Thriller Voted as MTV's Greatest Album of All Time!

Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

oh...this is not easy!....the smiths with "queen is dead" or "thriller"???

:( not sure
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

This is a tough choice. The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths is amazing! All the songs on that album are gold. Plus, Morrissey is one gorgeous man. He gives MJ serious competition in a lot of areas now that I think about it. I can't decide.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

I already voted
I hope Michael wins
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

there is potential for a lot of positive publicity for the winning album

Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

(28-2-2009) "Thriller 25th Anniversary Edition" has re-entered the US Billboard Top Pop Albums chart at number 18 for the week ending March 7, 2009. This marks Thriller's 261 week on the chart.


Some encouragement for ya!
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Voted too :)
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Done and dusted! Just wish Dangerous was on that list - wishful thinking lol

No kidding. Dangerous is the best album ever.
Invincible should be up there as well.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)


Thriller better win!
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

it is the most important album in the MTV generation era easily and beyond IMO.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

I watched the show on TMF last night, with a count down of MTV's 100 Greatest albums, with Edith Bowman hosting the show. The guests were Pete Burns, Suggs (Madness), Huey (Fun Lovin Criminals) and some music executive.

Thriller was voted the No.1 Greatest Album of All Time by in this program by music exexutives. But I thought the guests in the show except for the music excecutive talked crap about the album. Pete Burns (a so called Michael Jackson fan) said Thriller was a bland album (Edith Bowman looked at him like he was mad !!!), and only the greatest in terms of sales. He said he was more intereted in Michael as a person and not interested in his music. Huey a Michael Jackson hater, said he likes Thriller because of Quincy Jones. That Thriller was a Quincy Jones album, with just Michael's name on the title ie Quincy's album in everything but name. He said Quincy put the album togther before Michael entered the studio. Huey is talking crap, Quincy may have brought in the songwriters for Thriller etc but Thriller is a Michael Jackson album. Michael hired Quincy Jones, and Quincy was producing for Michael Jackson and Epic. The songs that turned Thriller in to the biggest selling album of all time, were the first 3 released in 1983 (I know The Girl Is Mine was the first single, which was released in 1982)singles Billie Jean, Beat It and Wanna Be Startin Somethin. Which were all written and composed by Michael Jackson as well as co-produced. And it was Michael's idea to make music videos to promote Thriller, and his idea to make the Thriller video when Epic thought that after a year of since the release of Thriller there was no need to make a video to promote the album.

People like Huey need a kick in the face, talking crap with their mis-information. Michael is not a guest vocalist on the Thriller album, that is his album. And Michael isn't just considered a genius because of his singing and dancing. But also because of his songwriting and composing, with an amazing ability to write hit songs that are classics. And a song like Beat It which combined rock and dance (as Edith Bowman pointed out, saying 4yrs before Run DMC and Aerosmith), a sound people take for granted shows how much of an innovator Michael was. And excluding The Girl Is Mine, Michael's songs are the high points of the Thriller album.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Huey a Michael Jackson hater, said he likes Thriller because of Quincy Jones. That Thriller was a Quincy Jones album, with just Michael's name on the title ie Quincy's album in everything but name. He said Quincy put the album togther before Michael entered the studio.

Let me just say that I'm no music expert, I just know what I like.

That being said, IF Thriller were all about Quincy, then Quincy could and would have done the same thing for TEVIN CAMPBELL. Remember him? He was supposed to be the next Michael Jackson and it never happened, because it couldn't happen, with or without the help of Quincy Jones. Nothing against Quincy, but some of these folks crack me up, with their reaching.

Thanks for the update benscarr.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

I guess Quincy Jones also wrote Billie Jean and other songs on Thriller. Some silly people think it's not cool to like Michael and they have to find an excuse so they could listen to him that's why they say stories like this.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

LOL I agree
They're smelly :p
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

IF Thriller were all about Quincy, then Quincy could and would have done the same thing for TEVIN CAMPBELL.

Quincy may be a genius of a producer, but he's no Berry Gordy when it comes to launching talent with great songs. I remember Tevin Campbell, his biggest song was Round and Round. It wasn't a Quincy Jones song or even a song found by Quincy, but a song written, composed and produced by Prince. From Prince's album Graffiti Bridge.

Some silly people think it's not cool to like Michael and they have to find an excuse so they could listen to him that's why they say stories like this.

Good point. I hate people like that, it's like people who might not like John Lennon and Paul McCartney but like a Beatles song or album and saying there producer George Martin put The Beatles songs together etc. Such absurd statements by the likes of Huey from a waste of space and forgotten group like the Fun Lovin Criminals, shows them up as totally ignorant with no respect for music. Give credit to artists where credit is due, and Michael derserves all the credit for Thriller that he gets, as it's a Michael Jackson album not a Quincy Jones album with Michael as a vocalist.
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Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Voted. - Again!!
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Quincy may be a genius of a producer, but he's no Berry Gordy when it comes to launching talent with great songs. I remember Tevin Campbell, his biggest song was Round and Round. It wasn't a Quincy Jones song or even a song found by Quincy, but a song written, composed and produced by Prince. From Prince's album Graffiti Bridge.

Good point. I hate people like that, it's like people who might not like John Lennon and Paul McCartney but like a Beatles song or album and saying there producer George Martin put The Beatles songs together etc. Such absurd statements by the likes of Huey from a waste of space and forgotten group like the Fun Lovin Criminals, shows them up as totally ignorant with no respect for music. Give credit to artists where credit is due, and Michael derserves all the credit for Thriller that he gets, as it's a Michael Jackson album not a Quincy Jones album with Michael as a vocalist.

it´s quincy and michael togheter that made thriller for what it is. If quincy was not there, then there would be no thriller, and the same if mj was not there there would be no thriller. they bring out the best in eachother
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

MTV Base did theirs today. I saw it just a while ago. Mainly hip hop and R n B albums, but Michael was number one. Panel were all in agreement with how influential he was, Craig David was one person I knew. Guy who was kind of tutting was DJ Semtex but Trevor Nelson wasn't having it. Said he has interviewed hundreds of artists and everyone cites him as an influence. From rock to indie to hip-hop.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Voted. :) It was hard, because they had Radiohead, Prince, and U2 on there too, but neither of the listed were their best albums. Thriller trumps all those albums.
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

Voted again...and again :cheeky:
Re: MTV Poll: Greatest Album Ever (Thriller Nominated & TV Specials)

voted once again. I hope he wins :yes: