The Riddle Thread

seems nobody does cuz you're all afraid to sak:toofunny:
i dont ok.. the other person was a guy or a girl? :p
um let's say a guy...but it doesn't really matter:p

they wanted to give their clothes to someone else? :scratch:
its not my fault, why they get themselves undressed damn it? :lmao:

that's what you gotta find out:toofunny:
cuz they wanted to feel more comfortable and close 2 nature? :scratch:

sure I think being naked in a hot air balloon with other people is extremely confortable:toofunny:
weren't there only 2? So there were more ppl in the balloon? :p
:wild: i didnt know :woohoo:

So, someone had a health problem :shifty:
:lol: I doubt but what does that have to do with anything?
1st question yes
2nd no

try to ask one question at a time I mean drop the 'or just the two of them...cuz you get the same amount of information and it's easier for me to answer:p
ok :p

so did all fall out of the balloon? or just the 2 of em? :tease: hahahaha :p