This Is It Movie will be on Oprah Show on This wednessday

You know she did not so why you ask lmfao..(= but lol that's water under the bridge now it's alot of fake loving going on *shrugs*

How would I know if she did or didn't apologize? I didn't watch her show. I already said she wasn't getting ratings from me.

I can't believe this woman's farceness. :rolleyes:
How would I know if she did or didn't apologize? I didn't watch her show. I already said she wasn't getting ratings from me.

I can't believe this woman's farceness. :rolleyes:

I could be wrong but I think they meant "you know" as in; it's common knowledge that O won't apologize for anything regarding Michael, so there's no point in even asking the question.

In any case, I wanna see it and hope it'll be uploaded soon somwhere :)
How would I know if she did or didn't apologize? I didn't watch her show. I already said she wasn't getting ratings from me.

I can't believe this woman's farceness. :rolleyes:
It was a joke girl my goodness lmfao i meant it like you know oprah not going to speak on that
I could be wrong but I think they meant "you know" as in; it's common knowledge that O won't apologize for anything regarding Michael, so there's no point in even asking the question.

In any case, I wanna see it and hope it'll be uploaded soon somwhere :)
lol yeah that's what I meant
So out of the family, the only ones who've seen TII is Joe, Jermaine, Jackie and Marlon. Jackie and Marlon seemed very emotional after seeing the movie. In an AH snippet, Jackie looked like he was about to break down in tears and he couldn't answer the question for a few seconds.

The author of the article below got the brothers mixed up. Tito couldn't see the movie yet and Jackie has seen it twice now, I think.

Michael Jackson’s brothers talk to Oprah about ‘This Is It’
October 28, 4:52 PM
Atlanta Reality & Talk Show TV Examiner
Jackie Kass

Michael Jackson's brothers Tito and Jackie appeared on Oprah today, and talked about last night’s premiere of “This Is It.” Jackie Jackson told Oprah that although he attended the premiere and walked the red carpet, he didn’t stay to watch the film because “It was still too soon for me.” He also said that Mom Katherine, Janet, Latoya and Randy also chose not to view the film just yet. When Oprah asked Tito and Jackie if Michael Jackson’s children will see the film they replied that Prince, Paris and Prince Michael II would indeed watch the film at a private screening in their home. Jackie said, “They want to see it. They are ready to see it.”

Oprah gushed about Michael Jackson and “This Is It” and thought fans would see the genius at work. She said that Michael looked totally on top of his game. Jackie agreed and said, “Michael gave 200%. He was a genius at his work.” Tito added that now everyone will be able to see the best of Michael, including the fact that he was a huge humanitarian and a great father.

Oprah asked Tito and Jackie how they were coping since Michael’s death on June 25th. Jackie told her, “It’s been very difficult at times. He’s on my mind first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. It’s going to take some time for me.” Tito who saw the movie said, “It’s very emotional for me to watch him on stage. I still miss him dearly.”

Oprah thanked the brothers and urged everyone to see “This Is It” because she said, “You’ll see something you’ve never seen before.” “This Is It” opened today nationwide for an exclusive two-week run.
Just saw the rerun Oprah gets on my nerves a little but the brothers were great. I really have a great deal of respect for Tito's decision. I hope when he is ready it will be a happy experience for him.
I watched it and I enjoyed the interview with Tito and Jackie. I think Oprah maybe has had a change of heart perhaps? I dunno, but she seemed genuine to me.
I just saw the repeat:

The audience loved the movie. Oprah even said it is Oscar worthy (Don't jinx it!). She said how watching MJ's attention to detail make everyone want to be better at whatever they do. She liked his little speech about the state of the planet and when they were all in circle and MJ had a little pep talk with the group.
She asked Tito if he is thinking of watching the movie soon, and if he was the only family member that refused to see the movie. She asked the brother if they agreed that his legacy has changed thanks to the movie, because we had never seen the work he put behind the scene. Jackie agreed.
Oprah ended the segment by saying everything happened for a reason, she believed a lot more people will see MJ's message compare to the number that would have gone to the O2.

That is all that I can remember.

ETA: One of the ladies from The View just said she cannot imagine the movie not being nominated for a bunch of Oscar. OMG!!!! I am hopeful...Michael would have LOVE all this.

Oscar worthy...I agree. I watched the Oprah TII segment (DVR'd it) and it was very nice. I feel for the brothers.

That was Sherrie Shepherd on the View and she also attended the NYC red carpet premiere of TII. She says this movie makes you doubt MJ was on all the drugs the media will have you believe he was on. But Woopie Goldberg's response to that was that genius performers can hide all that once on stage performing. Hmmm. I doubt that very much.
Pleaseeeeee someone tape and upload on YouTube! x

In Australia Oprah is only on during the day so I never get to watch it cause I'm at work... So I'd appreciate if someone uploads it thanx :)
It is nice of Oprah to have another coverage of This Is It on her show and she also said really nice things about the movie and Michael.
It was nice what she said. I only hope that she does not go back on her word and say something negative in the future.
I do not trust anyone.
I don't get Oprah at all. I always felt she thought Michael was guilty of the those false charges. She said nothing when he died, her special about him was more about her and now this. She prasied him and the film and I wish she would have shown him this support when he was alive. Sorry but that is how I feel. I just don't get her.
There is nothing to get. This is just the nature of show business and has nothing to do with Oprah's personal feelings or opinions.
A lot of what Oprah does is based on how she feels. That's what comes across to me. I am glad she said nice things but that's all.
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