The Obama Deception

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Bob George

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Who's seen this film? It was created by Alex Jones, a radio host and huge conspiracy theorist. He thinks the government orchestrated 9/11 and the JFK assassination for example. But this film actually isn't so crazy. Yes he mentions 9/11, yes he mentions JFK, but the core of the movie is about concentrated, centralised power and the very real threat the world faces of global tyranny. You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to believe the world leaders are working together towards a common goal. We just witnessed a mass gathering of world leaders a few days ago in London where they discussed their common goals and made plans to reach those goals. And you don't have the be a conspiracy nut to believe the big bankers play a big role in government. President Obama, who so many people had so much hope for, and who so many people believed in so much because they wanted change, has surrounded himself by Wall Street people. The people responsible for the current economic climate are now orchestrating its recovery. And that's really the core of the film. The broken promises of Barack Obama. The shattered hopes and dreams. The reality that he's just another one in the long line of US Presidents who have worked for private, global interests. I didn't agree with everything in the film, but I certainly agreed with some things like the need to get rid of the Federal Reserve system and return those powers to the US congress, and I very much agreed with the core principle of the film which was opposing centralised power and promoting a more limited, more localised system of government where people have more power and more liberty. It's a good film and it's available to watch in full (completely legal, and approved by the film-maker) on YouTube. Here it is in full HD....

Who's seen this film? It was created by Alex Jones, a radio host and huge conspiracy theorist. He thinks the government orchestrated 9/11 and the JFK assassination for example. But this film actually isn't so crazy. Yes he mentions 9/11, yes he mentions JFK, but the core of the movie is about concentrated, centralised power and the very real threat the world faces of global tyranny. You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to believe the world leaders are working together towards a common goal. We just witnessed a mass gathering of world leaders a few days ago in London where they discussed their common goals and made plans to reach those goals. And you don't have the be a conspiracy nut to believe the big bankers play a big role in government. President Obama, who so many people had so much hope for, and who so many people believed in so much because they wanted change, has surrounded himself by Wall Street people. The people responsible for the current economic climate are now orchestrating its recovery. And that's really the core of the film. The broken promises of Barack Obama. The shattered hopes and dreams. The reality that he's just another one in the long line of US Presidents who have worked for private, global interests. I didn't agree with everything in the film, but I certainly agreed with some things like the need to get rid of the Federal Reserve system and return those powers to the US congress, and I very much agreed with the core principle of the film which was opposing centralised power and promoting a more limited, more localised system of government where people have more power and more liberty. It's a good film and it's available to watch in full (completely legal, and approved by the film-maker) on YouTube. Here it is in full HD....

oh i have always believed that certain 'powers that be' orchestrate a perceived bad economy and recovery scheme, to control the people.
no comment ... it will not be received well at all **zips his big mouth**
I watched it. Much of what he said i agree with. i just think he was too harsh with Obama, but yes, nothing is going to change with the same people in governement.
that's what american politicians say to make themselves look good :smilerolleyes:

You can bank on it that the next world power will go from Anglo-America to the UN ;)

Remember you read it here. This is FACT!:yes:
Barack Obama is a wonderful man and he will be a damn good President. I bet you Alex Jones is a right winger republican and he thinks Obama is the Anti -Christ........The Propaganda knife cuts both ways...
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Barack Obama is a wonderful man and he will be a damn good President. I bet you Alex Jones is a right winger republican and he thinks Obama is the Anti -Christ........The Propaganda knife cuts both ways...
So when does he start being a damn good President? So far he's tripled the deficit, taken over GM, prepared an escalated attack on Afghanistan, hired a cabinet full of lobbyists, Wall Street people, Bush people and tax cheats. I'm not one bit impressed. His administration is escalating the global economic crisis. But yes, Alex Jones is a right-winger, though definitely not a Republican, and he's nuts, but that doesn't make the core of what he's saying irrelevant.
Barack Obama is a wonderful man and he will be a damn good President. I bet you Alex Jones is a right winger republican and he thinks Obama is the Anti -Christ........The Propaganda knife cuts both ways...

You obviously havent watched the doco have you? Jones is non-partisan and shows you facts.
Eh, about 75% of this is junk.

Although, there's no denying the background works of various elites and world leaders. It's nothing new, though. But damn, the way Obama bowed down to the Saudi king the other day makes you think. :bugeyed
How is 75% of it junk. Just look at the facts:

Obama said he would pull the troops out of Iraq within 6 months before he was inaugurated. Then once he was the Prez, there was a timeline of up to 16 months until the troops would be pulled out. 2 weeks later it went up to 23 months to pull out 'some' of the troops out.

Then he doubles the amount of troops in Afghanistan to 30,000. So he's not bring the troops home at all.

Then he Obama decided he is going to set up missile systems in Pakistan. I think the fact that Obama kept Bush's Defence Of Secretary Robert Gates might have something to do with it!!!

He at first decried Bush's illegal wiretapping but then Obama legalised it??

Obama then reinstated the Patriot act.

When the press had a chance to read the Executive Order to shut Guantanamo Bay, the saw that it only said that Obama was thinking about closing it down. He didnt actually sign anything saying he would close it. In fact under orders from Obama, the CIA still has the authority to torture detainees, carry out renditions and secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the US so that detainees can be tortured in foreign countries. And the prisoners dont even know where they're being taken! None of these prisoners have even been charged with a crime or given legal counsel.

So Obama isnt just endorsing Bush's crimes but he is also continuing them!

All of this within 3 months. Hate to see what will happen by the end of his 1 term!!
How is 75% of it junk. Just look at the facts:

Obama said he would pull the troops out of Iraq within 6 months before he was inaugurated. Then once he was the Prez, there was a timeline of up to 16 months until the troops would be pulled out. 2 weeks later it went up to 23 months to pull out 'some' of the troops out.

Then he doubles the amount of troops in Afghanistan to 30,000. So he's not bring the troops home at all.

Then he Obama decided he is going to set up missile systems in Pakistan. I think the fact that Obama kept Bush's Defence Of Secretary Robert Gates might have something to do with it!!!

He at first decried Bush's illegal wiretapping but then Obama legalised it??

Obama then reinstated the Patriot act.

When the press had a chance to read the Executive Order to shut Guantanamo Bay, the saw that it only said that Obama was thinking about closing it down. He didnt actually sign anything saying he would close it. In fact under orders from Obama, the CIA still has the authority to torture detainees, carry out renditions and secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the US so that detainees can be tortured in foreign countries. And the prisoners dont even know where they're being taken! None of these prisoners have even been charged with a crime or given legal counsel.

So Obama isnt just endorsing Bush's crimes but he is also continuing them!

All of this within 3 months. Hate to see what will happen by the end of his 1 term!!

People change their minds, Plans change................shocking.

Atleast he's bringing the troops home from Iraq, unlike Bush, The troops have done their Job and have been there for way to long.

Afghanistan is a mess, it needs sorting out. Do a little reseach and you'll see why it needs soldiers in the country.

Btw, Dangerous Incorporated who did you prefer in the 2008 presidential race?
obama has great charisma no doubt about that but a politician remains a politician
People change their minds, Plans change................shocking.

Atleast he's bringing the troops home from Iraq, unlike Bush, The troops have done their Job and have been there for way to long.

Afghanistan is a mess, it needs sorting out. Do a little reseach and you'll see why it needs soldiers in the country.

Btw, Dangerous Incorporated who did you prefer in the 2008 presidential race?

We'll see if the troops actually do come home or not. Like you said, people change their minds which is my point. Why is it Obama changed his mind? Cuz people bigger and more powerful people got the troops into Iraq.

I know all about Afghanistan. And why is Afghanistan in a mess? Because of the US!!

I wanted Hillary at first and then after that wasnt going to happen I already lost cuz I didnt want a republican in but I also didnt want Obama.

So far Obama has backed everything Bush had started. It wouldnt have mattered if McCain got in or not because you would have the same outcome politically. Obama is just a front to calm the masses.
People change their minds, Plans change................shocking.

Ayyyy?? Yes it is shocking considering he promised to bring change yadda yadda... but oops he changed his mind :mello:. Are you really gonna let him get off that easily? But then again I saw this coming long before he was elected. Like dangerous incorporated said, once Hillary was out of the race, I was done too.
A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny. The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different.

Little Johnny said, ‘Because I’m not an Obama fan.’

The teacher asked, ‘Why aren’t you an Obama fan?’

Johnny said, ‘Because I’m a Republican.’

The teacher asked him why he’s a Republican.

Little Johnny answered, ‘Well, my Mom’s a Republican and my Dad’s a Republican, so I’m a Republican.’

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, ‘If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?’

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, ‘That would make me an Obama fan.
:cheeky:I knew it since begining,he was like poster candidate for presidency and he fooled Americans by just one word "CHANGE" and the unfortunate truth is so many people bought his Bull Shit.But there are still many people those who believe he will bring change but he is just other US President not more than that,nothing special about him.To give great speech and conviencing public is other thing and having ability to keep your promise and work as your promises is different thing.For me he was always a Marketing expert than candidate for President of USA.But yeah now America is stuck with him for next couple of yrs so nothing can be done now,damage is already done by electing him as a President.
A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny. The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different.

Little Johnny said, ‘Because I’m not an Obama fan.’

The teacher asked, ‘Why aren’t you an Obama fan?’

Johnny said, ‘Because I’m a Republican.’

The teacher asked him why he’s a Republican.

Little Johnny answered, ‘Well, my Mom’s a Republican and my Dad’s a Republican, so I’m a Republican.’

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, ‘If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?’

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, ‘That would make me an Obama fan.

HAHAHAHA...One of the best jokes ever,..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Atleast he's bringing the troops home from Iraq, unlike Bush
He's following the same withdrawal plan Bush was organising in his last year of office.

Afghanistan is a mess, it needs sorting out. Do a little reseach and you'll see why it needs soldiers in the country.
Lots of places are in a mess. Doesn't mean the US and its allies need to intervene all the time to shape the whole world in their image. That's what the Soviets tried to do. It just costs too much (both in money and blood) to keep up America's global empire.
What Obama is doing know with the economy, buying these toxic assets, giving money to bankers, how is that different to what Bush was doing?

Also, Obama announced he is sending 17,000 troops to Afghan, then not that long after that he announced another 4,000 on top of the 17,000 will be going to Afghan. Would this be acceptable if this was Bush?
"If they're for peace, why is there war"

The MAN asked the question, so let's try to answer it.

BTW, loved the documentary. Critical thinking always requires tough questions, tough analysis and tough answers.
He's following the same withdrawal plan Bush was organising in his last year of office.

Lots of places are in a mess. Doesn't mean the US and its allies need to intervene all the time to shape the whole world in their image. That's what the Soviets tried to do. It just costs too much (both in money and blood) to keep up America's global empire.

So you'd like the Taliban and Al Qaeda running around doing what they will??
So you'd like the Taliban and Al Qaeda running around doing what they will??

If Obama really wants to eliminate Taliban and Al Qaeda then first elminate pakistan otherwise its impossible and anyways whole wide world knows how much Bush believed pakistan and its bull shit but it is well known fact all these Al Qaeda and taliban are still ongoing cuz of pakistan.And I think still Obama is relying on Pakistan and hoping that pakistan can help in combat with terrorism which is just a Daydream.And still US economy sucks,people are still enemployed and like Bush he is just giving Bail outs nothing more.It may help companies have some more oxygen for few more yrs but rightnow it's not helping enough.And even few of my friends in USA are sitting at home playing games and stuff cuz they got no and everywhere there is big NO for any unemployed.Instead of giving employment to people he is just setting priorities for Employment..:bugeyed
So you'd like the Taliban and Al Qaeda running around doing what they will??

And removing them is going to achieve, what? Do you think it will eliminate worldwide terror? Do you think it will bring stability to Afghanistan? Afghanistan was a tight run ship under Taliban. People's heads got cut off, people got stoned to death. But that's just their culture. Reagan said the middle eastern culture and their politics are just too much for the west to ever understand. We have no hope setting up a Westernised democracy in the middle east. If we do we'll have to stay for hundreds of years else it will crumble and go straight back to Taliban rule. It's not worth it.
So when does he start being a damn good President? So far he's tripled the deficit, taken over GM, prepared an escalated attack on Afghanistan, hired a cabinet full of lobbyists, Wall Street people, Bush people and tax cheats. I'm not one bit impressed. His administration is escalating the global economic crisis. But yes, Alex Jones is a right-winger, though definitely not a Republican, and he's nuts, but that doesn't make the core of what he's saying irrelevant.

Yeah!!! That's what I thought about Alex Jones, "A RIGHT WINGER". and you don't have to be a Republican to have right winged views. You say that he's nuts? You can listen to a nut all you want! I don't have the time for it so I won't see any video that right wingers produce. But to address what you said about Obama:

The man had only been in office less than 100 days, and he has done more than most leaders in other countries and that includes yours. You may not be impressed, but I'm sure as hell is and I am by far not the only one.:D

Obama tripled the deficit??? Ask George W. Bush what happened to the trillions of dollars of surplus that the United States had when he became president?? Yep! you blame the right wingers for getting America in this crisis, and America isn't the only country to bare the responsibility. But it is always the Democrats that have to clean up the mess. That's what Obama is a DEMOCRAT. Yep!!! you have to spend money in order to clean up. No one worried about spending money and the deficit for the last 8 years.:D

Obama didn't take over GM, the American TAX PAYERS did. Obama is giving them (the auto companies) an opportunity to come up with new ideas, you know ideas that those auto companies should have thought about years ago. If American tax payers are giving the auto compaines money to say their asses, then Obama should fired whoever needs to be fired. Yep "CLEAN HOUSE OBAMA". But we all know that the right wingers want to bust those unions. It's not about Obama, it's about the UNIONS.:yes:

Obama and his cabinet full of lobbyist??? Yes! he did run his campaign on the notion that he will CHANGE Washington and by most accounts he is doing a pretty good job. But the man is not stupid. He knows that you have to still WILL AND DEAL in order to get things done. That's the reality of how politics work and don't think it doesn't happen in your country. It goes for cheating on taxes too.:cheeky:

Afghanistan??? That's where Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda is. The man and his cowardly gang were never in Iraq. You take the fight to where the ENEMY really is!! But I guess until Austrailia is hit by a terroist attack, you won't understand. :cheeky:
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And removing them is going to achieve, what? Do you think it will eliminate worldwide terror? Do you think it will bring stability to Afghanistan? Afghanistan was a tight run ship under Taliban. People's heads got cut off, people got stoned to death. But that's just their culture. Reagan said the middle eastern culture and their politics are just too much for the west to ever understand. We have no hope setting up a Westernised democracy in the middle east. If we do we'll have to stay for hundreds of years else it will crumble and go straight back to Taliban rule. It's not worth it.
The Afghan people can do whatever that want to their own people. If that's their culture so be it. If they want the Taliban to run their country than let them. It's the same for any other country in this world.

But if you have terrorist in Afghanistan/Pakistan or any other country plotting to kill Americans on American soil, then Barack Obama should do whatever it takes to take them out and that is what he is going to do.

Obama said that he is sending the military in for Al-Qaeda and for no other reason. He did say that he disagreed with that rape law that the Afghan president is going to pass about letting the husbands rape their wives, but Obama did say that we should be mindful of other cultures.
It's too bad that George W. Bush didn't do his job going after Bin Laden like he should have. Al-Queda is going to pay for what they did on 9-11.
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The man had only been in office less than 100 days, and he has done more than most leaders in other countries and that includes yours. You may not be impressed, but I'm sure as hell is and I am by far not the only one.:D
Doing a lot isn't necessarily a good thing. Have you ever heard the saying "he who governs less, governs best"? I don't know of anything he's done that actually been good for his country or the world which his policies influence. And btw, I don't like my country's government one bit. Kevin Rudd is a social-democrat just like Obama and his idea of solving a problem is throwing money at it. Just like Obama.

Obama tripled the deficit??? Ask George W. Bush what happened to the trillions of dollars of surplus that the United States had when he became president??
President Clinton and the Republican congress left Bush with a $200 billion surplus, not trillions. Billions is still good though. But the deficit Bush accumulated in 8 years, Obama has matched in his first 100 days.

Yep! you blame the right wingers for getting America in this crisis, and America isn't the only country to bare the responsibility.
Both parties in the US are in someway responsible for the economic collapse. You can look back at some key legislation that was passed like the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (that was the Democrat's fault) or the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act in 1999 (that was the Republican's fault). But I wouldn't say the economic crisis is a result of right-wing ideas. Government intervention in the economy is a left-wing idea. This crisis was created by leftist policies, the government forcing banks to make risky loans so that poor and middle income people could get mortgages. That's a liberal, left-wing idea.

But it is always the Democrats that have to clean up the mess. That's what Obama is a DEMOCRAT. Yep!!! you have to spend money in order to clean up. No one worried about spending money and the deficit for the last 8 years.:D
Actually, historically, Democrats have created the mess and Republicans have had to clean it up. Democratic congress under Bill Clinton had a huge deficit and a big welfare problem, Republicans were elected mid-90s and balanced the budget and reformed welfare. Also, the Republicans under Bush were doing alright (save for military spending) until the Democrats were elected in 2006. That really when the trouble started.

Obama didn't take over GM, the American TAX PAYERS did. Obama is giving them (the auto companies) an opportunity to come up with new ideas, you know ideas that those auto companies should have thought about years ago. If American tax payers are giving the auto compaines money to say their asses, then Obama should fired whoever needs to be fired. Yep "CLEAN HOUSE OBAMA". But we all know that the right wingers want to bust those unions. It's not about Obama, it's about the UNIONS.:yes:
The tax payers don't have any control over the auto companies, they just foot the bill. The fact is, tax dollars should never have went to bail out the auto companies. Unsuccessful companies should be allowed to fail. That way the government can't use taxpayer dollars as an excuse to take over companies. How is the government taking over a company giving them to come up with new ideas. What ideas, outside of the military, has the government ever come up? Every innovation has come from the free market. The government didn't tell Steve Jobs to make the first personal computer. If new cars that run on alternative fuels is what you want, then government has to get out of the way and give the market the freedom to explore those ideas without having to jump through hoops and over obstacles that the government puts in place through restrictions and regulations.

Obama and his cabinet full of lobbyist??? Yes! he did run his campaign on the notion that he will CHANGE Washington and by most accounts he is doing a pretty good job. But the man is not stupid. He knows that you have to still WILL AND DEAL in order to get things done. That's the reality of how politics work and don't think it doesn't happen in your country. It goes for cheating on taxes too.:cheeky:
He sais he'd have a zero policy on lobbyists. His cabinet is inexcusable. And no, by most accounts he didn't do a good job with his appointees. Most people want Tim Geithner out (including his supporters), most liberals were unhappy with him keeping Robert Gates on, a lot of people don't like Eric Holder, the CIA itself wasn't happy with who he appointed to head the CIA.

Afghanistan??? That's where Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda is.
Latest intelligence reports suggest they're in Pakistan now.

The man and his cowardly gang were never in Iraq. You take the fight to where the ENEMY really is!! But I guess until Austrailia is hit by a terroist attack, you won't understand. :cheeky:
Hey, Australia has been by your side since day one. And now America is begging us for more troops. I hope our government has the guts to say no. But they wont. They are kiss-asses.
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