TII, was the preperation rushed.

Okay first off i just want to say i got TII last weekend and loved it, it looked like it was going to be amazing but when ever the dates appeared on the screen they just didn't add up. The concert was announced at the start of March, giving them 4 months to put it together which i would think is not very long considering the scale of the production. I would have thought they would have got working on it straight away but it took over a month for the dancer auditions to start. Then there is the part with the team sitting in a room looking at a computer screen trying to come up with an idea for Michaels entrance, this is dated May 29, which is a little over a month before opening night. There is also the fact that there is no footage of him rehearsing many of the songs that were going to feature, with a little over two weeks left i would have assumed everything would have been over rehearsed at this stage. I don't know much about concert production but i just thought it was being rushed, like they hadn't thought it out properly before announcing the dates and September would have been a more realistic opening date. In saying all this i do think they would have pulled it off by the 14th but they would have been under serious pressure for the last two weeks which should be spent relaxing getting mentally ready for the shows knowing all the hard work is done.
That's the thought that came to my mind too recently. Only thing I'd like to ask Kenny would be that Was the schedule too tight from the moment it was only on paper to the execute. It had to be rushed. I'm sure they wished they'd have more time but why did they agree on such tight schedule.
I wonder if they relied on the thing that the songs were oldies, there were a lot of old crew members who knew how it works from the previous tours. Pretty much the dancers were the only totally new ones and even they (most of them) knew the dance steps, even though they had to learn them perfectly but it wasn't like they've never seen them before. So that gave an advantage to them.
Good discussion.
Possible, but still, just a theory.

It's just as likely that MJ knew all along about the 50 shows and started back peddling and regretting his decision as they were drawing closer. The man has backed out of many agreements and contracts over the years but he couldn't see a way out of this one, which may have motivated him to tell fans he never agreed to it in the first place.

The truth is, we'll probably never know what really went down. I just don't blindely accept the story that MJ was unaware of the 50 shows.

the part about you saying that MJ backed out of so many deals....that's what i'm talking about..the media painted a shady picture of him....if anything, it seems all too easy to look at MJ with a negative paint brush, as the media seems to have convinced some people to do so....why can't it be easier to see an unproven theory of MJ backing out of numerous deals, as MJ was a cash cow, so many tried to do shady deals with him, so he had a right, and duty to say NO, instead of looking at it as, MJ was commitment phobic? so..the media set him up to be trapped, and many people seem to have bought it. and corporates saw it as a chance to say..'we got him, now!'

yeah..nobody wants to hear that...but..it's the world we live in.

MattyJam i can see your point too. I don't see how AEG wcould LEGALLY add 40 more shows without Michaels consent???.

Some people are to busy trying to find the bad guy in all this that they are losing perspective and logic.

you think this world is logical, when it comes to big money?

how can we accuse one another of not having logic, when none of us has the final 'logical' answer?

the logical thing is, that anybody who has lived in this world for ten or more years, can see just how illogically greedy it can be.

we can't pretend like people can't stoop low, in this world, by now. i would think we all could admit that to ourselves, by now.

we can't pretend that people are going to not be clever enough to know that they can't get past you, by hitting you with a sledgehammer, so they're going to rely on little foxes.

who is going to make evil look obvious?

when a man cheats on his wife, does he go to her, willingly, and say..' i cheated on you', if he can avoid getting caught?

it's the same thing, with anything of this nature. nobody is going to operate in a way, that makes it easy to see what they're doing, if it is something they wouldn't want you to see them doing.
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i also tend to believe Mj was only at rehearsals a handful of times. thats not a bad thing, he knows what to do on stage, but i think he would have been there more often if there hadnt been "on the side" problems.
I don't agree with this speculation that Michael only wanted to do 10 concerts. There is no way Michael would play the O2 Arena and not want to break Prince's record of 21 Nights at the O2 Arena.Michael will have known he was going to do a lot more concerts than 10. The original 10 was just a teaser to test the demand for tickets to see Michael Jackson in concert. This happened in November 1987 when at first only 3 concerts were announced for the 1988 Bad Tour concerts at Wembley Stadium, them 4 more were added.

It's just as likely that MJ knew all along about the 50 shows and started back peddling and regretting his decision as they were drawing closer. The man has backed out of many agreements and contracts over the years but he couldn't see a way out of this one, which may have motivated him to tell fans he never agreed to it in the first place.

The truth is, we'll probably never know what really went down. I just don't blindely accept the story that MJ was unaware of the 50 shows.

We heard the 10 show thing from Michael, from Randy Phillips.
Randy Phillips also said that at one point, I don't know when, that MJ told him (here he puts on a high pitched voice to mimic michael's voice) 'No Randy stop, no more shows, no more shows'. We know MJ signed for at least 31, but maybe they verbally agreed to just try 10 first to test the water.. then when they sold the number was increased. Whether MJ was informed we don't know, we just have Randy Phillips himself saying MJ went to sleep with 10 and woke up with 50.

