'This Is It' Producers: No MJ Body Doubles


Proud Member
Sep 17, 2011
This is it has MJ doubles???

I seen somewhere on TMZ, but can't find it now, Joe was claiming film/Doc was filled with MJ doubles and film will be ripped apart by the media.

Do you know if film is filled by doubles, or Joe just starting trouble again?
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I seen somewhere on TMZ, but can't find it now, Joe was claiming film/Doc was filled with MJ doubles and film will be ripped apart by the media.

Do you know if film is filled by doubles, or Joe just starting trouble again?

They removed that because Kenny Ortega, Sony Pictures and AEG assured them that it is 100% MJ 100% of the time :D
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

And why would Joe start such a rumor! :crazy: he's gone too far
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Still wouldn't surprise me if they used doubles - I will reserve judgement until I see the film.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

lol such positivity that radiates from here is amazing! There are no doubles and if there are its just For Michael to see how it looks. Even though they do have playback lol.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Hmmmm. So they werent even going to use a double for Thriller? ;)

If so, then it wouldnt be 100% MJ all the time.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I seriously don't know what to believe. I could be possible that they use body doubles, the 'MJ's' in the trailer seem to differ (my opinion), and I noticed that even before Joe made this statement.

Why would he ruin this movie, where he's offering tickets for 3000$, with such a statement? That would make no sense, wouldn't it? I'm confused!
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Maybe Joe meant stuntmen? Like when MJ is sliding down the stairs or something.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Clearly Michael in the trailer and ALL clips we've seen.

As for doubles, I think do_re_mi is probably right with stuntmen. I mean look at when Michael did Thriller in past tours and the ending to the Dangerous Tours.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Of course there are no body doubles in any of the performances or footage we've seen. If anything, a stuntman may have been used for parts of the Dome project (e.g., when Michael jumps through the window) or during certain illusions--but even that is not certain (especially if Sony said that 100% of the footage is Michael Jackson).

I can't believe Joe Jackson would make such a wild insinuation, if he did. This is no better than the tabloids that wrote how Michael's show was going to be full of body doubles while he was still here and that he would only be on stage for 13 minutes a show!
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Joseph is SICK... He is making this for attention... again... Disgusting creature!
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

it's nervwracking. Why fans believe everything .... and then going to spread those false claims.

Of course there are stuntmen as in every movie too, if it comes to dangerous scenes, like in the Dangerous Concert at the end, when MJ seems to leave the stage with a jet pack'.I think but I am not sure there is a stuntman.

Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

it's nervwracking. Why fans believe everything .... and then going to spread those false claims.

Of course there are stuntmen as in every movie too, if it comes to dangerous scenes, like in the Dangerous Concert at the end, when MJ seems to leave the stage with a jet pack'.I think but I am not sure there is a stuntman.


I am positive its him, I can tell lol because theres no other sexy body like michaels
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

In every clip and pictures we've seen of TII, it's obviously MJ - that hoax death site tried saying that it was mostly Navi. They've obviously never seen Navi.

As has been said - he probably had stuntment but no doubles.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

Michael has used doubles before in live-performances, especially the Thriller scene, and the "jet-pac" stunt. He's also used doubles in some videos, for example, E'Cass was used in some scenes in "Who Is It." He also used doubles sometimes when traveling, to throw off paparazzi. I wouldn't be surprised if doubles were used for some scenes in TII, especially the more dangerous/athletic scenes, such as crashing through a window and sliding down the stair-railing. As for the rest of TII, I guess just wait and see it and judge for yourselves?
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

It cant have been Navi. Navi doesnt dance that well :p
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I seriously don't know what to believe. I could be possible that they use body doubles, the 'MJ's' in the trailer seem to differ (my opinion), and I noticed that even before Joe made this statement.

All Michael did was change his hair style he went back to the curls had some collegen injections
to fill out his nose (which was verified by his dermatologist) and which looked very nice :)
He also lost some weight which has been well established . As a long time fan and follower of
MJ _I will assure you every clip we have seen SO FAR is indeed Michael Jackson except for
maybe the 3D scene jumping through the glass that may be special effects .. but all the live
performances and where Mj was speaking was Michael.

Out of curiosity may I ask which clip or part of the performance or trailer
of TII did you feel was NOT Michael ??? Did any of them not look like Michael
to you or is it you just dont not know what Michael looks like_ like his manerisms
moves, speech patterns and voice ect ect .. Im not attcking you so please dont
feel that way (hugs) I just want to understand what would make a fan of Michaels
think that any of those clips were not of him .. maybe a new fan (which is understandable)
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Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I doubt that there will be MJ doubles.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

All Michael did was change his hair style he went back to the curls had some collegen injections
to fill out his nose (which was verified by his dermatologist) and which looked very nice :)
He also lost some weight which has been well established . As a long time fan and follower of
MJ _I will assure you every clip we have seen SO FAR is indeed Michael Jackson except for
maybe the 3D scene jumping through the glass that may be special effects .. but all the live
performances and where Mj was speaking was Michael.

Out of curiosity may I ask which clip or part of the performance or trailer
of TII did you feel was NOT Michael ??? Did any of them not look like Michael
to you or is it you just dont not know what Michael looks like_ like his manerisms
moves, speech patterns and voice ect ect .. Im not attcking you so please dont
feel that way (hugs) I just want to understand what would make a fan of Michaels
think that any of those clips were not of him .. maybe a new fan (which is understandable)

spot on
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

I don't think there are any body doubles that were used. There may have been a STUNTMAN doing some of the scenes that could be viewed as dangerous for the Smooth Criminal vignette i.e. the crashing through the window scene.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

This rumor is as silly as can be. Maybe stunt double...but body double? Hmmmm...ok.

people seem to forget that the rehearsal films were not intended for public viewing, they were for Michael's personal use so he can review the day's performance in order to make correction and better his stage performance.

Why in the world would he use a body double during his rehearsal? The whole point of filming the rehearsal was so he could critique himself.

Geez people are stupid.
Re: This is it has MJ doubles???

people seem to forget that the rehearsal films were not intended for public viewing, they were for Michael's personal use so he can review the day's performance in order to make correction and better his stage performance.

Why in the world would he use a body double during his rehearsal? The whole point of filming the rehearsal was so he could critique himself.

Geez people are stupid.

I could care less about the topic of body doubles..........but your post here is not true really.....it has already been established that the footage would be used for a DVD or something after the concerts....so it was not "only" for his critiquing of the show. It would have been made public. there are countless threads that point to stories/articles pre-June 25th that discuss this.

and.......it is not nice to call people stupid.