'This Is It' Producers: No MJ Body Doubles

Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Maybe Joe meant stuntmen? Like when MJ is sliding down the stairs or something.

thats how I see it ^^^ Joe is known for getting his words mixed up he sometimes says/calls things different. he says the wrong word to describe things often.

there is not no MJ doubles.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Out of curiosity may I ask which clip or part of the performance or trailer
of TII did you feel was NOT Michael ??? Did any of them not look like Michael
to you or is it you just dont not know what Michael looks like_ like his manerisms
moves, speech patterns and voice ect ect .. Im not attcking you so please dont
feel that way (hugs) I just want to understand what would make a fan of Michaels
think that any of those clips were not of him .. maybe a new fan (which is understandable)

Yes, I'm a new fan. But please, don't call me a new fan because I always feel like I'm dumb. Haha ..
I've watched so many clips and interviews the last few months and in some parts I just don't feel that it's him. (I hope nobody will be mad at me for saying this : /) I have no doubt that in some parts its MJ himself. But for example in the TWYMMF clip, which was aired on oprahs show, where he's wearing the blue/red outfit, he looks kinda stiff to me. (that hip shaking part : P) and on top of that he makes a lot of .. strange moves, which I never seen before. I don't think it's innovative, sometimes it looks goofy, I'm so sorry to say that. And in some other clips he don't. Of course it's his voice and stuff, I would recognize it immediatly .. but I'm curious.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Michael has used doubles before in live-performances, especially the Thriller scene, and the "jet-pac" stunt. He's also used doubles in some videos, for example, E'Cass was used in some scenes in "Who Is It." He also used doubles sometimes when traveling, to throw off paparazzi. I wouldn't be surprised if doubles were used for some scenes in TII, especially the more dangerous/athletic scenes, such as crashing through a window and sliding down the stair-railing. As for the rest of TII, I guess just wait and see it and judge for yourselves?

Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

But .. seriously. Joe could have said 'stuntmen' instead of 'body doubles', couldn't he? He said that 99% of the movie are 'body doubles' or 'stuntmen', whatever. In that case, it doesn't matter. If that's true, it's just moneymaking and fooling the fans. Thats my opinion. : /
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

seriously?????? why would it have doubles?????
come on people! MJ would not sit back and allow a "double" to do a rehearsal for him! Please exercise a bit of common sense...
no there was no "double" during the Dangerous tour..
the WBSS blue pants stunt he was there until the trick started to work...the same with the Thriller trick..it is the same trick..
and in the Man in the Mirror during Dangerous he just had a stuntman operating a jetpack cos he was not allowed to...that is not a "double"...please get the words right!

Come on ...you really believe every word Joe is saying..please...he is bitter he is not getting anything from this movie so he is trying as much he can dignify it to talk it down to prove his point that AEG are bad bad people who took his son's life to get money..please take a step back and think..

I am speechless..fans questioning MJ's vocals, moves and now him being the movie at all....when will it end..give the man a break...
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

But .. seriously. Joe could have said 'stuntmen' instead of 'body doubles', couldn't he? He said that 99% of the movie are 'body doubles' or 'stuntmen', whatever. In that case, it doesn't matter. If that's true, it's just moneymaking and fooling the fans. Thats my opinion. : /

Is it 100% True that he said that , I don't believe that
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I wouldn't care.
Doubles are used all the time in movies for stunts or just because they are cheaper than the actual movie stars (why pay double for a back shot?).
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Yet, Joe is selling "Michael"'s movie and ask people to pay 3000$ to come watch "my son's last show" with him.


I guess Brenden Theater had not yet offered him this contract when TMZ first contacted him for a comment about the film.

OT: Joe is talking about MJ's fans..does he know how much some of us hate his guts? He is either clueless or he is senile.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Yet, Joe is selling "Michael"'s movie and ask people to pay 3000$ to come watch "my son's last show" with him.


I guess Brenden Theater had not yet offered him this contract when TMZ first contacted him for a comment about the film.

OT: Joe is talking about MJ's fans..does he know how much some of us hate his guts? He is either clueless or he is senile.

Joe is so money hungry.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I seriously don't know what to believe. I could be possible that they use body doubles, the 'MJ's' in the trailer seem to differ (my opinion), and I noticed that even before Joe made this statement.

No.. definitely not! Its all Michael. They used stunt men for the Smooth Criminal slide down the stairs. Doubles...no.

This is why there was filming:

Jackson had always filmed his rehearsals so that he could pore over the footage, often through the night, deciding what was working and what needed correcting or modifying. More than 130 hours of high-definition film had been recorded and upon Jackson's death these hours of footage suddenly took on a profound new significance.

So why would he use doubles?
Why on earth would they be rehearsing with doubles when Michael was doing the show? Or do you think they would have used doubles for the london shows too?

All this 'its not michael' stuff is ridiculous. It was him.. if people can't see that that IS michael then i don't know whats up with them. Give him the credit he deserves.
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Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

seriously?????? why would it have doubles?????
come on people! MJ would not sit back and allow a "double" to do a rehearsal for him! Please exercise a bit of common sense...
no there was no "double" during the Dangerous tour..
the WBSS blue pants stunt he was there until the trick started to work...the same with the Thriller trick..it is the same trick..
and in the Man in the Mirror during Dangerous he just had a stuntman operating a jetpack cos he was not allowed to...that is not a "double"...please get the words right!

Come on ...you really believe every word Joe is saying..please...he is bitter he is not getting anything from this movie so he is trying as much he can dignify it to talk it down to prove his point that AEG are bad bad people who took his son's life to get money..please take a step back and think..

I am speechless..fans questioning MJ's vocals, moves and now him being the movie at all....when will it end..give the man a break...

@qbee, I want to thank you too, but I don't want to make another quote,would be too much. Sometimes I feel so SAD about the thing even fans think and speak about Michael. I can't say how sad it makes me.
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Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Yes, I'm a new fan. But please, don't call me a new fan because I always feel like I'm dumb. Haha ..
I've watched so many clips and interviews the last few months and in some parts I just don't feel that it's him. (I hope nobody will be mad at me for saying this : /) I have no doubt that in some parts its MJ himself. But for example in the TWYMMF clip, which was aired on oprahs show, where he's wearing the blue/red outfit, he looks kinda stiff to me. (that hip shaking part : P) and on top of that he makes a lot of .. strange moves, which I never seen before. I don't think it's innovative, sometimes it looks goofy, I'm so sorry to say that. And in some other clips he don't. Of course it's his voice and stuff, I would recognize it immediatly .. but I'm curious.

Well, you know that This Is It is a rehearsal documentary that was never intended to be released?

So given that MJ had no intention of releasing the footage during his lifetime, he was really just taping the rehearsals for him to watch them back.

So why would he employ a body double to attend his rehearsals? Why would a body double require to rehearse?

If you're more of a feeler than a thinker, then just trust us - it's absurd and ridiculous to entertain the notion that MJ was having body doubles rehearse on his behalf. That's like me asking my brother to take a whizz for me. Sure, he could do it, but I'd still need to whizz.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

You can clearly see that the "Michael" in the Smooth Criminal dome project is a stuntman. Pay attention closely and you will see. But that's all.

Really??!! Hmmm, i guess i need glasses......
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Yes, I'm a new fan. But please, don't call me a new fan because I always feel like I'm dumb. Haha ..
I've watched so many clips and interviews the last few months and in some parts I just don't feel that it's him. (I hope nobody will be mad at me for saying this : /) I have no doubt that in some parts its MJ himself. But for example in the TWYMMF clip, which was aired on oprahs show, where he's wearing the blue/red outfit, he looks kinda stiff to me. (that hip shaking part : P) and on top of that he makes a lot of .. strange moves, which I never seen before. I don't think it's innovative, sometimes it looks goofy, I'm so sorry to say that. And in some other clips he don't. Of course it's his voice and stuff, I would recognize it immediatly .. but I'm curious.

Sweetie, it was a rehersal. Give the man a break!
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

seriously?????? why would it have doubles?????
come on people! MJ would not sit back and allow a "double" to do a rehearsal for him! Please exercise a bit of common sense...
no there was no "double" during the Dangerous tour..
the WBSS blue pants stunt he was there until the trick started to work...the same with the Thriller trick..it is the same trick..
and in the Man in the Mirror during Dangerous he just had a stuntman operating a jetpack cos he was not allowed to...that is not a "double"...please get the words right!

Come on ...you really believe every word Joe is saying..please...he is bitter he is not getting anything from this movie so he is trying as much he can dignify it to talk it down to prove his point that AEG are bad bad people who took his son's life to get money..please take a step back and think..

I am speechless..fans questioning MJ's vocals, moves and now him being the movie at all....when will it end..give the man a break...

I agree. No way Michael would sit back and have someone else pretend to be him. He only did it when it was impossible for him to do a stunt (like the jet pack) or part of a stage trick (like the thriller thing). He did the toaster for crying out loud! That would scare the crap out of me. Why do you think he has broken so many bones? He was pretty much fearless.
I don't understand peole who say they are fans of Michael and then doubt his abilities. Why are you fans in the first place if you don't have confidence in him? He wouldn't have agreed to the concerts if he thought he was going to suck or need a double to perform for him. Give Michael some credit here people.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Well, you know that This Is It is a rehearsal documentary that was never intended to be released?

So given that MJ had no intention of releasing the footage during his lifetime, he was really just taping the rehearsals for him to watch them back.

So why would he employ a body double to attend his rehearsals? Why would a body double require to rehearse?

If you're more of a feeler than a thinker, then just trust us - it's absurd and ridiculous to entertain the notion that MJ was having body doubles rehearse on his behalf. That's like me asking my brother to take a whizz for me. Sure, he could do it, but I'd still need to whizz.
I think some people are trying to say that they filmed "rehearsals" after his death.
I don't believe any bit of it.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Today they asked the question at TMZ Live Chat and they said that there was a stuntmen hired to do some hard dance moves etc. so yes there was a stuntmen (there was always a stuntmen in all mj concerts - the flying etc) but there was no body doubles etc.

Also previously they said that when Michael was not present or only the dancers were practicing Travis Payne was taking his place.

Also logically thinking to record some body doubles after his death they need to have the stage , dancers and the band etc the same way so it would look the same. Yes they might have them but the stage was gone - remember they used the staples center for the memorial.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

its michael dont worry!
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

okay...why are people even paying Joesph any attention at this point. the man is damn near 80 and prolly didn't even remember his sons middle name until June 25th...gotta love Papa Joe tho...he reminds me SO MUCH of my own father is ridiculous...i tune his ass out too :)
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I think some people are trying to say that they filmed "rehearsals" after his death.
I don't believe any bit of it.

That's one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard, along with "he's still alive". Those musicians and dancers, and crew members, are professionals. They live in the real world, and are real people. Therefore this didn't happen.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

That's one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard, along with "he's still alive". Those musicians and dancers, and crew members, are professionals. They live in the real world, and are real people. Therefore this didn't happen.

I've just come across some fans believing it...which baffles me sense the memorial took place there :mello:
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I've just come across some fans believing it...which baffles me sense the memorial took place there :mello:

What strikes me as weird is that these people are obviously very suggestible. They obviously are capable of hearing a theory, and latching on to it. Why, then, aren't they equally susceptible to a reasoned voice saying "actually, this is fiction"? It's the same with the "still alive" theorists. If they're so ready to believe something ridiculous and unproven, how come they're not much MORE convinced by the most rational interpretation?
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Sweetie, it was a rehersal. Give the man a break!

I KNOW that these are rehersals (I'm not stupid.), and that they're defintly not 'stage perfect', but would Michael want us too see this? I really don't know, that's because I'm not going to view the movie. Like FunkyMunky said it already.

But please people, I really don't want to upset anyone. But please understand my point. I don't like Joe either but you can't refuse EVERYthing he says. If he says that 99% of the actual movie are stuntmen und NOT Michael himself (no, I don't blame Michael for using doubles, stuntmen .. whatever. You get my point.), THEN the fans are fooled by the people who produced the film. I really don't want to see a movie which contains only 1% of the 'real' MJ. Understand me now? I know my english really ain't the best. But I hope somone will understand and get my point, without being mad at me.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I KNOW that these are rehersals (I'm not stupid.), and that they're defintly not 'stage perfect', but would Michael want us too see this? I really don't know, that's because I'm not going to view the movie. Like FunkyMunky said it already.

But please people, I really don't want to upset anyone. But please understand my point. I don't like Joe either but you can't refuse EVERYthing he says. If he says that 99% of the actual movie are stuntmen und NOT Michael himself (no, I don't blame Michael for using doubles, stuntmen .. whatever. You get my point.), THEN the fans are fooled by the people who produced the film. I really don't want to see a movie which contains only 1% of the 'real' MJ. Understand me now? I know my english really ain't the best. But I hope somone will understand and get my point, without being mad at me.
There is no logic to Joe's statement. So you shouldn't believe it. It's ridiculous. Have you ever seen a lookalike who looks identical to MJ? And just happens to be able to dance and sing like him too? I don't think so somehow. Even the best lookalikes are not that similar to MJ.
Plus, MJ wouldn't have someone else rehearsing for him. That's insane.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

but would Michael want us too see this?

I think so. Wasn't he going to put the rehearsal footage on DVD anyway?
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

There is no logic to Joe's statement. So you shouldn't believe it. It's ridiculous. Have you ever seen a lookalike who looks identical to MJ? And just happens to be able to dance and sing like him too? I don't think so somehow. Even the best lookalikes are not that similar to MJ.
Plus, MJ wouldn't have someone else rehearsing for him. That's insane.

I know, but I look at it from a different point. I seriously don't think he would said something like THIS without a reason. Because a statement like this could ruin the whole movie project. Why is he sayin sth like this when he's selling a 3000$ ticket to dinner with the jackson family after the movie? That would make no sense too, wouldn't it? I don't want to protect Joe, I really don't. But that's just one of the many things I just don't understand. If it's 100% true that he said that, why would he ruin a project where he could make money out of it? 'Something' seems wrong. 'Someone' is lying, and I seriously don't know who I can believe in this case.


No doubt! But everything? As a perfectionist, as he was, he would have cut some scenes, for sure. I'm not sure if he wants to be filmed in some situations.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I know, but I look at it from a different point. I seriously don't think he would said something like THIS without a reason. Because a statement like this could ruin the whole movie project. Why is he sayin sth like this when he's selling a 3000$ ticket to dinner with the jackson family after the movie? That would make no sense too, wouldn't it? I don't want to protect Joe, I really don't. But that's just one of the many things I just don't understand. If it's 100% true that he said that, why would he ruin a project where he could make money out of it? 'Something' seems wrong. 'Someone' is lying, and I seriously don't know who I can believe in this case.


No doubt! But everything? As a perfectionist, as he was, he would have cut some scenes, for sure. I'm not sure if he wants to be filmed in some situations.
What is more likely here:

- That MJ has a clone, I'm sorry, a "lookalike", who can do everything MJ can and did all of the rehearsals for him.


- Joe Jackson is wrong.

There is clearly only one answer.
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