***Things That Were Missing In The Movie

no moonwalk in TII?

hey guys. maybe im blind, or maybe i just didnt get it, but...

i saw the film 2 times. and i didnt see him moonwalking for one time. why didnt they show him moonwalk? i can imagine that the audience would have loved that. or didnt he do the moonwalk in rehearsals? or what do u think?
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

I think he done a small one twice don't really know if it could be called a moonwalk though.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

A lot of people here reckon the reason he didn't moonwalk in billie jean was because of the shoes he had on, they had big heals on them which may have made it difficult.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

I think he wanted to conserve his energy.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

Well, in dangerous rehearsal he also did only half of moonstep so...
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

I think they all did one in Smooth Criminal
One on the spot in Billie Jean
and a mini one at the end of billlie jean but no full out moonwalk - seen it many times in my life so I think I remember what it looks like! :)
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

Maybe he just wanted to concentrate on trying new moves in rehearsals, as he did. Or perhaps he thought to himself I'm going to surprise people by not moonwalking during these shows, even though I could lol Gotta keep them guessing :)
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

He did a little bit, not too much of one. The movie was glorious even without the moonwalk. I don't think he should be reduced to just one type of dance stap. He was such a multi-faceted entertainer. Besides, that may be included on the DVD.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

it's sort of a sidewalk and about a two-step moonwalk (just a bit of one) during Billie Jean. if you blink, you'll miss it. I think he was saving it for the concerts. same with the spins. they're hard on the body.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

He did a little Moonwalk in SC but at the end of Billie Jean he said "you get the idea" so it's just to well... I can't put it any other way - to "get the idea" lol.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

I heard Jermaine say that Michael was only in rehersal mode and wasnt giving it all then. So manybe he was saving the moonwalk for the real thing.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

That's my only complain for TTI - lack of moonwalks plus the smooth criminal lean. I miss them all.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

of course he hasnt forgotten how to do it, but im sure he didnt forget the other moves too, but he rehearsed them cuz it belongs to the song routine. and in my opinion the moonwalk belongs to a lot of song routines too. thats why i was surprised that i didnt see it
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

A lot of people here reckon the reason he didn't moonwalk in billie jean was because of the shoes he had on, they had big heals on them which may have made it difficult.

I thought the same thing. While watching the movie I kept thinking that his shoes looked very new and uncomfortable. He even tripped a little bit at one time doing the slide.
Not only the Billie Jean rehearsal with the outfit, like the poster, wasn't in the movie but... I'm sure I did read somewhere that he DID in fact rehearse Thriller with the jacket.
The person even said in the interview that they cried when he did it or something of that effect.

Plus... Isn't it a Thriller-like jacket he's using during the making off of the video in the movie?! I'm pretty sure it was (and I admit I saw a cam version of it too to make sure I wasn't dreaming and I wasn't).

EDIT: Oh, and what's wrong with the Dirty Diana rehearsals? I mean... Kenny said they would rehearse it the day Michael died, right? But what about those fan cell videos of him rehearsing it in early june or something? Or did Kenny mean the "full" rehearsal, with outfit, dancers, etc? If so... Doesn't it also means that he was in the process of doing the "full" rehearsals, probably doing so before? Like... Billie Jean and Thriller?
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

Rehearsal mode, and after doing the same routines for 30+ Years, I'm sure you can afford to not do them during rehearsals.
Re: no moonwalk in TII?

i actually thought that he had something new in his mind for Billie Jean so he didnt really dance it, keeping everything in secret. and that's why he said something like "at least we had an idea" if i remember right. because he didnt really dance it. IMO