The Jacksons - Enjoy Yourself

This was cool I never heard it on the (local) radio before

and Remember The Time on a nationwide radio station
I had an epic one recently! I was in Niagara Falls last week, and right after you cross the bridge from the U.S. to Canada, there's a Hershey store and a Coke store connected to each other. While I was there, they played Give In To Me (!), PYT, Thriller, and Bad, all in a row. It was incredible.
You Are Not Alone

about 1 song away from that Back And Forth by Aaliyah was played, so 2 tracks by the same producer
What’s that, a competition of some kind Or an audience warming up kind of thing?
Don't know. Can't seem to find out anything. Well, I found some info on IG but I'm still a bit confused. Guy is Salif Gueye, big Michael fan, apparently. Did an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres show. The woman is Victoria Dauberville, ballerina and choreographer from the Paris Opera School and the Royal Ballet.

This Olympics thing, it looks to me like they are in front of the floor used for the floor routines in the gymnastics. But is it just a bit of entertainment between events or what? No idea! I think you're right - it must be some kind of 'warming up the audience' thing.

It was interesting to watch and kinda cool to hear a different song. These things nearly always use SC or sometimes Thriller. Bit of a different choice this time. :)