MattyJam i can see your point too. I don't see how AEG wcould LEGALLY add 40 more shows without Michaels consent???.

Some people are to busy trying to find the bad guy in all this that they are losing perspective and logic.

The contract said at least 31 shows. I don't think it had a limit, so the problem isn't legal.

Anyway I don't see why this debate about the number of shows matters right now.
We heard the 10 show thing from Michael, from Randy Phillips.
Randy Phillips also said that at one point, I don't know when, that MJ told him (here he puts on a high pitched voice to mimic michael's voice) 'No Randy stop, no more shows, no more shows'. We know MJ signed for at least 31, but maybe they verbally agreed to just try 10 first to test the water.. then when they sold the number was increased. Whether MJ was informed we don't know, we just have Randy Phillips himself saying MJ went to sleep with 10 and woke up with 50.

The contract said at least 31 shows. I don't think it had a limit, so the problem isn't legal.

Anyway I don't see why this debate about the number of shows matters right now.

i've never seen the contract. and i don't know why MJ would say 'no more shows' if there was a contract for more than 10. and i don't know why MJ would do a press conference, after we all saw with our own eyes that it was 10 shows. then, only AFTER the press conference, all these other shows start to mushroom out...so, i really have no reason to believe there was a contract for more than 10, unless i see it. and even then, i'll have a hard time believing it's authentic. for MJ to go on stage and say these are his final final performances, and for me to see that it was 10, out there for all the world to see(never mind, whatever went on behind the scenes) it's going to be hard for anybody to convince me of anything past 10, without some underhanded stuff going on behind MJ's back. people want to argue back and forth that it had to be 50 or more, but the title of the thread suggests that everybody feels they have questions, and feels weird about the whole thing...so...

anyway..i'm guessing all the debate here is a product of grief.

bottom line is..my suspicion for the whole thing comes from this premise:

in this age of greed, quite a few people in these corporate businesses, and the media, continually painted Michael as financially inept, and on the verge of bankruptcy, and needing to be saved, and a hasbeen. yet, at the same time, they knew he was a cash cow, an addictive musical drug to the world, a guaranteed sellout(as in selling out arenas)(never mind all the fandemoneum from excited fans that excitedly followed him around, everytime he stepped outside, all over the world, without ceasing, for ALL the world to see), but these corporates and the media never admitted it. and as soon as he announced he would do 10 concerts, they all attached themselves, eagerly to the event, as if he WASN'T a hasbeen. they were two faced. so, as far as i am concerned, they were capable of anything, underhanded. and Michael was the victim, surrounded by eager sharks, with big money in their eyes.

a cash cow doesn't need saving.

if they were truthful, from the beginning, and admitted that he was a cash cow..and a financial bonanza, and financial disaster-proof, then it would be easier for me to believe that they were on the up and up. this is why my suspicions are unflappable.

but, everybody has their own opinions...

ce la vie.
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i've never seen the contract. and i don't know why MJ would say 'no more shows' if there was a contract for more than 10. and i don't know why MJ would do a press conference, after we all saw with our own eyes that it was 10 shows. then, only AFTER the press conference, all these other shows start to mushroom out...so, i really have no reason to believe there was a contract for more than 10, unless i see it. and even then, i'll have a hard time believing it's authentic. for MJ to go on stage and say these are his final final performances, and for me to see that it was 10, out there for all the world to see(never mind, whatever went on behind the scenes) it's going to be hard for anybody to convince me of anything past 10, without some underhanded stuff going on behind MJ's back. people want to argue back and forth that it had to be 50 or more, but the title of the thread suggests that everybody feels they have questions, and feels weird about the whole thing...so...

anyway..i'm guessing all the debate here is a product of grief.

bottom line is..my suspicion for the whole thing comes from this premise:

in this age of greed, quite a few people in these corporate businesses, and the media, continually painted Michael as financially inept, and on the verge of bankruptcy, and needing to be saved, and a hasbeen. yet, at the same time, they knew he was a cash cow, an addictive musical drug to the world, a guaranteed sellout(as in selling out arenas)(never mind all the fandemoneum from excited fans that excitedly followed him around, everytime he stepped outside, all over the world, without ceasing, for ALL the world to see), but these corporates and the media never admitted it. and as soon as he announced he would do 10 concerts, they all attached themselves, eagerly to the event, as if he WASN'T a hasbeen. they were two faced. so, as far as i am concerned, they were capable of anything, underhanded. and Michael was the victim, surrounded by eager sharks, with big money in their eyes.

a cash cow doesn't need saving.

if they were truthful, from the beginning, and admitted that he was a cash cow..and a financial bonanza, and financial disaster-proof, then it would be easier for me to believe that they were on the up and up. this is why my suspicions are unflappable.

but, everybody has their own opinions...

ce la vie.

Firstly, I love reading your replies. They are always so well articulated it's a pleasure to read.

