Thriller 40th Anniversary


Pop Giganten

Folge 44​

  • 44. Michael Jackson – 40 Jahre Thriller​

    Folge 44
    Das Jahrhundert-Talent Michael Jackson war mit der Veröffentlichung des Albums „Thriller“ und der gleichnamigen Single auf dem Höhepunkt seines Schaffens.; Das Jahrhundert-Talent Michael Jackson war mit der Veröffentlichung des Albums „Thriller“ und der gleichnamigen Single auf dem Höhepunkt seines Schaffens. – Bild: IMAGO/MediaPunch IMAGO/MediaPunch

    Das Jahrhundert-Talent Michael Jackson war mit der Veröffentlichung des Albums „Thriller“ und der gleichnamigen Single auf dem Höhepunkt seines Schaffens.;
    Michael Jackson war ein Jahrhunderttalent. Mit seinen Alben, ganz besonders mit „Thriller“ und der gleichnamigen Single, schrieb er 1982 Musikgeschichte. Dieser Erfolg war von keinem mehr zu überbieten, selbst Jacksons nachfolgende Werke reichten nicht mehr heran. Die neue Ausgabe der Musik-Doku „Pop Giganten“ zeichnet die einmalige Erfolgsgeschichte von Michael Jackson. (Text: RTL Zwei)
    Deutsche TV-Premiere Montag 14.11.2022RTL Zwei
Michael Jackson was a talent of the century. With his albums, especially with "Thriller" and the single of the same name, he wrote music history in 1982. This success could not be surpassed by anyone, even Jackson's subsequent works did not reach it. The new edition of the music documentary "Pop Giganten" traces the unique success story of Michael Jackson. (Text: RTL Two)
German TV premiere Monday 14.11.2022 RTL two
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Rleasing a Victory Tour concert would require the collaboration of all living Jackson brothers. Prior to the reissues last year, their working relationship was… contentious, to say the least. Let’s not pretend like they can just release a concert without issue.
Are you sure? A lot of the time they make teenagers sign some sort of disclaimer to give up their rights.

Besides, I don't exactly see Marlon doing much to make money to pay his bills at the moment. I'm sure the brothers would love it to have another payday.

It also makes a whole lot of sense. On the singles from Thriller, there are a total of 4 or 5 live Jacksons recordings. So that's stuff that has already been released and could be included without issue.

's all very impressive what Nirvana, Prince or Guns N' Roses release but they haven't had any controversies attached to their names.
Um, what?! No controversies? The Nirvana frontman is known for having fights onstage. His wife allegedly took drugs while pregnant, and then when his daughter was about two, he put his shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

As for Guns n Roses, there's pretty much nothing about them that isn't controversial.

I wonder where they went. Destroyed? Misplaced?
Just disintegrated. This sort of stuff just gets stored in a damp garage. The source material just slowly deteriorates. It has to be digitised as early as possible. Probably for each year in storage you lose another 10 pixels.

Having said that, the imax version does look good. Shame it sounded so bad. Opposite case to Bad/Wembley, which sounded good but looked unwatchably terrible.
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As for Thriller short films I think they should be released on both physical & digital so we actually own it and have the best quality. Just post it on the official MJ YT. Hopefully the leaks are true and it does happen next month.
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On the singles from Thriller, there are a total of 4 or 5 live Jacksons recordings. So that's stuff that has already been released and could be included without issue.
Those live versions were just catalogue releases - all sourced from an already released LP (The Jacksons Live '81).
I think he should have named his son Princess to avoid confusion with the real Prince. I can’t be the only one who has problems with this.
It’s definitely late, but putting MJ on the f**king NASDAQ? That’s awesome. Hopefully we’re seeing the beginning of the buildup!
It’s not late. This is the PERFECT time to begin the marketing strategy right at Halloween. If the Estate had started it earlier, it wouldn’t have been as effective. I LOVE the NASDAQ nod. Brilliant and Awesome.👌👏👊
I think he should have named his son Princess to avoid confusion with the real Prince. I can’t be the only one who has problems with this.
Priince’s full name is Prince Michael Jackson, Jr. His brother Bigi’s full name is Prince Michael Jackson,II. Both were name after Katherine Jackson’s father, Prince Scruse, their Great Grandfather. This has nothing to do with Prince Rogers Nelson. I see no problem with it and have no problem with it. Katherine’s father was named Prince LONG before the artist, Prince. It’s only a problem if you MAKE it a problem.😎
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I am so proud of Prince.
He really is one awesome dude. He seems to effortlessly combine a cheerful, energetic, fun approach with a serious, mature, very grounded attitude to the things he has to deal with. He's always SO interesting to listen to. I kinda adore the guy!

He is a wonderful spokesperson for his Dad.
He is. He's Simply The Best!

Michael would be so proud of him.❤️❤️❤️❤️
He would be bursting with pride. 🥰
It’s not late. This is the PERFECT time to begin the marketing strategy right at Halloween. If the Estate had started it earlier, it wouldn’t have been as effective. I LOVE the NASDAQ nod. Brilliant and Awesome.👌👏👊
I agree. I can see the point of using the Halloween period to start your marketing campaign. It certainly makes sense to capitalise on something that is happening anyway. But there is a danger, as you say, of starting too soon and everyone starts to lose interest. I think they did the right thing. They caught the Halloween weekend; now they need to build momentum.
toay's the day they need to either release a single, release 4k videos or begin HEAVILY advertising on youtube and such.
They need to so something but...I dont expect them to do anything but release the album. I'm fed tf up with estate by far now. I almost don't even care about the project anymore
Priince’s full name is Prince Michael Jackson, Jr. His brother Bigi’s full name is Prince Michael Jackson,II. Both were name after Katherine Jackson’s father, Prince Scruse, their Great Grandfather. This has nothing to do with Prince Rogers Nelson. I see no problem with it and have no problem with it. Katherine’s father was named Prince LONG before the artist, Prince. It’s only a problem if you MAKE it a problem.😎
I got told not all of my jokes pay off on this forum. I guess this was one of them 😆
Priince’s full name is Prince Michael Jackson, Jr. His brother Bigi’s full name is Prince Michael Jackson,II. Both were name after Katherine Jackson’s father, Prince Scruse, their Great Grandfather. This has nothing to do with Prince Rogers Nelson. I see no problem with it and have no problem with it. Katherine’s father was named Prince LONG before the artist, Prince. It’s only a problem if you MAKE it a problem.😎
wow! thanks I did not know that! (new fan be excused). I thought it had something to do with him being King of Pop! silly me.

I got told not all of my jokes pay off on this forum. I guess this was one of them 😆
If its any consolation, got your joke :) People are really on edge these days with all the excitement (and disappointment) in the air, so add a joker face to make it clear that its a joke 😛
(new fan be excused)
Bit off-topic for a minute, hope I don't get murdered for it, but how does it feel being a new fan? 🤣
I surely miss them good times for me, the Estate has poisoned my soul.
Bit off-topic for a minute, hope I don't get murdered for it, but how does it feel being a new fan? 🤣
I surely miss them good times for me, the Estate has poisoned my soul.
No, don't say that. 🙁

I'm not a fan and I'm not new to this. Been into Michael since J5 days. But I am somewhat detached, shall we say. But you personally have been so helpful especially with BWT 1987. I don't think you realise how momentous my BWT 1987 thing was (and continues to be). Would I have got there without you? Yeah, bc it was finding an old thread that got me started on that. You popped up a bit later. But did you make it easier for me? Did you open it up a bit more? Did you post helpful links? Hell, yes! Was it nice for me knowing there were other people also appreciating the wonder that is BWT 1987? Of course. :D

You got me out of my muddle over the silver shirt / black shirt / red shirt. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? No, not really. But I am endlessly interested in Michael's stage clothes. It's a small thing but it was fab for me to get that cleared up.

Don't let the Estate get you down!