The Legend Lives On - Official Cirque du Soleil 'Immortal World Tour' Discussion

Guys, sorry if this has already been mentioned. But it is a long thread, so to save me searching. Where is the best place (read cheapest) to buy tickets, I'm actually staying at the Mandlay Bay. Shall I wait until I get thereor pre book? Thanks in advance guys.

Try google , here is one

[h=4]Special 10% Savings on $125 & $80 Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour Tickets.[/h]Book online now to receive this special discount offer! Use Promotion Code:MBAY

think I saw some day ago discounts for Vegas up to 20 -25%.


[h=3]Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie walk through The Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino with kids Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne, on their way to see the Immortal Michael Jackson Cirque du Solieil show in Las Vegas.[/h]
source: radar online
Memefan;3561607 said:
Open Response to the Los Angeles Times’ Review of Cirque’s Michael Jackson Immortal

by Joe Vogel (Author of Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michae Jackson)

The Los Angeles Times’
review of Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson Immortal
certainly made clear pop music critic Randall Roberts’ own preconceptions, though at the expense of accuracy and fairness.

Roberts’ disdainful assessment follows a standard pre-2009 template for reviews of Michael Jackson’s work. It includes the requisite moralizing about Jackson’s personal life (what Jackson buying “gaudy vases” in Martin Bashir’s infamous 2003 documentary has to do with the show is anyone’s guess); the unhelpful comparisons (wouldn’t one expect an MJ show to be a bit different than the Beatles?); the uninformed dismissal of his later, more socially conscious work; and a generally condescending tone. Unfortunately, this formula, which the Timeschose to follow, is the easy way out and doesn’t do justice to the artist or the show.

Indeed, Roberts can’t seem to find a single element of the production worthy of praise. What about the miraculous voice on display, pulled from Jackson’s original, multi-track master recordings? Jackson possessed one of the most unique and versatile voices of the 20th century. Immortal allows the audience to hear it—from the plaintive purity of “I’ll Be There” to the rhythmic virtuosity of “Workin’ Day and Night” to the powerful call and response of “Earth Song”—with a palpable energy and immediacy. Having attended the show in Detroit and Las Vegas, I can say that the aural experience alone is worth the price of admission.

Supplementing Jackson’s vocals is a world-class live band, led by Jackson’s long-time collaborator and music director, Greg Phillinganes. Roberts suggests the band’s role is “vague” because of their placement on a riser behind the projection screens. Where should they have been placed? Center stage? The idea is to hearthe band as we watch the visual spectacle that is Cirque.

Roberts makes frequent comparisons to Cirque’s acclaimed Beatles production,Love, which makes some sense given Jackson and the Beatles’ respective places in the pop pantheon. What makes less sense is the expectation that Immortal simply be a cloned version of Love. After all, there are fundamental differences between the artists themselves. Firstly, Michael Jackson was a dancer. Dancing was central to his artistic identity and his performances. It makes sense, then, to highlight that (meaning more use of “horizontal space”) since many of Jackson’s songs are so inextricably linked to his iconic choreography and storytelling. It also makes sense to utilize the jumbo screens (which aren’t part of Love), as Jackson was the defining visual artist of an era and pioneered the medium of short films.

Likewise, there are important distinctions in the makeup of the shows. Love is not a traveling “tour” like Immortal, which premiered in Montreal, and is making a brief stop in Las Vegas, before hitting the road again in North America and beyond. An entirely new show will settle into its permanent residence at Mandalay Bay in 2013 (taking the place of The Lion King), at which time it will have the additional benefits of being in one arena. Given its current portable nature, however, it is remarkable what director of creation, Chantel Tremblay (who also worked on Love), and set designer, Mark Fisher, are able to accomplish. It is also impressive how the production has been streamlined, tweaked and tightened since its premier in Montreal, reducing much of the slapstick and filler and keeping the focus where it should be: on Michael Jackson.

Such context is missing throughout the Times’ review. At one point, Roberts asks: “How can you justify giving more time and creative energy to ‘Man in the Mirror’ and ‘Earth Song’ in a Michael Jackson show than to ‘Beat It’ or ‘Thriller’? The answer is pretty simple. Songs like “Earth Song” and “Man in the Mirror” were important to Jackson. They are crucial to his essence. Both songs were expected to be central to his planned This Is It concert series in London. Indeed, “Earth Song” was the last song Jackson rehearsed before his tragic death.

The fact that director/writer Jamie King recognized the significance of such tracks and was willing to pick other less-known songs based on substance rather than popularity enhances rather than diminishes Jackson as an artist and the experienceImmortal provides. In any case, it is not as if classics like “Thriller” and “Beat It” don’t get time. The “Thriller” mash-up with “Is It Scary” and “Threatened” is one of the highlights of the show.

