This is it... Dancers/Rehearsals/Videos [Threads Merged]

Re: In what way will MJ be in rehearsals with the dancers?

He will probably rehearse with the dancers as often as possible. It is important for MJ and the dancers to work on the dynamic of their performance. Michael is very technical and diverse in his dancing, and the dancers have to learn to move with Michael. Michael also need to move with them, because Michaels solo dancing is pure improvisation. So he needs to practice on that with the dancers.

Michael is also involved heavily in the choreography, so he will naturally be part of that aspect of rehearsals

But we have not seen footage of him dancing lol or nothing has been leaked from that part :mello:
Re: In what way will MJ be in rehearsals with the dancers?

But we have not seen footage of him dancing lol or nothing has been leaked from that part :mello:

We don't have to. Michael has done this before, and he has his way of doing it.

There is tons of footage of Michael rehearsing from previous tours.
Really moving to watch, they seem to have a lot of love for Michael..
Guys - I am really proud of our Ozzies right now! If it's true about Orionathi doing guitar then that's wild because she is Ozzie AND she was born in my home town of Adelaide. So WILD!! But then on top of that - what definitely is true - is that Shannon Holtz is one of the dancers - and he is from our very own Ozzie Project Moda dance duo!! That is just 2 insane and wild - 2 Ozzies on the crew!!!!

PS - I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if somebody has already realised this and posted it
It's the video from isn't it?
Just so you guys know, there are a lot more dancers than what you saw in the video. One particular performance has about 30 dancers... :)
When I saw this video, really gives me a goosebumps! I almost wanna cry,and I felt soo happy for them. man! really awesome feeling for them, good luck to all and ready to rock!! ^^
From Twizzle:

timordance - Working hard every day@ MJ Rehearsals...Working hard and Living my dream...Making MJ Proud off us Leting the Legend Feel What he Created!!!! - about 1 hour ago from web
Ok, as you all know by now I am not happy with one of the dancers being chosen, nevertheless I do not want to withhold a piece of information I received about the rehearsals.

Rehearsals are taking place every day from 11.00 till 20.00 with the exception of Sunday.

The dancers are going to tour 2 years with Michael.

From Twizzle: timordance - Working hard every day@ MJ Rehearsals...Working hard and Living my dream...Making MJ Proud off us Leting the Legend Feel What he Created!!!! - about 1 hour ago from web
Thank you Johan and micky. Wow from 11 to 20? They're working very hard. If I was one of the dancers, I wouldn't feel tired. I would go to work feeling like this--->:wild: every single day and it would be one of the happiest moments of my life. Can you imagine goin to work feeling that positive? LOL It should be good for your health.

"Making MJ proud of us"-I like esp. this part.
Thanks for the info guys. Ahhhh, this is so exciting.
From Kenny Ortega's Twitter

MJ's awesome! We started Tech rehearsals last week. We've been in Band and Dance rehearsals since April. Cheers...