You do make a valid point. Michael was definately the ultimate "cash cow" as you put it. He was milked and bled dry by so many people and I can certainly see how this could be manipulated in the media to make Michael seem flakey.

On the other hand I do believe Michael didn't do himself any favours. When you hear stories about ex-employees having to sue him to get paid it just feeds the medias agenda and in the eyes of a non-fan it adds credibility to the medias largely negative portayal of him.

Going back to the whole 50 dates thing, I think the reason why I have a hard time believing that Michael was somehow coaxed into agreeing to them is because AEG is well-established as being a world class tour promoter. We're not talking about some shady German ex-con adviser here. I know greed can make otherwise decent people act in dispicable ways but none of us know Randy Phillips on a personal level, so we can't really comment on his integrity for better or worse.

All we can really do is speculate. On one hand you have a story about Michael telling fans that he'd never agreed to 50 shows, on the other hand you have Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega denying this and saying that Michael was excited to get back to work. Michael had a lot of love and respect and trust for Kenny Ortega and they had a history going back two decades. And yet you have fans shouting "murderer" at him when he was out promoting the TII DVD last week. Not everybody was out to get Michael.
^^^^According to the contract that Michael signed he "pre-approves up’ to thirty one (31) Shows, or such other greater number as agreed by Artistco and Promoter, at the 02 Arena in London, England beteen July 26’ nd September 30, 2009."
and "in no event shall the number of Shows performed by Artist in the first leg of the Tour be less than eighteen (18) Shows"

So if you read the contract it becomes pretty clear that they were always going to do more than 10 shows. If Michael didn't understand that when it's written so clear that even I can understand it even without any legal advisors helping me you must really question his state of mind at the time. Apparently Michael had the contract explained for him by three different lawyers before signing it (according to Frank Dileo) so it shouldn’t have been a question off being tricked or misunderstanding the contract any way. At least not for the first 31 concerts (the first leg), the 19 concerts in early 2010 is a different thing though and maybe it was those that Michael complained about.
Anyone who want to read the full contract can do that here: http://www.radaronline.com/sites/default/files/AEG contract.pdf

And back to the real topic of the tread. I agree, and I have thought that the whole thing was poorly planned ever since they pushed the first dates and Randy Phillips used that "they didn't have the show when they sold the tickets" as an excuse. That’s not really an excuse, just extremely bad planning. They basically sold tickets for concerts that they had no idea if they had time to create. And afterwards they had all sorts of things to sort out. As I get it they hadn’t approached people not even for key roles. Of course Michael always wanted Kenny to direct the shows but they hadn’t secured his services on beforehand and guess what…. Kenny was busy, he was working on Footloose, and that caused a delay in the project trying to release Kenny from his contract with Paramount.

I don’t know anything about concert productions, but it seems strange that you only start to think about the show after you’ve sold a million tickets. And btw, the dates are even mentioned in the contract so it seems like they decided the dates like… first thing they did, seems pretty stupid. The logical way of doing things according to me would be to put together a team of key players, a show director, a musical director, a production manager, choreographers, producers etc , then sit down and have meetings together with Michael , talk things out, discuss what he wanted and things like that. After that they could say, ok, we want this… we know the scale of this production, we know that it will take X months, let’s put the concerts at dates when we know for certain that we’ll have a finished production. After that they could release tickets. Instead they had to work hard as hell and push concert dates because “they didn’t have the show when they announced the concerts”, well… who’s fault was that? They didn't really have the right to use that as an excuse if you ask me.

Well… it doesn’t matter now anyway… does it? But it made me very angry then and I still wonder if they would have managed to get everything right for the opening date. My guess is that they would have scrapped some numbers for the first dates, adding them in later when they were finalized, no one would react, and mixing the set list between concerts is nothing out of the ordinary. After all the foundation for the concerts were there, all the Dome project videos worked, they even tested MJ air with great result at the staple center, Michael seemed ready, they band were great, the dancers were the best that he had ever had, costume troubles could have easily been solved, I mean if it turned out that Zaldy’s 10 pound Black or White suit was a bit heavy for MJ I’m sure that Michael Bush had something that Michael could use instead. I mean… the original Black or White costume isn’t really hard to put together. It all seemed to come together nicely after all, but I’m sure they all had to work very late hours to get it to work, and maybe… just maybe (we’ll never know) was that stress a contributing factor to Michael’s death.
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^^^^According to the contract that Michael signed he "pre-approves up’ to thirty one (31) Shows, or such other greater number as agreed by Artistco and Promoter, at the 02 Arena in London, England beteen July 26’ nd September 30, 2009."
and "in no event shall the number of Shows performed by Artist in the first leg of the Tour be less than eighteen (18) Shows"

