'This Is It' Producers: No MJ Body Doubles

Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Navi said he was asked to do some shots for this is it but refused!
and it is true, Navi really told that to a tabloid like News of the World. No, I can't believe it.

And it makes no sense, if it is true, that Joe Jackson promoting the movie and earns money with it, to say things like that. I am slowly really confused by this family.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Actually, I think I'm just going to wait and see next week. It's of course going to be Michael, or so I think. It just makes no sense at all that he wouldn't be at rehearsals. I don't have any problem with either of them but I couldn't care what Latoya and Joe 'don't believe'. They've not seen the movie, they weren't at rehearsals so why are they spouting that he wasn't in the movie?! Latoya even said that Michael was doing well when she saw him just a couple of weeks before he passed, so either they're making stuff up or Toya's going back on her words. And, now alot of fans are probably not going to go because of what Joe and Latoya "think" is in the film.

Don't worry...Two of the most despised members of the Jackson family, they have no credibility.

I am not even surprised. They are not getting paid therefore they don't want the movie to succeed. Regardless of the fact that their own mother and niece & nephews are getting a big chunk of the money.

Nothing from this dysfunctional family surprises me anymore.

Jackie liked the movie:
Finally a member of the Jackson family is speaking out about the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- up to now the family has either been silent or negative about the flick.

But Jackie Jackson -- who saw the movie on Thursday night -- liked it a lot, telling TMZ:

"My brother's movie 'This Is It' is truly riveting. Michael is electrifying! We get a glimpse of a true genius at work. His passionate message for healing the world, saving the planet and our children's futures is something he was always striving for in his lifetime."

So far Katherine Jackson is unmoved -- we hear she will not see the movie.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Let me just say this. I thought tabloids were banned here now and this is a tabloid rumor. How do we even know that Joe ever said anything like this? Is it on video? Sure dosn´t make any sense then he is also promoting the movie and hasn´t seen it himself yet.He is inviting people to see it with him and selling tickets, and that would be his way to have a part of it which he is now sabotaging himself. . I don´t believe he said this and there sure are no doubles in any of the clips I have seen.
The people behind "This Is It" are furious over reports that the Michael Jackson featured in the movie is a body double -- claiming those reports are "pure garbage."

The controversy began earlier this month after Joe Jackson claimed the media was going to "tear this movie apart" -- and insisted it was "mostly body doubles."

But a rep from Sony -- co-producers of the flick -- tells TMZ, "This story is pure garbage and there are no body doubles.

Audiences will begin to see the film tomorrow and every time they see The King of Pop they will know that every frame is unquestionably Michael as he rehearses and prepares for the London concerts that were to have begun this past summer."

Did people REALLY believe Joe & Latoya?

These two attention-whores haven't even seen the movie

Why do people even bother listening to them?

Sony should sue them. Like they say, money talks.
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It's common knowledge that Joe suffers from I'm-too-old-to-really-know-what-I'm-talking-about-itus.
Of course there are no doubles.

Stupid stupid Joe and La Toya - why would they EVER wanna start these stupid rumours!??
A big online newspaper in my country has run the story saying Joe and LaToya claims 'it's not Michael'. I hope they publish Sonys reply, or else there's a lot of people here in Norway bound to be confused about the truth.
Danish newspapers has also writing the story about the doubles.

Hope they release SONY's reply too - BUT I doubt it very much. They never write positive stuff! :(
If Joe really said that. I never liked him but it was News of the world after all wasn´t it? I talked to Rebbie on twitter and she said" I don´t think father would say anything like that"
Body doubles haha, :lol:

Maybe for stunts (if there was any) in the dome project. Michael ain't gunna put himself through glass! ha
A big online newspaper in my country has run the story saying Joe and LaToya claims 'it's not Michael'. I hope they publish Sonys reply, or else there's a lot of people here in Norway bound to be confused about the truth.
I think the movie is going to open in 90 countries at the same time, and if it really is good stories like that will go away soon I think because it is going to be too big. We will have to wait and see.
If Joe really said that. I never liked him but it was News of the world after all wasn´t it? I talked to Rebbie on twitter and she said" I don´t think father would say anything like that"

Actually Joe spoke to TMZ and made the same allegations 2 weeks ago. They had a direct quote from him.

NOTW may have took the quotes directly from TMZ, similar wording.
Just aired on Access Hollywood and The Insider about Joe saying the film used body doubles.

I guess Joe is pissed and has nothing to lose since he's not in the Will, so to me it's like he's trying to ruin movie ticket sales with all this body double rubbish. :rolleyes:
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Don't worry...Two of the most despised members of the Jackson family, they have no credibility.

I first heard of "doubles" on that NOT campaign FB so I assume Joe got all that info from that site. So it's not just those two members of the Jackson family.