This Is It Movie will be on Oprah Show on This wednessday

I don't think Oprah is *too* terribly worried about ratings. She is a billionaire after all, and she has Harpo productions, which has/is producing other shows like Dr. Phil, The Doctors and The Dr. Oz show. I can't imagine her fretting over ratings for one, two, or even 20 shows.
I think Oprah has genuinely changed her opinion and views about Michael being a pedo. I don't believe she would do all this if she truly believed he was. She would of ignored his name, even if she desperately needed ratings. His death opened her eyes again and she began reflecting I believe. Who knows, maybe she even found out some things she never bothered researching about before, like the credibility of the accusers.

I believe she began looking back on Michael, watching his interviews, researching the allegations while preparing for these MJ segments on her show and it hit her hard that she was wrong. All the love out there for Michael also helped open her eyes to the truth. I truly believe that, that's my opinion anyway.

Meh...I agree with this:

For me to believe that she has changed, she needs to publically apologize for her behavior and snide remarks for the past 10-15 she did on her show whenever Michael was talked about.

Since Jackie will be on the show, it is a perfect opportunity for her to apologize. Everyone worries about ratings. Even if you are already successful, you want to stay successful.

she run a series on pedos a week before mj's trial started in 2005 and told the puplic we don't want them to get away again . it was not only in 1993 but also in 2005

Didn't know about this...:no:
Jackie Jackson is on Oprah tomorrow.

Some of the brothers are going to be at the premiere.

The premiere is gonna be insane. Access hollywood just showed the red carpet...and the floor will lit up like in the Billie Jean video.
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Jackie Jackson is on Oprah tomorrow.

Some of the brothers are going to be at the premiere.

The premiere is gonna be insane. Access hollywood just showed the red carpet...and the floor will lit up like in the Billie Jean video.

Jackie Jackson was the one she dreamed of marrying out of the Jackson 5. I wonder if she'll mention that....
I don't think Oprah is *too* terribly worried about ratings. She is a billionaire after all, and she has Harpo productions, which has/is producing other shows like Dr. Phil, The Doctors and The Dr. Oz show. I can't imagine her fretting over ratings for one, two, or even 20 shows.

I wouldn't say it's about being "worried" about ratings as it is about recognising that this is something BIG she'd hate to miss out on.
Like MJJGOAT said, even successful people want to remain successful. You need to keep giving and selling to stay there. And it's about being in with the new. In this case, featuring an MJ movie that is getting hyped everywhere is a clever move from a show business point of view.

I don't know if Oprah ever really thought Michael was a pedophile but the fact that she never said anything during that time to support him while clearly hinting towards the opposite makes her just as bad. So personally, her airing TII doesn't "prove" anything to me about her view of Michael.

Argh, I promised not to do any Oprah ranting.
oprah is a hyprocrite.She waits to see which way the wind is blowing before she takes a stand.She is desperate to stay on top and will do any thing for ratings.She saw the humongous reaction to MJ'S death and like the ,greedy media she too is cashing in.I don't want to hear from oprah or the many celebrites who weren't there for michael when he really needed them.My mom never forgave her for hastily producing a show about child molestation a few days after michael was accused in 1993.She did the same thing to chris Brown recently.And unlike michael chris publicly expressed his anger.

Exactly. I can't believe there are some people on this site who are actually falling for this trick of Oprah's. She doesn't even read the posts on her message board on her official site. Producer's do that.

Oprah has no sympathy. Like I said yesturday, she has yet to give Micheal a proper RIP statement or an apology. Therefore in my eyes, she has NOT changed. This is all about ratings. She's not getting my ratings. Many have also decided not to watch. I'll wait for an online upload.

But you'll see, if she doesn't apologize to Jackie or MJ fans on her show tommorow, you'll come back to this thread and say "you were right". lol

For her sake I hope she does say sorry. She owe's Micheal at least that. That is why I applaud Aphrodite Jones so much. At least she had the guts to say "I fucked up" and did it while he was alive.

I don't know if Oprah ever really thought Michael was a pedophile but the fact that she never said anything during that time to support him while clearly hinting towards the opposite makes her just as bad. So personally, her airing TII doesn't "prove" anything to me about her view of Michael.

Argh, I promised not to do any Oprah ranting.

Have you ever caught that episode of Oprah where people in the audience raised their hands, defended Micheal and were cut off by Oprah for commercial break and she ended up talking over them saying they didn't have the facts like she did? Did you see all the times she aimed comments towards Micheal being a pedophile? How she mocked the Jackson's on several occations? How when she did child molestations shows, she always mentioned Micheal as an example of what child molester were like. Yeah. She made her opinion loud and clear back in the 90's and early 2000's.

