This is It Concerts- Live or Playback?



And to the person spouting rubbish bout all acts overdubbing live vocals with prerecorded lead vocals (thought id clear up your confusing wording), and thats why they have an ear piece....Im a sound engineer so listen up! That ear piece is an in ear monitor. All artists who move around the stage use them instead of the wedge monitors (what you see at the front of the stage). This allows them to have their own mix of the band and their LIVE vocals without having to remain static infront of a wedge! Its got nothing to do with miming (in fact one sure way to tell they are miming is when they dont have it in!) or overdubbing! Yes a lot of acts may pre record their lead vocals in case of poor health, but that does not mean that its constantly playing. They get that perfect sound that you referred to with compression, eq, effects and a kick arse sound engineer. I respect other people opinions, but please at least have some idea on what you are talking about before you try to state it as FACT!!!!

And as for lumping prince in with britney....Since ive just come back for britney at the o2 tonight, i can tell you her show is nothing like a musician's like prince! She overdubbed her vocals over prerecorded vocals to the point where she might as well have been 100% miming, cos you cudn't hear her live vocals in the mix at all. In the past she has an excuse with all the routines, but she spent most of this show walking round the stage, and shes being slated by the press for it! Definately not a comparrison for the likes of prince (and im wayyy more a britney fan than i am a prince fan!)
Thanks for that Katz, it's good to have somebody who knows what they're talking about.

Since seeing the reaction on the press when the tour opened earlier in the year, I have been waiting for the Britney shows to start in the UK to guage how the reaction might be when Mike comes over here.
Yesterday there was a lot of bad reaction to what Britney did at the O2. While many people agreed the shows was spectacular, it was clear that she got a lot of stick for miming the vast majority of the show.

As there is so much anticipation for Michael Jackson's "comeback" show and because he has managed to retain this reputation has a fantastic live performer (mostly earned from the BAD tour I guess) I can see that the feedback is going to be even worse if he does the same thing.

I have no real problem with mike pre-recording new vocals to upbeat tracks and miming portions of them - it's difficult for anybody to sing and dance properly, let alone a 50 year old! BUT I will be massively disappointed if he mimes to the original vocal tracks because that is so lazy it's untrue. Also, I will be massively disappointed if he mimes to slower songs, such as You Are Not Alone, because there is no real excuse for that.
People have taken the whole 'Michael Jackson LIVE" statement to mean that Michael Jackson will be performing live. Not just appearing in person, but singing LIVE and I think that's a reasonable expectation from the "world's greatest entertainer".

I hope for Mike's sake that, as a show, the concert is the top quality extravaganza AEG and Kenny Ortega promises to be because MJ will need something positive for the reviews to write about if he intends to mime a lot.

At the end of the day, people are going to see him sing live, not gasp for air as he tries to dance like he did 25 years ago, while miming to a 25 year old recording of himself.
Michael will lip-sync a portion of songs, I think its safe to say, the important thing is, he sings a healthy percentage live, as stated by others, I think pre-recorded vocals for the mimed tracks is important, it will have a better impact on the evening and overall.

I just know that we are not going to be dissapointed no matter what he does - Everyone will leave gobsmacked, guarenteed.

Im just so happy he is returning to the stage to do anything!!!
It's because no one can be bothered anymore explaining to you, the importance of why Michael Jackson needs to maintain his artistic integrity, as opposed to doing what you guys are "happy with" and "returning to the stage to do anything" namely miming.
When Michael lip syncs songs like Smooth Criminal and Dangerous i have no problem with that. But when he lip syncs songs like You Are Not Alone and Heal The World that's when i cringe.

That always confused me, and then he'd sing WBSS and the last half of beat it (complete with complicated dance routene) live :p
I think he will sing 5-6 song live - maximum , adlibs and the end of some songs .The others will be
lipsyched with re-recorded tracks.
It's because no one can be bothered anymore explaining to you, the importance of why Michael Jackson needs to maintain his artistic integrity, as opposed to doing what you guys are "happy with" and "returning to the stage to do anything" namely miming.

Integrity?! MJ launched a huge, heavily promoted world tour in 1996, he lip-synched for 82 straight concerts! lol...Who cares if he does it again!!?.

Someone earlier summed up what I've been saying all along, That once you guys get there, and the show begins, you will not give two pieces of steaming, stinking monkey sh*t whether it's live or not! The atmosphere, the electricity from the crowd etc will completely consume you and it will be the greatest show you've ever seen! Period.
Integrity?! MJ launched a huge, heavily promoted world tour in 1996, he lip-synched for 82 straight concerts! lol...Who cares if he does it again!!?.

Someone earlier summed up what I've been saying all along, That once you guys get there, and the show begins, you will not give two pieces of steaming, stinking monkey sh*t whether it's live or not! The atmosphere, the electricity from the crowd etc will completely consume you and it will be the greatest show you've ever seen! Period.

-People who want to see live singing will care, first of all.

-Yes I will, and so will many others who came to hear live singing as well.

-This is what I hope!

Randy and Kenny have stated MJ will be singing live, and that Michael wants to "do it right this time". Michael has also been working with Seth Riggs who's a world renowned vocal coach to the stars, so this is another great bit of news.

I have all my faith in Michael, however I am sick of people like you, who tell me AND other people, that we are not allowed to recieve what we paid for, and what was publically advertised, namely by the promotor. I spent $800 on tickets, and if I were to get there, and he were to mime, I would be ROYALLY pi$$ed off (no matter how great the theatrics were). From all the info I know, I think at this stage, IMO there's about a 1% chance of having a repeat of the HIStory tour, and I for one am very glad.

Stating that no one would care if Michael was to do a repeat, in terms of live singing, of the HIStory tour is absolutely, 100%, ludicrous. I'm not expecting a 100% live show, but if he was (in some crazy hypothetical situation) to mime the whole show, it'd be all over.
Randy and Kenny have stated MJ will be singing live, and that Michael wants to "do it right this time". Michael has also been working with Seth Riggs who's a world renowned vocal coach to the stars, so this is another great bit of news.

I have all my faith in Michael, however I am sick of people like you, who tell me AND other people, that we are not allowed to recieve what we paid for, and what was publically advertised, namely by the promotor. I spent $800 on tickets, and if I were to get there, and he were to mime, I would be ROYALLY pi$$ed off (no matter how great the theatrics were).

I agree that is good news about Riggs landing a spot on MJ's team, no doubt. But I'm compelled to somewhat go back to my previously stated opinion about ticket purchasing, and more specifically, some fans' reasons behind it.

Fair enough, To expect MJ to use playback in every song is ridiculous! Even the HIStory Tour had a few live tracks thrown in. But think about it: Just about every performance, dating back to 1996, MJ has used a larger degree of playback than he ever did previously. Reasons for that are varied and not important at the moment, But fact is, for whatever reason he has. This technique has been used by Mike especially on Televised performances...They date back to the 60's!

Now, knowing this, and not to mention MJ's on-stage work ethic, and his drive to please his fans by executing incredible dance steps in each performance, MJ may more likely than not, be inclined to use level of playback...Similar maybe to what we've seen previously.

With all that being said, From these shows I do expect MJ to really nail some live vocals, but at certain times. If he did it that he uses a higher degree of live vocals...Great! But judging by the past, and there's a lot of evidence, purchasing tickets for the sole reason of hearing a 70%-100% live show, and then demanding it that way or else you'll feel severly ripped off is B.S...:yes: Keep in mind, MJ himself proclaimed he'll be "Performing songs", There's a broad range of differing opinions on what exactly Mike meant when he said it.

As others have tried to explain, when attending an MJ concert (I know from experience) you get caught up in the spectacle, perhaps more so than any other artist! MJ's loyal fan base have a contagious energy at the shows! Trust me...If playback is used more than some of you expect, don't worry, you'll still come out grinning from ear to ear saying how incredible it was. :smilerolleyes:

Remember, be grateful, you're actually able to attend :cheeky: Anyway, I've rambled on long enough...
I am greatful to be attending. But expecting live vocals, for the majority of a show, is not B.S. You are forgetting that a lot of the ticket buyers are people who have never seen MJ perform 'live' before, and have no idea of his history of miming. And these people have a case to argue, especially when the show is marketed as live, and stated as "an all singing" spectacular by none other than the head concert promoter. They are there to see the spectacle, ofcourse.. to see what the hype is about, however many are there to actually hear him sing, funnily enough. A lot of people I know, who respect live music, holehartedly agree with me on this front. So in this regard, whether you think it is ok for MJ to mime or not, we will have to agree to disagree.

I am fine with pre-recorded vocals for some rigorous dance-orientated peices. That's fine. But it's when MJ decides he's going to mime to songs like "Heal The World", "You Are Not Alone", and "Stranger In Moscow" (I needn't go on), that I start to think.. hey.. this is not quite right. Like I said previously, I cannot for the love of me see him choose to do this, this time round.

Anyway, I can't wait :)
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I think he's going to be singing a significant portion of the concerts live this time, there's been few people saying that he is singing a good portion of the show live. The fact that Seth Riggs is being brought on the team as Mike's vocal coach also supports this too. I think we are in for a great treat, I really do and I think people are going to look back at these concerts and say these were the one of the biggest events of music history.
I guess there is a possibility of more live singing this time, but maybe he'll sacrifice some dancing for that, in which case people would complain too. I think he can't win in this regard. I really don't care myself, personally, I just hope he somewhat changes up his set list. Seeing some other songs performed for a change would be cool.
well, if you be serious: Michael wins in that moment, he makes his first move on the first show...
A big topic to argue - all I can say is - I am happy MJ is visiting London - I am 30 and I would struggle to sing and dance live for 50 shows. P.S I am a pretty healthy guy too!
I am greatful to be attending. But expecting live vocals, for the majority of a show, is not B.S. You are forgetting that a lot of the ticket buyers are people who have never seen MJ perform 'live' before, and have no idea of his history of miming. And these people have a case to argue, especially when the show is marketed as live, and stated as "an all singing" spectacular by none other than the head concert promoter. They are there to see the spectacle, ofcourse.. to see what the hype is about, however many are there to actually hear him sing, funnily enough. A lot of people I know, who respect live music, holehartedly agree with me on this front. So in this regard, whether you think it is ok for MJ to mime or not, we will have to agree to disagree.

I am fine with pre-recorded vocals for some rigorous dance-orientated peices. That's fine. But it's when MJ decides he's going to mime to songs like "Heal The World", "You Are Not Alone", and "Stranger In Moscow" (I needn't go on), that I start to think.. hey.. this is not quite right. Like I said previously, I cannot for the love of me see him choose to do this, this time round.

Anyway, I can't wait :)

Mickyj007 I agree 100 percent. I hope he will sing most live.

Ballads can and shall not be performed playback. Smooth Criminal and Dangerous would be OK to mime to new pre-recorded vocals. But I hope that more than half the show is LIVE - hopefully the entire show, but I guess that will not happen unfortunately.
Just got word in that MJ will be performing a song from the Bad album that he hasn't performed in about 20 years. And yes, it will be LIVE...Any guesses? :)
Dirty Diana :)

(but in all honesty, I don't see Mike pulling it off)
hasn't it been almost 20 years since Man in the MIrror? It wasn't on the history tour. so that leaves it to the dangerous tour of 92/93.
Mo, why so little faith?? i never had you down as a doubting Thomas!!

Pianoman i know it is goig to be DD and i carnt wait, also im sure from what i have heard, he is going to swith it up big time!!!

I think where going to see a high majority of this is it shows perormed LIVE Mike has all his vocals and breathing difficulties sorted now, and im sure given the choice of doing Playback or Live , Mike would and will do just that!

as mentioned michael had throat and breathing problems during the dangerous and history tour. I believe he had some kind of surgery on his throat during the dangerous tour. anyways he proved at the tribute that he can do it live, so he should be able to now.
To hear him beatbox and sing live ids going to be immense!! i carnt wait!!


p.s Gary wheres the Merch mate?? as i thought this TEE comp was design what was going to be worn??

Just got word in that MJ will be performing a song from the Bad album that he hasn't performed in about 20 years. And yes, it will be LIVE...Any guesses? :)

I'm guessing that perhaps is Dirty Diana, I know that's a song that a lot of people want to see. Or maybe its the song Bad itself since he hasn't performed for a very long time. The only other one I can really think of is Another Part Of Me.