So if you read the contract it becomes pretty clear that they were always going to do more than 10 shows. If Michael didn't understand that when it's written so clear that even I can understand it even without any legal advisors helping me you must really question his state of mind at the time. Apparently Michael had the contract explained for him by three different lawyers before signing it (according to Frank Dileo) so it shouldn’t have been a question off being tricked or misunderstanding the contract any way. At least not for the first 31 concerts (the first leg), the 19 concerts in early 2010 is a different thing though and maybe it was those that Michael complained about.
Anyone who want to read the full contract can do that here: http://www.radaronline.com/sites/default/files/AEG contract.pdf

And back to the real topic of the tread. I agree, and I have thought that the whole thing was poorly planned ever since they pushed the first dates and Randy Phillips used that "they didn't have the show when they sold the tickets" as an excuse. That’s not really an excuse, just extremely bad planning. They basically sold tickets for concerts that they had no idea if they had time to create. And afterwards they had all sorts of things to sort out. As I get it they hadn’t approached people not even for key roles. Of course Michael always wanted Kenny to direct the shows but they hadn’t secured his services on beforehand and guess what…. Kenny was busy, he was working on Footloose, and that caused a delay in the project trying to release Kenny from his contract with Paramount.

I don’t know anything about concert productions, but it seems strange that you only start to think about the show after you’ve sold a million tickets. And btw, the dates are even mentioned in the contract so it seems like they decided the dates like… first thing they did, seems pretty stupid. The logical way of doing things according to me would be to put together a team of key players, a show director, a musical director, a production manager, choreographers, producers etc , then sit down and have meetings together with Michael , talk things out, discuss what he wanted and things like that. After that they could say, ok, we want this… we know the scale of this production, we know that it will take X months, let’s put the concerts at dates when we know for certain that we’ll have a finished production. After that they could release tickets. Instead they had to work hard as hell and push concert dates because “they didn’t have the show when they announced the concerts”, well… who’s fault was that? They didn't really have the right to use that as an excuse if you ask me.

Well… it doesn’t matter now anyway… does it? But it made me very angry then and I still wonder if they would have managed to get everything right for the opening date. My guess is that they would have scrapped some numbers for the first dates, adding them in later when they were finalized, no one would react, and mixing the set list between concerts is nothing out of the ordinary. After all the foundation for the concerts were there, all the Dome project videos worked, they even tested MJ air with great result at the staple center, Michael seemed ready, they band were great, the dancers were the best that he had ever had, costume troubles could have easily been solved, I mean if it turned out that Zaldy’s 10 pound Black or White suit was a bit heavy for MJ I’m sure that Michael Bush had something that Michael could use instead. I mean… the original Black or White costume isn’t really hard to put together. It all seemed to come together nicely after all, but I’m sure they all had to work very late hours to get it to work, and maybe… just maybe (we’ll never know) was that stress a contributing factor to Michael’s death.

Very good post, i agree with you on the lack of pre announcement planning, they give themselves very little time to come up with a plan and make it work.
Very good post, i agree with you on the lack of pre announcement planning, they give themselves very little time to come up with a plan and make it work.

I also agree with CreativeMind
But to be honest I also think it was great that MJ didn't have that much time and free hand in doing things as always in the past. Sometimes he overdone things by doing them for too long (Invincible) and the outcome wasn't as good as it could've (much less time for Thriller).
If he signed the contract in 2008 and they let him do whatever he wanted, he would start designing the shows sometime in 2008 and a year later he would've still been designing. That's how he was.

Michael was the best when he worked and had a time limit set.
Even though they worked under some pressure, TII would have come together wonderfully. I am certain of that.
I also agree with CreativeMind
But to be honest I also think it was great that MJ didn't have that much time and free hand in doing things as always in the past. Sometimes he overdone things by doing them for too long (Invincible) and the outcome wasn't as good as it could've (much less time for Thriller).
If he signed the contract in 2008 and they let him do whatever he wanted, he would start designing the shows sometime in 2008 and a year later he would've still been designing. That's how he was.

Michael was the best when he worked and had a time limit set.
Even though they worked under some pressure, TII would have come together wonderfully. I am certain of that.

I agree, if Michael didn't have a time limit he could work on projects forever... for instance the new album that he had been working on for years that never got released simply because he had no record company that put pressure on him.

The thing is that it's not that smart to put a time limit on a project you don't yet know the scale of, just that :)
CreativeMind;2670941 I don’t know anything about concert productions said:
Christan Adugair(spell) of "Ed Hardly" ...said after he went shopping with Michael, and before MJ leave to London ...that Michael is going to be in London for three months...he said this exactly ,,,and Frank Delio said Michael wanted to do only two shows a week , use your maths to see how many shows Michael expected to do in London !!!
First of all let me comment by saying I agree with everyone that it is rushed. One especially MJ being a perfectionist, does not pull together a stage show so elaborate like the one he was going to have. Next one does not look for dancers around the world , audition and interview them then choreograph with them. Last but not least he has taken much longer for shows than this and they were not that elaborate.

Another point, can someone tell me or explain and I have asked this before but no reply as of yet. Where the heck did they put up auditions for the dancers , I mean come on did anyone else hear of the auditions, they say the were from around the world , even Canada so why didn't we hear it advertised or in the paper or something. Where the heck did they advertise for this.
I thought about that so much. I mean I hear when "American idol, Canadian and American are about to have auditions, when "So you think you can dance" and Americas got talent and so forth. So why did any of us not hear , what if some of us wanted to try out, do you all know what I mean. No way this was done in the few months they had no way. I think the dancers know more then they are letting on .

Lastly I wanted to point out what really got me from that show for a 100 percent wow hes alive. A contact actually pointed this out to me and to me this is the only clue I needed. You all may have already known this but it just hit me.........................

At the end of thriller in "this is it" he plays part of another song, I had never heard of it "THREATENED" actually and then I listened to the words. It is so a hint of him trying to get his message across I believe that so much big time. Listen to the words from that song, he says at one point, when your sleeping i am under your bed, watch out better feel threatened by me. So its his way to tell us hes in control now. I don't know just another thought
First of all let me comment by saying I agree with everyone that it is rushed. One especially MJ being a perfectionist, does not pull together a stage show so elaborate like the one he was going to have. Next one does not look for dancers around the world , audition and interview them then choreograph with them. Last but not least he has taken much longer for shows than this and they were not that elaborate.

Another point, can someone tell me or explain and I have asked this before but no reply as of yet. Where the heck did they put up auditions for the dancers , I mean come on did anyone else hear of the auditions, they say the were from around the world , even Canada so why didn't we hear it advertised or in the paper or something. Where the heck did they advertise for this.
I thought about that so much. I mean I hear when "American idol, Canadian and American are about to have auditions, when "So you think you can dance" and Americas got talent and so forth. So why did any of us not hear , what if some of us wanted to try out, do you all know what I mean. No way this was done in the few months they had no way. I think the dancers know more then they are letting on .

Lastly I wanted to point out what really got me from that show for a 100 percent wow hes alive. A contact actually pointed this out to me and to me this is the only clue I needed. You all may have already known this but it just hit me.........................

At the end of thriller in "this is it" he plays part of another song, I had never heard of it "THREATENED" actually and then I listened to the words. It is so a hint of him trying to get his message across I believe that so much big time. Listen to the words from that song, he says at one point, when your sleeping i am under your bed, watch out better feel threatened by me. So its his way to tell us hes in control now. I don't know just another thought

He wrote that before 2000, i think these are just lyrics for another thriller style song i don't think it was a message.
We're never going to know for sure what really happened with the number of shows. We have Randy saying Michael wanted to do that many shows, we have the contract stating it was at least 31 shows which Michael signed, and then we have Michael on video saying it was only 10 and how he didn't want to do anymore than that. We're never going to know for sure. And with the rehearsals Michael did not need to be there all the time. The dancers and band had entirely new routines to learn whereas Michael did not. Plus Travis mentioned that they had quite a few one on one rehearsal sessions at MJ's studio at Carolwood.
Firstly, I love reading your replies. They are always so well articulated it's a pleasure to read.

You do make a valid point. Michael was definately the ultimate "cash cow" as you put it. He was milked and bled dry by so many people and I can certainly see how this could be manipulated in the media to make Michael seem flakey.

On the other hand I do believe Michael didn't do himself any favours. When you hear stories about ex-employees having to sue him to get paid it just feeds the medias agenda and in the eyes of a non-fan it adds credibility to the medias largely negative portayal of him.

Going back to the whole 50 dates thing, I think the reason why I have a hard time believing that Michael was somehow coaxed into agreeing to them is because AEG is well-established as being a world class tour promoter. We're not talking about some shady German ex-con adviser here. I know greed can make otherwise decent people act in dispicable ways but none of us know Randy Phillips on a personal level, so we can't really comment on his integrity for better or worse.

All we can really do is speculate. On one hand you have a story about Michael telling fans that he'd never agreed to 50 shows, on the other hand you have Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega denying this and saying that Michael was excited to get back to work. Michael had a lot of love and respect and trust for Kenny Ortega and they had a history going back two decades. And yet you have fans shouting "murderer" at him when he was out promoting the TII DVD last week. Not everybody was out to get Michael.

i appreciate what you have to say...but...there in lies the trap. you automatically think that 'well established' means automatically on the up and up..and 'shady German' looking, means automatically, shady. you say you don't know Kenny, and Phillips, but you speak like you know Michael, because of reported lawsuits.

you're allowing a traditional 'look' to draw your conclusions. and in the process, you are saying not to judge, but you are making a judgement call, at the same time. is AEG automatically on the up and up, just because they are 'established'? you think every 'established' company didn't step on somebody? you know how i parse between MJ's establishment and AEG's establishment? flattery. that's how.

they flatter AEG, and they don't flatter MJ, but they attach themselves to both. and AEG chases Michael. Michael chases nobody.

if you're going to attach yourself to somebody for financial purposes, at least, admit they are reputable. if you don't, then you know they are lucrative, but you're jealous of them.

if you say they are good, and attach yourself to them, then something's fishy with both of you. it's a trait of human nature, learned with time. people don't flatter those who really have something going for them. they get catty with them. they only flatter those who are truly reputable, and are a threat to them.

everybody seems to be running out of money, and running to Michael to get what they think is 'theirs'.

that says it all, to me. you might be fooled by all other things you think you see, and are reported by the media...but you can't be fooled, by that one. Michael clearly wasn't flattered, but chased, financially, by everyone, and had no needs, for himself. all the others, acted like they had needs.

so...i call them like i see them.

numbers mean nothing. if Mj was on the up and up, and large numbers around him were not..then that's how it is.

a large number of people can be wrong..and the few or the one, can be right, about something. it happens more than you think. it is what it is, whether it sounds offensive, or not.

the greatest giveaway is humility. if you're truly humble, people will think you're pushover, but, in reality, you're on the right track. they misdefine pushover, in that case. if you're not humble, people will tend to see you like a lot of people see AEG. 'established.' there's something about AEG that is not humble..

they're working with the biggest star ever, but they're telling him what to do with money. it was MJ who acquiesced to much of their money requests. it was AEG that made the switch to 50 AFTER MJ made his announcement, instead of BEFORE. at that point, i feel i don't need to speculate, because that's a general selfish common human nature thing in operation.

the reality is, nobody can dispute MJ's humility, because they give themselves away by being sparse on the flattery for him. he was too humble for people to compliment him. yet, he was astoundingly succesful.

don't you think, that with all MJ's success..and people, therefore seeing him as a cash cow, that MJ would know what is best? but those around him didn't treat him like he knew what was best..so, he waited, and even his dancers wondered if he would take charge, before he did, on key points. the point is..he shouldn't have had to wait, at all. so..i believe greed played into mismanagement of the whole thing. and no..i'm not talking Michael's greed. he had none.

if most of those working around MJ were so humble that they weren't flattered either, then i would have no trouble saying that many working with MJ were right. but it's a rare soul that is as humble as MJ was.

ask yourself? why was MJ the ultimate cash cow? maybe his traits contributed to that.

and if AEG is so established, then why did they feel the need to chase MJ? why weren't they the ultimate cash cow that MJ chased after, and begged to do 50 shows from square one?
yeah...AEG are rich, but something is off.

MJ was the ultimate cash cow, and had no needs. nothing is off, there.

it's not really a difficult thing to see. everybody has the choice to be extremely humble. but not too many people want to be. so, if one person is successful in a good way, and a lot surrounding that person is envious and greedy and underhanded...that is why.

a lot of people love MJ, but, a lot of people question his business practices, based on media reports. that may be love, but it's not flattery. the media doesn't like that brand of humility. human nature. so, his business practices were good, cus extreme humility and good business practices go hand in hand .
if you're really really humble, to the point where it bothers somebody else...you're on the right track.

what told on some of the people surrounding Michael is that he was the cash cow being chased, but NOT respected. if you think someone is money, but you don't respect them, and you chase them, then, you'll do underhanded stuff, when you catch them. if they respected his financial and business ability, enough not to call the shots, after having had chased him, then, it would be easier to trust them.

he was the cash cow. they should have figured, since he was the cash cow, he must know something, and they should have let him call all the business and financial shots.

people see that he was a cash cow, yet too many people didn't respect him businesswise, and financial wise. i don't get that.

he made it so that Sony is the only company not cutting back. they're in a position to buy stuff, instead of sell stuff. they got that idea from MJ.

of all the mistakes that can be made assessing the circumstances...the one mistake that can't be made is that MJ was the most humble of them all, and..therefore..he was the cash cow.

and the less humble someone is, the more likely they are able and willing to and have done underhanded stuff. it never fails.

it has to be obvious. if you look a cash cow in the mouth, that means you don't respect him. there are fans that do that. how much more will people who had access to him, do that?

a lot of people just don't respect extreme humility...no matter how successful that humble person is...so..out of disrespect, comes underhandedness.

and the secret of the lawsuits, really is this...you have seen it. how much MJ was slandered. how much people did things to MJ that were worth him suing them, yet he practically never sued anyone, with very very very few exceptions. this is the mark of a person with confidence in his good name. people who are overeager to self preserve, tend to do it at other peoples' expense, therefore making themselves look bad in the process. the more sue happy you are, the more you tend to do things that you should be sued for.

so the extreme number of lawsuits really prove MJ's honor, and the sue happy peoples' dishonor.

seeing how MJ was treated makes that easy to conclude.

if a person is so confident in their good name, why go on the offensive so often? they'll only go blind in a lawsuit frenzy. and, if they aren't confident enough to let it go, maybe there is a reason, and they should look in the mirror. maybe their name isn't so good. and usually, when they go on the ultra offensive, they prove that. they ruin their name, in an attempt to preserve it.

