The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Okay so a lot like my Random Actions thread this has just suddenly occurred to me. The rules are, you just have to make a small poem (can be 1 line long if you want) about the member above. Can be absolutely anything and ABOUT absolutely anything, but obviously to do with or including the member above. Believe me when I say RANDOM lol.

Nobody is above me at the moment, so I can't do one.
Expressions of Passion, how I envy your fashion......................... sense. :rofl: Oh boy I'm gonna be crap at this lol.
i think you like lions or maybe you like brian or adore all kinds of irons, i dunno, ask joe, he's being slow, the slow mo bro :lol:
EOP you make me laugh so much in the actions thread I want to pee, but maybe I should ask uncle John about his knee?
or maybe you should tap your knee with the end of a cherry tree?
you also make me laugh but only when i have a bath
i fear only you and i will be posting here
but it's okay, cos i never fear when my shins are near

The giraffes in your signature scare me to death,
With their atrociously long necks and their steamy breath.
where art thou breath? i see not what you speak of
i fear you miss lead thee, go bark up a tree
i am trying to be Shakespeare, thou aint working
so i iz gon talk like dis naw.
lil miss is better than chris


WHAT THE HELL HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG. *High fives* That was awesome.

Passions I envy your Expressions
For they make me do goose impressions,
In the middle of the moon when the sun shines bright,
I fear that my lack of expressions may cause weeds to fight.
^ brilliant :D :lol: fighting weeds lmao!!

lil miss please don't diss
my love for cheese
it pleases thy knees
go get a hobby to do with a lobby
of a smart hotel made of motels :lol:
Under your name it says 'Who is it'
And I find that song exquisite,
Like a july in the middle of winter
When I inappropriately cuddled my printer. :blink:
^ :lol:

lil miss no one else has posted here
but it's okay cos i am near
i shall post, forever more
and i know that we are not bores!

LOL ppl are staying away from us cos they think we're wack jobs?

Expressions you're quite the delight,
Though in the night you give me a fright,
As I trip over your cable hanging off your stubborn sphynx
I trot on the globe that watches with a wince.
You are wack jobs it's true
stay away from sniffing glue
That sounded meaner than I meant
and this rhyme won't pay my rent
but it's fun, that is true
since there's nothing else to do
and I'm a wack job too
and now that this rhyme is through
I'm goin ta paint myself blue

I'm glad you confessed that you are too,
For I would have risen an army for you,
So you could march with the frogs to battle
And give a good ole slap on the arse of a cattle. :blink:
if you're ape then you should paint yourself purple instead of blue since ape's are grape and everyone knows that's true


little miss is too fast for me i see... so this one's for her.... she's got a quick wit and is an even faster poster...time for me to exit this here roller coaster
No come back! if you're a friend
You will stay until the end
and paint me purple stead of blue
I'd do the same for you
it is true
oh so true
and since there's nothing left to do
I'll make an invisible friend
to paint me in pretend.
OMG, DON'T DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE :toofunny: I'm literally rolling across the floor, all the way to town :lol: You guuuuuuuuuuys!!

Anyway... here's mine :lol:

Ape, you like Professor Snape,
For he wears that black cape,
And you like to rake,
The leaves when you bake,
Your sausage roll in the :lol:

^ :rofl:

an instrument of nature
where is that from?
i think it is oprah
she is the bomb
but you are cooler
i like your posts
and your photography
which is cooler than most :D

:lol: don't ask
Expressions of passion,
Is your forte butt thrashin'?

Idk. :rofl:
lil miss mj you couldnt sleep last night
Did something scare you or give you a fright?
were things moving or was there tapping on your doors?
Something may have been hiding under your floors :eek:
I'm scaring myself so I shall say no more
I'll be the one awake tonight, That's for sure

:huh: :lol:

Mjslady you're quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
Roses and violets and all those things?
Or titanic waters with petulant strings.

lil miss mj you are so funny
please can u give me all your money?
no you say? but why, i'm nice!
i will cook you pizza flavoured rice :(
fine, be mean, you meany poo
i am going to steal your loo! :p
expressions is feelin po' or maybe she's a tad greedy that poem she made for lil miss was just a lil needy
Friend likes to bend
Broken vases they once did mend
On a warm summers night in December
When I forgot to forgot to remember
The time when we fell in love
With a triangular shaped dove.

lil miss you are so funny
you have charm and wit
i think you should be my mummy
you have my sports kit

please don't ask, you won't be me
if u want u can fill me with glee
EOP you make me giggle so much
That I wriggle and the stars I begin to touch
With my heart because I'm filled with happiness
Then my lips become crackity crackiness.

Don't call me weird, I know you must love me,
Because you said so yourself that I'm funny!

*Stuck up face*


Poe, poe, you're great I'll have you know,
I watched you roll about in the snow,
Last summer when you learned french in two seconds
And a nest of red ants you attempted to beckon

Thank you lil miss that was quite a task
but beckoning those ants was too much to ask
they crawled up my face and into my hair
I cannot see now when I go anywhere :lol: