Thriller 3D Update

I don't have any problem with the audio changes if they include the original audio too. I'm sure the new audio sounds great in cinemas and it was the right thing to do but fans need to be able to choose the audio they want when gets released Blu-Ray. They should also include both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.
I don't have any problem with the audio changes if they include the original audio too. I'm sure the new audio sounds great in cinemas and it was the right thing to do but fans need to be able to choose the audio they want when gets released Blu-Ray. They should also include both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.

I think my main issue with it was they changed things that didn't need to be changed. And those things I suspect they didn't even notice. Yet I noticed it first time.

That's worrying to me.

But this won't on the whole spoil anyone's Thriller 3D experience, I shouldn't think. It does look and sound earth-shatteringly glorious!
Michael would have LOVED this update. I didn't hear any complaining when MJ signed off on adding remixes to the iconic Thriller songs on Thriller 25 with the likes of Fergie, William, Kanye West, etc. Some of the hardcore fans go way overboard in their intention of trying to "respect" his work. Michael loved success, and he loved reaching new generations. This is the #1 way of doing just that. This project was done tastefully and kept true to the magic of Thriller. The complaints in here are nitpicking, sorry to be blunt but I had to say it.

It's definitely nitpicking. But it has to be nitpicked. This is not a side project. This is major. MJs biggest short film. This is how generations to come will watch it. It has to be done right.

You can't honestly say Michael would have loved it, either.
This guys talking as if they had replaced MJ vocals with Malachi or something like that

This guys talking as if they had replaced MJ vocals with Malachi or something like that


This is the lack of care that lets the Estate get away with it, time and time again. It's not a major issue. I've said that several times. But does that give them free reign to edit Michael's work as they wish? Absolutely not.
It is a small thing but it's also something that I feel they should have gotten right and don't see how they could have messed up.
It is a small thing but it's also something that I feel they should have gotten right and don't see how they could have messed up.

Most don't see it as "messing up" - that's the point. Any changes that were made, are likely to have been either made for a specific reason that we are not privy to, or something that was an unintentional by-product of the work. Some people speak as though it was consciously done with evil intent and that, to me, is an unnecessary and onerous exaggeration.
Most don't see it as "messing up" - that's the point. Any changes that were made, are likely to have been either made for a specific reason that we are not privy to, or something that was an unintentional by-product of the work. Some people speak as though it was consciously done with evil intent and that, to me, is an unnecessary and onerous exaggeration.

When did I say it was done with evil intent? They got it wrong, I didn't say it was on purpose but they got it wrong.
SmoothGangsta;4231640 said:
When did I say it was done with evil intent? They got it wrong, I didn't say it was on purpose but they got it wrong.

Certain errors to me look like a lack of care (the Dance audio) but others might be the source of the sound effects was unusable. Who knows.

Either way, I hope we can get Michael’s audio and this 2018 audio. We did for the Xscape album, and in my eyes this is no different to Xscape.
dam2040;4231649 said:
Certain errors to me look like a lack of care (the Dance audio) but others might be the source of the sound effects was unusable. Who knows.

Either way, I hope we can get Michael’s audio and this 2018 audio. We did for the Xscape album, and in my eyes this is no different to Xscape.

If this is released for home viewing we won't be getting the original audio to accompany the remastered Thriller video. The best they could do is include the original (unremastered version) with the new version.

I haven't actually seen Thriller3D but from what I've read the remastered video is actually edited slightly differently (a couple of extra seconds here and there on existing scenes, and one person even suggested there was a new shot in the graveyward), so the old audio wouldn't fit.

I don't think the MJ Estate should continually handcuffed by providing edited and unedited audio/footage. It's not very productive and I doubt it made much difference to sales figures. They did it for Xscape to appease fans but I don't see that tactic being followed for all future releases.
dam2040;4231571 said:
The 'being forced to watch it' is a terrible point. Fans deserve to see Michael's work in the highest quality possible. Not edited versions, the originals, as Michael worked on them.

Oh, the "fans deserve" argument. Fans deserve nothing. Fans are not entitled to anything.
What fans Fans need to do, is double check their egos & if their individual opinion is really the most important one (a small hint: It isn't!!!). Fans need to get rid of their spoiled & childish wanting behavior. It's ridiculous. Really.

I would also love to have ALL the stuff, in the best quality & as quickly as possible. BUT that's NOT how it works.

There is simply a big difference between
a) the "highest possible quality" nowadays &
b) "the originals as Michael worked one on them"

If you want b) then have a go & enjoy the material as it was released originally. It's everywhere to get.

If you want a) you have to patiently wait for the products to arrive & take them in their state as they are. They are NOT worked on by MJ & therefore not in their original state. Because the original state is the low quality, low resulution, low whatever standard from the 1980’s & 90’s...

I read the article about the guy who mixed & mastered the new Thriller audio mix.
I suggest everyone search it & read it. I think it was done in the best possible way. There are always concessions that have to be made, one way or the other.

DuranDuran;4231575 said:
From what I've read few people had problems with it. The only complaints I've seen outside of this site is that it's being shown very few places outside of the USA and some said they didn't want to see the Clock movie.

