The Riddle Thread


:nono: you only have :naughty: thoughts don't you?
its the damn riddle who makes me :angel:

should i find the reason why they were naked? :p

I think it's too much of daddy who makes you like that:naughty:
Du hast wieder Recht :D

The balloon was gonna fall, so they were gonna use their clothes as parachute? :plane:
no but close:p

:nono: you should save that for something else:angel:
so the balloon fell, they used their clothes as a parachute, but i have first to find out sth else? :p
so i have to find out:

1) why they were naked
2) what happened be4 the balloon fall

right? :wild:

so the other ppl threw our 2 friends out of the balloon? :)
:lmao: no

read the damn introduction...only one guy:p

the balloon was very heavy so he volunteered himself to save the others by jumping out? :smarty:
no:wild: you still have to guess what's with the tiny stick:p