This is it... Dancers/Rehearsals/Videos [Threads Merged]

Re: This Is It Dancers

How do you know he doesn't appreciate it more?

fact is you don't.


I'm not saying he doesn't appreciate it at all. It's clear that all the dancers who are picked, want to be there. But like someone else said, his dream was to be up with Justin Timberlake, that's like his main goal. I'm just gonna use a very stupid example. What if you were a dancer and let's just say your main goal was to dance with Madonna. You got booked for Michael Jackson, you are REALLY REALLY REALLY excited about that, but you would have preferred to dance with Madonna because that's your main goal.

So lets say you and me would both audition for Madonna. You really want that job, it's your dream and Madonna is the reasson why you're dancing (ok REALLY STUPID EXAMPLE). I do not really like Madonna, I think she's an icon, but she's def. not the reasson why I'm dancing and I actually have other plans for the future. Then you see me getting that job, while I'm not really that passionate about would you feel? Wouldn't you think you deserved it more than I did?

That's why I think it would be more fun if someone else who's main goal was to dance with Michael Jackson got his spot. I do not want to make the misinterpretations that I don't think he deserved it, because I know he worked his ass of.

When it comes down to these kind of auditions. It shouldn't only be about who's the best, but also who wants it the most and who's the most passionate about it.
Re: This Is It Dancers

Geez, Michael himself chose this guy, they obviously felt that, out of those hundreds of people, he was one of the few that had what it took. I'd be surprised if he would start shit on the show, nobody wants to create issues for MJ. Any attitude problems, I'm sure, would take one sit-down. You either play ball, or you're out.

If you really feel that the show would somehow be less exciting for you because that person is one of the dancers, well than I honestly think you're way too superficial. But that's just my opinion. He's just there to dance, you won't even notice any of his shiz on stage.
Re: This Is It Dancers

Geez, so now people have to take issue with one of the dancers. Typical.

Never heard of the guy previously, he has some incredible moves judging by that clip, any attitude or ego he has will soon be put in check on that stage when he's backing up Michael. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone, I wish him good luck with it.
Re: This Is It Dancers

it's really hard to believe that Timor isn't a fan, because he was just as excited as everyone else. if, deep in his soul, he didn't think that MJ was the shit, he wouldn't have auditioned. no matter how good someone is, if something in you doesn't really like them, it's hard to be inspired to work for them. most likely, you won't do very well, cus the chemistry won't be there. you really think anyone can work under hostile conditions? no one chooses a place to work, where the atmosphere is even slightly adverse, even if it's the number 1 place to go. especially in the arts.

besides, there are people who will say they like another artist cus it ain't 'cool' in their minds to say they like Michael, cus they've been following the media, but, when they see him, they freak out anyway. so, who knows how he really feels..

i think it goes with your assessment of his cockiness. he might think he needs to be cool, and to him, cool is according to what the media thinks. he's one of those who thinks he needs to say what people wanna hear. and to him, the media determines that. but the closet guy in him, probably loves Michael Jackson(like a lot of closet longgg story made short, in other might be insecure.
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Re: This Is It Dancers

^I never liked that guy, I personally think he's kinda cocky.

omg you took the words outta my mouth! He thinks he's yummy or something =/ all girls are crazyyyy about @ school. jwz :p
Re: Video from the rehearsals!!!!

Absolutely brilliant..its really happening, and it feels great!
Re: This Is It Dancers

I personally, and not because I was able to get the footage with Timor, am annoyed to some extent. It doesn't take much for some people here to get started on someone. I presented the material for all of you to see one of the dancers on the tour. And within minutes he's burned to the ground. This is not about who should have won SYTYCD, this is about a guy working his ass of to get somewhere, and he did. You don't get there being shy.

I'll think twice in the future before doing a thing like this. Only to protect people from fans. They really have to walk on eggs, otherwise they will get the full treatment here. Geez!
Re: This Is It Dancers

congras to all the dancers!!!!!!!!
i know they are in heven right now
they are going on a journal with michael!!!!!!
god bless michael and his dancers
Re: This Is It Dancers

i wanted young fresh talent!!!!!!!!!
and we GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!
Re: This Is It Dancers

I'm curious, but how come Michael didn't use his regular dancers that were with him on the other Tours?

Geez! His last tour was 12 years ago... and they were already mostly leftovers from the Bad and Dangerous tours... they are old!

^I never liked that guy, I personally think he's kinda cocky.
LOL many dancers are... but you don't have to like him... you just have to watch him dance! ;) Well, you do not even have to do that... as you mostly will watch Michael and see him only in the periphery of your vision! ;)
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Re: Video from the rehearsals!!!!

Am i dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is real isnt it!!!!!!!
Whoa my heart is poundin at this poinh and its not even july !!!!!!!!
I dont know what i do when july gets here
Re: This Is It Dancers

Ok, I think there is a big misunderstanding going on here.

It's not like I'm gonna sit there in the O2 Arena staring at my shoes and picking my nose all night long, just because I don't like his back up dancer.

I respect Timors determination to be the best in what he does, thats one of the things I like most about Michael too. It's just that because of watching 'So You Think You Can Dance', I feel like i got to ''know him'' a little bit and I'm just not really a fan of his persona. I wasn't trying to bring him down or anything, I was trying to show my personal opinion, which kinda got out of hand.

I know it's not a real fair thing to do, since I know nothing about the other back up dancers. It's just that I took the whole auditioning thing too personal. I used to be a dancer too, but quit few years ago, I know that these kind of auditions can be a emotional rollercoaster and since these auditiontapes came out I've been, somehow, really pissed. I know that it can be really nerve wrecking, to know that you worked of your butt of to get booked and you see someone else who isn't as passionate it as you walk away with the job. These are the kind of auditions all dancers are dreaming of. It's not like these kind of things come around every single year and there is only limited space, so you expect every single dancer on that stage to be perfect. Since I wasn't a fan of Timor during SYTYCD I didn't expect him to got picked. I do not know how he developed after SYTYCD.

Hoofmark I appreciate it that you made a effort to provide us with some footage. I still stick to my personal opinion, but apologize if I offended anyone on this board.
Re: This Is It Dancers

Well, your mood is 'bitching' so I guess it comes from there ;)
It's okay to have different tastes, but there's no need to jump the guys back.

And I guess he's grown even more since SYTYCD, because when he did that, he only danced for 2.5 years. If you can get from 0 to a dancer in Michael Jacksons concerts within three years... there must be something you're doing right.
Re: This Is It Dancers

this is the dancer michael has chosen. he's chosen the dancers he feels most confident performing with. how can people then criticise HIS CHOICE? as someone said earlier, Timor does the job!! its NOT MEANT TO BE A FAN CONTEST!! i think michael must have pretty good judgement in what he wants in a backing dancer... I CANT WAIT FOR THE SHOWS!!
Re: This Is It Dancers

Seriously... get over it already

And there's no issue wether or not I like him... dude... I don't know the guy. Never met him, and didn't follow SYTYCD. For those who did... maybe he's everything you guys say. Maybe others were much nicer. But in the end... he got on a plane, did his thing and was chosen for his talent.

If I read between the lines, all it comes down to is... jealousy that he is cocky and that's why he doesn't deserve to be close to Michael. Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh... and if I had muscles like that I would be showing them off too, ha ha ;)
Re: This Is It Dancers

I'll think twice in the future before doing a thing like this. Only to protect people from fans. They really have to walk on eggs, otherwise they will get the full treatment here. Geez!

WOW, someone is getting a bit emo.
Seriously, you're posting up a video at a FORUM, a place where people share their opinion (OMG NO WAY). How can you NOT expect these kinds of comments while a lot of desperate MJ-fans (you could also call them douchebags) are zoning around?

No Offense :/
Re: This Is It Dancers

WTF like him or not, well maybe he his chokey or whatever. Mike and his crew picked him so he probably be an awesome dancer. Guess Mike knows how to dance, don't you think? Let it me, just go and enjoy the show. You're going for Mike not for the dancers personally do you? Well I do! I am sure Mike will make a hell of a show, WITH every single dancer he personally picked!
In what way will MJ be in rehearsals with the dancers?

We all know there are rehearsals but the dancers are dancing apart right at this time? and MJ is doing his own thing apart for for night? There are the dance reharslals for the dancers alone and then MJ rehearsals apart right? I dont know if anyone can understand what iam trying to say. But when will the dancers get to rehearl with MJ on the same stage? SORRY for the bad writing lol.
Re: In what way will MJ be in rehearsals with the dancers?

He will probably rehearse with the dancers as often as possible. It is important for MJ and the dancers to work on the dynamic of their performance. Michael is very technical and diverse in his dancing, and the dancers have to learn to move with Michael. Michael also need to move with them, because Michaels solo dancing is pure improvisation. So he needs to practice on that with the dancers.

Michael is also involved heavily in the choreography, so he will naturally be part of that aspect of rehearsals
I have merged all related threads about the Dancers for This is it into one thread. Any talk/vidoes about the dancers or the rehearsals can all be discussed in this one thread. Thank you. :flowers:
do you recon leakage of a MJ rehearsal might happen soon?
When the DVD comes out we will most likely see lots of footage on how the show was created, with lots of rehearsal footage
Rehearsals are taking place every day from 11.00 till 20.00 with the exception of Sunday.

The dancers are going to tour 2 years with Michael.
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