Here's something I posted on the Elvis thread ages ago. It made me think of you. I think you would have loved this:
Currently reading a 1977 bio of Elvis. On Page 70 - 71 there is this:
"Fan clubs for Elvis at the same time were organised throughout the country with membership cards. The instructions to Elvis Fan Club members read: 'To be members in good standing each week you must send out five postcards to a disc jockey in your vicinity, and follow it up with ten phone calls a week to the radio stations, demanding Elvis' records.' "
I love this but it puts today's streaming parties in the shade. This involves way more hard work than just streaming something all night while you sleep, lol. Anyway, the quote continues:
"Girls formed Elvis Presley clubs of their own which met at their various homes for Elvis - record sessions. They would scream and cry at every record with over-wrought emotions."
The quotes are included in - 'Elvis: Lonely Star At The Top' by David Hanna - but originally come from a book by May Mann called The Private Elvis.
N.B. - in my defence, can I just say, I posted this comment way before I knew much at all about all of this streaming malarkey. I didn't realise that people had sussed out that the streaming needed to look as 'normal' as possible, not bot-like. So maybe it wasn't harder back then. Maybe it's just as hard now, but it's different. But the Elvis thing sounds loads more fun. That's my basic point, lol.