This Is It Movie will be on Oprah Show on This wednessday

when Michael passed, it was my hope that okra would have enough decency to never utter his name. That's the least she could do, I felt. But I see her deceitful, fake azz is jumping on the bandwagon and fighting for ratings again. Since I cannot tolerate the sight of her, I won't be tuning in Wednesday.
I think it is a great thing that she is promoting the movie...After the bad press (thanks to Joe & Latoya)...I think we should welcome such a high profile promotion.

We want the movie to be a success. For MJ's legacy. And for his wonderful children.
Trust it get's on my nerves too , i'm not really nice to the new fans unless you too young to know who he was lol but it's sad.I see people making fansites on him now , i'm like for what?

It's not a crime not having known that much about him or about his music before. With all the exposure now, it's only normal that a lot of people become fans.

It's not hypocresy, it's the level of exposure of his music.

About fansites, people make them for the same reason that they make fansites about Elvis or John Lennon. Do you think they shouldn't?.
I think Oprah has genuinely changed her opinion and views about Michael being a pedo. I don't believe she would do all this if she truly believed he was. She would of ignored his name, even if she desperately needed ratings. His death opened her eyes again and she began reflecting I believe. Who knows, maybe she even found out some things she never bothered researching about before, like the credibility of the accusers.

I believe she began looking back on Michael, watching his interviews, researching the allegations while preparing for these MJ segments on her show and it hit her hard that she was wrong. All the love out there for Michael also helped open her eyes to the truth. I truly believe that, that's my opinion anyway.

I believe all those comments we posted on her website opened her eyes. We advised her to stop being ignorant and lazy and investigate the allegations. I believed she did because since 1993 she had nothing positive about Michael on her show and now she does. I know I personally blasted her on website and I was an Oprah fan. She was the bible for me. IF Oprah said it must be true.
And yall say Oprah doesn't care for Mike. Oprah I believe feels bad that she didn't appreciate this talented and amazing person as so many other have recently discovered. She does not need promotion from Mike to promote her show. She's never been that type. So I do believe these jestures are from the heart. And if she really thought badly of him she would not have him on her show at all like she's done with others, including many rappers who degrade women and call it art.

IMO its all about GUILT... as Madonna said...many turned their backs on him and I believe Oprah was one....she knew people who knew him..she could have done what Geraldo did and give him a chance to air his side during the trial...........BUT she didnt

I believe her azz is not sleeping well at night since Michael died..
oprah is a hyprocrite.She waits to see which way the wind is blowing before she takes a stand.She is desperate to stay on top and will do any thing for ratings.She saw the humongous reaction to MJ'S death and like the ,greedy media she too is cashing in.I don't want to hear from oprah or the many celebrites who weren't there for michael when he really needed them.My mom never forgave her for hastily producing a show about child molestation a few days after michael was accused in 1993.She did the same thing to chris Brown recently.And unlike michael chris publicly expressed his anger.
oh please the b*tch is doing it for the ratings

but like they said - let's enjoy the exposure the movie is getting, we all know without Oprah's help Michael's name and legacy would've gone down the drain...oh wait...or is it the other way around? :smilerolleyes:

Exactly. All this love saved up for nothing! It's simply too little, too late.
she run a series on pedos a week before mj's trial started in 2005 and told the puplic we don't want them to get away again . it was not only in 1993 but also in 2005
Oh come on...let's move on from the Oprah hate. In a little over 24 hours, some of us will be experiencing the genius of MJ...and we are ranting about Oprah?

It will be great promotion...what is done is done.

You are right about one thing, if not more, it will be GREAT promotion. Remember Oprah is HUGE and powerful in the U.S.
I think she is hurt over Michael. I could see it on her face when Kenny was there.
I am going to look at it. This is about business. The media has been using Michael. Now it is his turn to use the Media. We need to break records with this movie. If we don't we will never here the end of it.(have a heart; is not my computer)
Come on now guys...enough b!tching about Oprah. Let's enjoy and appreciate the fact that "This is it" will have major exposure going into the Halloween weekend (Halloween weekends are among the worst time for Box Office).

Despite what AEG has been saying, the movie is FAR from being sold out.

I am gonna watch it...I am sure she will watch the movie with the audience and they will discuss it with the fans after.
I would LOVE to see that, but will be on the way to see the movie at this time! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

She also invited the folks from "Thrill the world-Chicago" to be on the show that same day.
Did they take part in the simultaneous Thriller dance the other day?
Hmm...Jackie. That'll be a first, eh? Good for him for deciding that if he's gonna talk, he's gonna sit down with Oprah, instead of running to TMZ or Access Hollywood every 5 minutes.