The movie has enough publicity as it is. 'This is it' DOES NOT need Oprah.
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Have you ever caught that episode of Oprah where people in the audience raised their hands, defended Micheal and were cut off by Oprah for commercial break and she ended up talking over them saying they didn't have the facts like she did? Did you see all the times she aimed comments towards Micheal being a pedophile? How she mocked the Jackson's on several occations? How when she did child molestations shows, she always mentioned Micheal as an example of what child molester were like. Yeah. She made her opinion loud and clear back in the 90's and early 2000's.

The movie has enough publicity as it is. 'This is it' DOES NOT need Oprah.
I remember watching and taping that episode when it aired, actually hoping for something positive, but taped over it immediately afterwards.
Yes, the bit where a lady in audience tried to speak up for Michael and *surprise* her words didn't end up getting on air.

Well, I appreciate any publicity TII is getting and it's fine if Oprah wants to join in (as she would). I just don't agree with people who say "This shows she is cool with Michael" or whatever. IMO, it doesn't really show anything aside from O wanting to get in on the action.
I don't see it as a "trick" or anything though.
It's not a crime not having known that much about him or about his music before. With all the exposure now, it's only normal that a lot of people become fans.

It's not hypocresy, it's the level of exposure of his music.

About fansites, people make them for the same reason that they make fansites about Elvis or John Lennon. Do you think they shouldn't?.
Oh please these people i'm talking about are in their 20's and up and just jumped on board all of a sudden.I'm not saying everybody did but alot of people have especially here in the u.s , it's really messed up but hey it is what is it.
Let that fat, ugly, self-centered BITCH rot in hell.
I come here sometimes and see nothing but evil in some posters on this boards. it is utterly frightening. I doubt michael would ever consider those on this board who are spewing so much hate in his name a friend. never. never. never!
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I come here sometimes and see nothing but evil in some posters on this boards. it is utterly frightening. I doubt michael would ever consider those on this board who are spewing so much hate in his name a friend. never. never. never!

Well said :)
We hate it when people talk about MJ in a hateful way, yet have no problem talking about other's the same way ourselves.
Michael's message was love, so chill it with the nasty comments.
..smells like guilt to me. I think her actions will be seen differently depending on how you feel about this entire situation.

If you think it's too little, too late (like I do) you'll be suspicious as hell of her motives and wonder why she's just now trying to do something non-negative related to Michael Jackson's music.

If you like the fact that people are now recognizing his artistry, then you may not mind the fact that she's now paying attention to him.

But yeah she is chasing ratings and there does seem to be this unspoken guilt of 'maybe i should have reached out more' or 'maybe i shouldn't have jumped to conclusions' etc. coming from her.
Tito didn't see the movie, he just went to the premiere, he said it's too soon. The man is still hurting. Jackie talks like Mike, I never realized that. Yall should have seen Oprah, bitch is crazy, she was so excited to see Jackie and Tito. Jackie smiles all the time when he talks about Mike, so so sad. I feel bad for Mike's brothers and sisters, you can tell they adored him.
I missed the first half hour of Oprah. Was Jackie on then?
No Marlon? I love Marlon... :heart:

Ill watch it tonight when it repeats later on...
I thought the segment was great! the audience loved the movie, Oprah said its Oscar worthy and Jackie and Tito were there :wub:
I just saw the repeat:

The audience loved the movie. Oprah even said it is Oscar worthy (Don't jinx it!). She said how watching MJ's attention to detail make everyone want to be better at whatever they do. She liked his little speech about the state of the planet and when they were all in circle and MJ had a little pep talk with the group.
She asked Tito if he is thinking of watching the movie soon, and if he was the only family member that refused to see the movie. She asked the brother if they agreed that his legacy has changed thanks to the movie, because we had never seen the work he put behind the scene. Jackie agreed.
Oprah ended the segment by saying everything happened for a reason, she believed a lot more people will see MJ's message compare to the number that would have gone to the O2.

That is all that I can remember.

ETA: One of the ladies from The View just said she cannot imagine the movie not being nominated for a bunch of Oscar. OMG!!!! I am hopeful...Michael would have LOVE all this.
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Tito said his siblings refuse see the movie Rebbie, Janet, Latoya and Randy it was too soon for them. Jackie said the Michael's kids will see the movie private at home.
28th October 2009
On her show today, Daytime Emmy Award winning talk show host Oprah Winfrey will take an exclusive look at Michael Jackson's 'This Is It.' Check your local listings for times.
Earlier this month Winfrey sat down with Director Kenny Ortega to discuss the upcoming release of 'This Is It.'
Check back on Oprah's Website later today for coverage from her special.
Click on the link below for more details about the show:-;
Thanks for the updates guys. Jackie and Tito are so awesome.:happy: I hope someone will get it online soon so we can all watch it. :yes: