the LoveMJackson and Angelik chat show thread LMAO

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hahaha ive never seen this gif be4! lol Where is it from?

I found it on tinpic. :lol: cute huh? btw, sorry for logging off yesterday without saying :bye:. hehe talk to you all later. Have a wonderful day & enjoy your weekend! :D :huggy:
God I’m so furious, just got back from the post office after I receiving a second note in the mailbox yesterday (never got the first one), and guess what I was told? “you packaged has been returned”..they said that its already the third I never got the first one and second one was sent only yesterday. And I made the order 4 months ago if not more. apparently its not fault but the postman fault. I cant believe this!!!! I got so angry that I took it out on the wrong people. I hope I will get the Opus. :(
And off topic, don’t you hate when people whistle to get you attention or say stupid comments thinking it will impress you and when you don’t look at them they say loudly ‘why are you ignoring us?’ F*** you..seriously f*** you! :angry:
^^ :toofunny:eek:mg!!!! Sorry i loled with the whistle part but i agrre its sooo annoying!!;)

:doh: O no and now what? Did you ask them to tell you whats gonna happen? I hope you recieve it (again) soon :praying
^^ :toofunny:eek:mg!!!! Sorry i loled with the whistle part but i agrre its sooo annoying!!;)

:doh: O no and now what? Did you ask them to tell you whats gonna happen? I hope you recieve it (again) soon :praying

:lol: I was already angry so they made me angrier lol
They know NOTHING..its like talking to the walls. I have no idea what the postman was thinking to himself. Never mind, already sent me a refund me so that's ok. I'm just upset cuz I really wanted that book, I cant get it anywhere just from or ebay but I've had enough already.
:lol: I was already angry so they made me angrier lol
They know NOTHING..its like talking to the walls. I have no idea what the postman was thinking to himself. Never mind, already sent me a refund me so that's ok. I'm just upset cuz I really wanted that book, I cant get it anywhere just from or ebay but I've had enough already.

A refund? So that means you have to order it again? :no: shit...
A refund? So that means you have to order it again? :no: shit...

It means that they gave me the money back. I don't think I'll order it anytime soon. I'm gonna wait till I go to London (hopefully in September) and buy it there if it will still be available . :(
It means that they gave me the money back. I don't think I'll order it anytime soon. I'm gonna wait till I go to London (hopefully in September) and buy it there if it will still be available . :(

lol yes ik that they gave your money back...oo shit, wait a minute...i dont think that this is a limited edition..i mean ..i want to buy it someday too :eek: :eek:
lol yes ik that they gave your money back...oo shit, wait a minute...i dont think that this is a limited edition..i mean ..i want to buy it someday too :eek: :eek:

hmmm what? what are you talking about? :lol: cuz I was talking about the book "Dancing the dream" the new edition which is only available in the UK (if I'm not mistaken)+ I ordered 2 DVD's. :( The opus will arrive next week I think..but its 'express mail' so hopefully I will get this one.
hmmm what? what are you talking about? :lol: cuz I was talking about the book "Dancing the dream" the new edition which is only available in the UK (if I'm not mistaken)+ I ordered 2 DVD's. :( The opus will arrive next week I think..but its 'express mail' so hopefully I will get this one.

omg!! you re so crazy!!!!!! you never told me you had ordered Dancing the Dream so i assumed you were referring to opus!!!!!!!!! :lol: cool!!! Dont worry you get both of em sooner or later ;)
omg!! you re so crazy!!!!!! you never told me you had ordered Dancing the Dream so i assumed you were referring to opus!!!!!!!!! :lol: cool!!! Dont worry you get both of em sooner or later ;)

:lol: yeah the Opus I ordered from ticketmaster (back in September) and the other stuff from (4-5 months ago). lol yeah I hope you're right. Its just really upsetting! :angry: :weeping:
hmmm what? what are you talking about? :lol: cuz I was talking about the book "Dancing the dream" the new edition which is only available in the UK (if I'm not mistaken)+ I ordered 2 DVD's. :( The opus will arrive next week I think..but its 'express mail' so hopefully I will get this one.

Wow, That's too bad :( Hopefully you get it once.
I bought it a little while ago, here in the Netherlands, so more countries have it. Maybe you can try ir from somewhere else?
hey sweetie how are you ??

im feelin a lot better today
may 7th and may 8th i have a photoshoot
so i will have new pics on my facebook and myspace hopefully

i gots my old job back urgh dont feel ready
to go back but i gotta start somewhere

Hi , hun
i'm good , thanks
what about ya ?
Photoshoot ?! cool ! :wild::clapping:
On may 7th ! amazing !
i won't stay here too long , 'cause i gotta go to a b-day party :birthday::D
Wow, That's too bad :( Hopefully you get it once.
I bought it a little while ago, here in the Netherlands, so more countries have it. Maybe you can try ir from somewhere else?

oh really? do you have the book in the Netherlands too? so maybe they have it also in France...I need to check it. I want this book so badly. :(
anyway, how is your day off? ;)

Yeah Missy, got your message.
Hello Diana, how are you? love your siggy btw. so sweet! :heart:
Hi , hun
i'm good , thanks
what about ya ?
Photoshoot ?! cool ! :wild::clapping:
On may 7th ! amazing !
i won't stay here too long , 'cause i gotta go to a b-day party :birthday::D

i used to model but it got to much and drove me to anorexia i always wanted to go back to it tho

maybe its a little early but ill have my sutures out on the 3rd so all being well my life will get back on track and its all thanx to my boy for showing me i dont need to be too thin to put up photos of me

im also planning to go to the USA very soon maybe live there eventually again
i used to model but it got to much and drove me to anorexia i always wanted to go back to it tho

maybe its a little early but ill have my sutures out on the 3rd so all being well my life will get back on track and its all thanx to my boy for showing me i dont need to be too thin to put up photos of me

im also planning to go to the USA very soon maybe live there eventually again

Yeah , you don't have to be too thin :cheeky:
USA ? :wild: wonderful !
i wish if i can go to Canada :D...who knows maybe it'll happen :smilerolleyes:
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