MJ obviously wasn't like that.

then there's just the envy. there are people that tend to get tired of everything working out for MJ, all the time. acquiring a catalogue, writing stellar hits, that don't need radio, being good at business decisions. the disrespect for the humility of Michael, and the envy, go hand in hand. the tendency for some people just wanting something to go wrong for Michael, and then twisting things so that wrong becomes right, and right becomes wrong. the same mentality that people had, when wrongly deciding that he was a child molester. people working with him, had that attitude, because it's human nature to envy. people admit it all the time. they always say..'we like to build somebody up, and then we like to tear them down.'

that's just more human nature, in action.

whatever path MJ walked, they should have walked it, if that's what it takes to get rid of the tendency to want to tear somebody down.

cus MJ wasn't like that. he certainly did NOT like to tear people down. and that's rare.

you know something is wrong, when people admit liking to tear people down.

and let's face it. there are plenty of people out there who are jealous of a cash cow. and MJ showing love and respect for people doesn't make those people innocent of being envious, and in following up on that envy, with underhanded acts.

MJ never had a bad thing to say about anybody, except the media..and it took him more than thirty years to say even THAT. and in LWMJ, he seemed to be feeling guilty to admit that. and we do know how evil the media was, to him.

so MJ is hard pressed to say bad things about people. so, it's hard to go by that, as proof that other people around him, didn't betray him.
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Christan Adugair(spell) of "Ed Hardly" ...said after he went shopping with Michael, and before MJ leave to London ...that Michael is going to be in London for three months...he said this exactly ,,,and Frank Delio said Michael wanted to do only two shows a week , use your maths to see how many shows Michael expected to do in London !!!

That´s more than 10 shows.
I remember reading Somewhere that when he was still married to Lisa Marie she used to get extremely worried at the integrity of the people who seemed to attach themselves to Michael.

I remember reading that she spent a great deal of her time trying to rid him of these bad apples. It must have been tough for her because she loved him. In his final days there where quite a lot of questionable people surrounding him. It is written that the Nation of Islam were there and Dr Tohme Tohme and the now infamous Dr Conrad Murray aka Earl Carter.

Michael said that he signed for only ten Shows and suddenly he was told that he signed for fifty. I read in a British Newspaper that he spent his last hours begging to speak to his father as he believed only his father could get him out of that mess. No matter what you think of Joe Jackson, he would have moved the earth to get to his son, he loved Michael. Did they send for Joe? no they did not.!

Michael was trapped he no longer had control over his own life....at the age of fifty that is a scary place to be. I would be the same if I where in his shoes. I strongly believe I may be wrong that somebody somewhere needed Michael Jackson off the scene. I also read that Michael did not attend all the rehearsals... he did not want to do TII in the first place anyway. I do not know why I feel that TII was not going to happen and was never meant to happen. It comes across to me as stage managed Plot.

Murray will squeal like a pig when the time comes because he is a wealthy man and the prospect of Prison does not please him, obviously not part of the bargain.

Withut TII Michael Jackson would be alive today and please do not believe all those stories you read in the Media about him being broke it is all bubble Gum. The Sycophants around him kept dipping their hands into his Bank Accounts and spending his money. he was no longer in Control of his own life even his family could not get to him.......it is so sad.TII broke my heart.
Another point, can someone tell me or explain and I have asked this before but no reply as of yet. Where the heck did they put up auditions for the dancers , I mean come on did anyone else hear of the auditions, they say the were from around the world , even Canada so why didn't we hear it advertised or in the paper or something. Where the heck did they advertise for this.
I thought about that so much. I mean I hear when "American idol, Canadian and American are about to have auditions, when "So you think you can dance" and Americas got talent and so forth. So why did any of us not hear , what if some of us wanted to try out, do you all know what I mean. No way this was done in the few months they had no way. I think the dancers know more then they are letting on

They were looking for the best dancers it was not a talent contest.
I think the dancers and agents for dancers go to special places in internet to find out about auditions.

I know Bounce searched dancers for the dancing tribute for Michael Jackson in Stockholm.It was supposed to be a secret for others so they couldn´t advertise in the paper, but more than 300 dancers came and not only from Stockholm
The dancers looked to young they made Michael look so old. It was all stage managed I tell you.........
The dancers looked to young they made Michael look so old. It was all stage managed I tell you.........

I have to disagree, I mean what do you expect them to do? Hire 50 year old dancers, so Michael doesn't look old.

Not only did these dancers showed that Michael was keeping up with time, they also showed, even tough they are wonderful dancers, that no one is going to outdance Michael Jackson. No matter if you are 20 years or 100 years, no one can outdance Michael when it comes to that natural rhythm Michael has. These dancers look great, but when you put them next to Michael it just looks like they are thinking too much about the dance steps, while with Michael it just looks like it comes from within. Michael makes the dancesteps look so easy and flowy, it's like he's in another world when he's dancing.

It's hard to explain, but for me Michael outdanced all of those dancers. Didn't matter how many backflips and splits they would do, once Michael joined them on stage, he was all I could look at...he was the one who would stand out. He just has thise grace and smoothness, which is so hard to imitate. You just need to be born with that kind of rhythm. What we saw were just rehearsals, I can't even imagine how crazy Michael's dancing would be during the actual live shows.
We can see the dancers when they are watching Michael during Billie Jean.They were not supposed to be there but they wanted see the master in work and they loved it.
I can´t see somewhere in the movie that Michael looks old.
I don´t think Michael did backflips when he was 20 and he didn´t need to do it when he was 50.
That´s more than 10 shows.

not necessarily. it depends on the arrangement. he might have wanted to take some weeks off, for time with his kids..anything is possible. they might have skipped a week or two, to add to preparation...anything is possible.
I have to disagree, I mean what do you expect them to do? Hire 50 year old dancers, so Michael doesn't look old.

Not only did these dancers showed that Michael was keeping up with time, they also showed, even tough they are wonderful dancers, that no one is going to outdance Michael Jackson. No matter if you are 20 years or 100 years, no one can outdance Michael when it comes to that natural rhythm Michael has. These dancers look great, but when you put them next to Michael it just looks like they are thinking too much about the dance steps, while with Michael it just looks like it comes from within. Michael makes the dancesteps look so easy and flowy, it's like he's in another world when he's dancing.

It's hard to explain, but for me Michael outdanced all of those dancers. Didn't matter how many backflips and splits they would do, once Michael joined them on stage, he was all I could look at...he was the one who would stand out. He just has thise grace and smoothness, which is so hard to imitate. You just need to be born with that kind of rhythm. What we saw were just rehearsals, I can't even imagine how crazy Michael's dancing would be during the actual live shows.

I agree. It doesn't matter how many backflips someone can do you still need to have that magnestism that makes people just look at you and only you. And Michael had it in his bucketloads from the day he was born until the day he passed.
I agree. It doesn't matter how many backflips someone can do you still need to have that magnestism that makes people just look at you and only you. And Michael had it in his bucketloads from the day he was born until the day he passed.

i agree. even his video montages have more power than other people when they perform live.
Another point, can someone tell me or explain and I have asked this before but no reply as of yet. Where the heck did they put up auditions for the dancers , I mean come on did anyone else hear of the auditions, they say the were from around the world , even Canada so why didn't we hear it advertised or in the paper or something. Where the heck did they advertise for this.
I thought about that so much. I mean I hear when "American idol, Canadian and American are about to have auditions, when "So you think you can dance" and Americas got talent and so forth. So why did any of us not hear , what if some of us wanted to try out, do you all know what I mean. No way this was done in the few months they had no way. I think the dancers know more then they are letting on .

Michael definitely had his saying in the auditions, here's an interview with the Romanian dance teacher you see in the movie. She says her son, Misha, who was Michael's body double in Smooth Criminal, received a call from Michael, when he was 15 and dancing with Aron Carter.

Michael asked if he'll dance with him, and 6 years later he did, and brought his mom too (Mike was looking for a classic ballet teacher, it's the lady who explains the "crotch move" to the dancers).

vncwilliam, thank you for your replies!
Well... from the film let's see:
Intro- Incomplete
WBSS- complete
Jam- complete
TDCAU- complete
Human nature- complete
SC- complete
TWYMMF- complete
J5 Medly- complete
Thriller- complete
Beat it- Incomplete
B&W- complete
Earth song- Incomplete
Billie Jean- complete way before rehearsals even began ;)
MITM- not enough footage.

So from the movie only 3-4 pieces seem incomplete. dome project was done, Props were done, outfits were done.. there wasn't much left really. Then again, there is a complete third of the setlist that we didn't see yet so I don't know reallly.... then AGAIN, they had 2-3 weeks left...

I think it was a bit rushed, but nothing too dramatic really
Well... from the film let's see:
Intro- Incomplete
WBSS- complete
Jam- complete
TDCAU- complete
Human nature- complete
SC- complete
TWYMMF- complete
J5 Medly- complete
Thriller- complete
Beat it- Incomplete
B&W- complete
Earth song- Incomplete
Billie Jean- complete way before rehearsals even began ;)
MITM- not enough footage.

So from the movie only 3-4 pieces seem incomplete. dome project was done, Props were done, outfits were done.. there wasn't much left really. Then again, there is a complete third of the setlist that we didn't see yet so I don't know reallly.... then AGAIN, they had 2-3 weeks left...

I think it was a bit rushed, but nothing too dramatic really

Dirty diana- incomplete
Heal the world-incomplete
SIM - Unknown.
YANA - Unknown.
Rock with you - unkown :p