Anyway, a lot of people today watch TV shows & movies on a phone, tablet, or a PC/laptop with cheap computer speakers. The screen on a phone is too small for picture quality to make that much of a difference. It's like an audiophile complaining about Beats headphones not being high quality. Most of the general public is listening to MP3s or Youtube videos with compressed sound, so headphones that cost $5000 would be pretty useless for these sources. Even the average person who has an actual TV has a cheap one from Wal-Mart and many of the TV channels broadcast in low quality, most are not HD. So who are these fans you're talking about? Probably a small percentage of people like the audiophile audience.

100 % agree.
Even most commenters on here probably think watching youtube videos in HD & listening to audio on notebook speakers is quality standard...
There's no reason certain aspects of the audio couldn't have matched the original. The problem is it's an approximate match. Simply put, not enough care was taken on certain aspects.
So there is a different ending? Anyone care to spoil? Spoiler alert!!!
Anytime people fall in love with the original (this goes for anything) the 'new version' is never fully appreciated. It's thoughs who are introduced to a project for the first time or doesn't have a emotional attatchement to the original that enjoy/appreciate the new project more.. This goes for movies, shows, reboots, remakes, remixes or any of that..

It's just the nature of human psychology!
NuTNC;4231718 said:
not joke, this real

Probably not allowed to comment on this without being “negative nancy” but I don’t see how this can be supported. There’s no excuse for this. You are changing history.

Let’s re-do the Mona Lisa, make her slightly more tanned and update the eyebrows. It’s fine right?

Anytime people fall in love with the original (this goes for anything) the 'new version' is never fully appreciated. It's thoughs who are introduced to a project for the first time or doesn't have a emotional attatchment to the original that enjoy/appreciate the new project more.. This goes for movies, shows, reboots, remakes, remixes or any of that.
Not for me. In a lot of cases I like the remix better than the original mix and the same for some remakes. I like the B.B. King & Aretha Franklin remakes of The Thrill Is Gone and Respect better than the original versions by Roy Hawkins & Otis Redding. Same for Got To Get You Into My Life by Earth Wind & Fire. I like The Beatles original, but I like EWF's better. I also like Walk This Way by Run DMC and I Don't Know Why by Brand New Heavies better than the originals by Aerosmith & Stevie Wonder. With Bell Biv DeVoe, I think the remixes are way better than the versions on the Poison album. Same with the Wham!/George Michael remixes for songs like Hard Day, Freedom, Everything She Wants, & Monkey.
dam2040;4231720 said:
Let’s re-do the Mona Lisa, make her slightly more tanned and update the eyebrows.
That's been done already. :rofl: Here's a few of them


dam2040;4231720 said:
Probably not allowed to comment on this without being “negative nancy” but I don’t see how this can be supported. There’s no excuse for this. You are changing history.

Let’s re-do the Mona Lisa, make her slightly more tanned and update the eyebrows. It’s fine right?

Following your logic, the original Thriller video is in shitty quality and that's how MJ wanted it to be released on every DVD pre "Vision"

So there you go you can always enjoy that original version, happy now?

I'm just following your logic btw. You should not even be asking for an HD version because that would be updating the video.
Hulkamaniac;4231724 said:
Following your logic, the original Thriller video is in shitty quality and that's how MJ wanted it to be released on every DVD pre "Vision"

So there you go you can always enjoy that original version, happy now?

I'm just following your logic btw. You should not even be asking for an HD version because that would be updating the video.

No, you’re not. Using the original film reels and AT LEAST trying to keep the original audio fine. Using alternate camera cuts, different scenes and changing the key/pitch to the audio is NOT what should be done here.

Updating Michael’s videos for 2018 needs to happen. But that is NOT editing them. You can improve the quality of something without the mistakes they’ve made trying to remake Thriller.

Trying to apply your own opinion to my “logic” is not a smart thing to do.
Following your logic, the original Thriller video is in shitty quality and that's how MJ wanted it to be released on every DVD pre "Vision"

So there you go you can always enjoy that original version, happy now?

I'm just following your logic btw. You should not even be asking for an HD version because that would be updating the video.
Actually it wouldn't be. All the details you see in the HD version were there on the 35mm film they shot. Thriller was showed in cinemas in 1983.
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Actually it wouldn't be. All the details you see in the HD version were there on the 35mm film they shot. Thriller was showed in cinemas in 1983.

Dude, I know that. The video quality is perfect to me, but this dude keeps complaining about the audio because according to him is way too different to the original. lol
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Dude, I know that. The video quality is perfect to me, but this dude keeps complaining about the audio because according to him is way too different to the original. lol

Well if it's in a different key/pitch and uses different sound effects then... 2+2 surprisingly equals 4.
I can't wait to see it.

As I am not a audio expert or something I'm not sure I would notice a little change in pitch - then I would propably have to see/hear the original right before or after to be able to compare.

I just hope to be able to see this 4K version soon...
I thought the song did sound different in pitch. But it's not as noticeable to me as the other edits.

What I would say is though, all the people who are critical of it should really see it first.