his money. he was no longer in Control of his own life even his family could not get to him.......it is so sad.TII broke my heart.

You have been brainwashed by the family.

Michael actually denied his father access to his life, since Joe was hounding him to do some reunion show. Joe and Rowe were the ones who sold those false rumors to the press and, after that, tried to boycott TII and sued Michael. There's a reason as to why Michael didn't let Joe enter his house. Besides, Michael DID want to do TII and he clearly wanted to do 50 shows. Don't believe everything you read on tabloids, honey: don't forget Joe is behind most of the TII rumous. Yup, don't forget TII was the reason as to why he didn't make millions off of his sons.

This post is sooo going to be deleted. After all, people don't like hearing the truth about Joe and the family.

P.S.= If Joe love his son so much...why was he smiling and putting thumbs up to the cameras 2 hours after MJ was pronounced death?

Beat it was complete,
earth sing was complete
and MITM was complete cuz Michael was suposed to be singing alone on the stage , it is like BJ he only wanted to get the feel of it.

anyway, thank you,,, i think you made some sense in this post.

i knew i forgot a song :p anyway yes IJCSLY was complete, beat it was not complete in the movie though. It wasn't done with the props on... or did they? I'm not sure really. But earth song didn't have the bulldozer but IDK that's what I figured anyway.

And you're very welcome :)
Well... from the film let's see:
Intro- Incomplete
WBSS- complete
Jam- complete
TDCAU- complete
Human nature- complete
SC- complete
TWYMMF- complete
J5 Medly- complete
Thriller- complete
Beat it- Incomplete
B&W- complete
Earth song- Incomplete
Billie Jean- complete way before rehearsals even began ;)
MITM- not enough footage.

So from the movie only 3-4 pieces seem incomplete. dome project was done, Props were done, outfits were done.. there wasn't much left really. Then again, there is a complete third of the setlist that we didn't see yet so I don't know reallly.... then AGAIN, they had 2-3 weeks left...

I think it was a bit rushed, but nothing too dramatic really

Michael's Thriller was a rush job and it became the best album EVER!!!!

Dirty diana- incomplete
Heal the world-incomplete

YRMW - Unknown

Dangerous - if confirmed, the routine would probably be the same as usual + the dancers learnt all the routines first and I'm sure that this would be one of them.

WATW - was never going to be a complete song, just a few lines of the chorus!!!!

Heal the world - would probably be same or similar to previous performances.

SIM - Unknown.
YANA - Unknown.
Rock with you - unkown :p

SIM - I'm guessing this would be similar to HIStory tour, but either way Michael already knew all of this.
YANA - Same as SIM^.
Rock with you - This was very unlikely to happen. If it did happen then it might be lip-synced.
Michael's Thriller was a rush job and it became the best album EVER!!!!

YRMW - Unknown

Dangerous - if confirmed, the routine would probably be the same as usual + the dancers learnt all the routines first and I'm sure that this would be one of them.

WATW - was never going to be a complete song, just a few lines of the chorus!!!!

Heal the world - would probably be same or similar to previous performances.

SIM - I'm guessing this would be similar to HIStory tour, but either way Michael already knew all of this.
YANA - Same as SIM^.
Rock with you - This was very unlikely to happen. If it did happen then it might be lip-synced.

Dangerous was confirmed it was on the white board in the extras. I know a lot of these would have been done the same as previous tours but he hadn't toured since 97 so i would have thought with two and a half weeks to go it would have been wise to rehearse these with the voice coach. I know what are saying about thriller, Michael did want to keep improving it but they also did miss deadlines and took the extra time they needed to finish it, they didn't release it until it was ready but with a concert you have to be ready for the opening night.
The concerts were definitely not rushed , Everything was at least 90% finished ,light man and MJ air were finished on the 25th i think according to Judith hill , so was the Dirty Diana set,the Dancers and the Band were ready ,the 3D sets were done , what was left? they finished in my opinion just on time , as for Mike if you put him on a stage after 20 years he would have killed it , like michael bearden said MJ knows all his tempo's , keys , vocal layers , everything , so he didn't technically need to sing everytime ,like he did a sound check for MIM and DD ,same thing with the dance , he did Billie jean for the first time and he did a great dance solo and he wasnt even giving it his 100% , so i dont think there was any problem , maybe the costumes i dont know , remember Zaldy did say Mike didnt get to see some of the costumes like the Thriller jacket , and HTW outfit (thank god)