Perhaps the most blatant inaccuracy in Roberts’ piece was the crowd response, which he described as blasé and “uninterested.” To the contrary, the sold-out crowd was enthusiastic throughout and gave the show a standing ovation. It was praised effusively by those close to Jackson, including the singer’s children and siblings (the latter of whom haven’t always been keen about projects generated by the Estate). It also managed to impress Motown founder, Berry Gordy, who saw the show for the first time in Las Vegas, and in a response passed on to me, said:

“The show exceeded my expectations, capturing Michael’s music, spirit, artistry and even his yearnings–what he would have wanted to do in the future. He loved Cirque du Soleil, the magic, the beautiful costumes and the story telling. He would have loved this show.”

High praise indeed coming from someone who knows a thing or two about entertainment—and Michael Jackson.
Joseph Vogel is the author of three books, including the recently released, Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson (Sterling, New York 2011).

Great one, Joe!

In all these negative criticisms you can see the tendency how they still try to reduce Michael's career just to Beat it, Thriller and Billie Jean. I'm actually glad Cirque didn't give these songs bigger emphasis than others. If the highlight of the show would be, let's say Billie Jean, that actually would be such a clichéd MJ show. Is that really what critics want? A clichéd MJ show?

I'm glad so much more is featured at this show than just Thriller, because Michael had so many great songs. In fact, Earth Song is a lot better song than Thriller.
Has there been discussion about the European dates? In some German magazine there was dates for Vienna and some others German speaking cities.. Is there more announcements to Europe yet?
Has there been discussion about the European dates? In some German magazine there was dates for Vienna and some others German speaking cities.. Is there more announcements to Europe yet?

Do you remember what were the dates for Vienna and German cities?
respect77;3562011 said:
Great one, Joe!

In all these negative criticisms you can see the tendency how they still try to reduce Michael's career just to Beat it, Thriller and Billie Jean. I'm actually glad Cirque didn't give these songs bigger emphasis than others. If the highlight of the show would be, let's say Billie Jean, that actually would be such a clichéd MJ show. Is that really what critics want? A clichéd MJ show?

I'm glad so much more is featured at this show than just Thriller, because Michael had so many great songs. In fact, Earth Song is a lot better song than Thriller.

My brother said the same thing. First time he saw the show, he couldn't believe he enjoyed it despite it not featuring favorites like "TWYMMF", "Dirty Diana"

MJ's has such an amazing catalogue, hard to accept some people are still stuck on Thriller

respect77;3562077 said:
Do you remember what were the dates for Vienna and German cities?

I've seen a few dates for late november & early december for Germany. But Cirque hasn't announced them yet.

Driver;3561986 said:
Guys, sorry if this has already been mentioned. But it is a long thread, so to save me searching. Where is the best place (read cheapest) to buy tickets, I'm actually staying at the Mandlay Bay. Shall I wait until I get thereor pre book? Thanks in advance guys.


Get 20% Off Michael Jackson IMMORTAL World Tour exclusive to our Twitter followers! #MJImmortal #Vegas
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respect77;3562011 said:
Great one, Joe!

In all these negative criticisms you can see the tendency how they still try to reduce Michael's career just to Beat it, Thriller and Billie Jean. I'm actually glad Cirque didn't give these songs bigger emphasis than others. If the highlight of the show would be, let's say Billie Jean, that actually would be such a clichéd MJ show. Is that really what critics want? A clichéd MJ show?

I'm glad so much more is featured at this show than just Thriller, because Michael had so many great songs. In fact, Earth Song is a lot better song than Thriller.

You tell 'em, Joe! Thanks so very much for posting the article, respect77. Joe and your comments were dead center on target.

ETA: Hey, memefan...I just realized you posted the article originally. Much, Much, Much THANKS

And I loveone of my fav celebrity families went to see MJ.
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^^^I didn't post the article, I just quoted it. It was posted by Memefan.
Just got confirmation, yep the Les Twins got fired.

Already replaced by other dancers who do their part.
This seems to be for the best :)
Were they starting to think they were the stars of the show too? Maybe it is ok with them but what a wasted opportunity. If I could dance this would be my dream job!!

I was wondering if you know if any of the TII dancers are doing the Immortal world tour? Thanks:wub:
^^ For some reason, I think the TII dancers are better than the one in Immortal! They are selected by MJ, aren't they?
Were they starting to think they were the stars of the show too? Maybe it is ok with them but what a wasted opportunity. If I could dance this would be my dream job!!

I was wondering if you know if any of the TII dancers are doing the Immortal world tour? Thanks:wub:

Nope. none. One of the This is it dancers have insulted MJ. I have no use for him. He went on TV to flaunt his mug.

Not all of course...
Nope. none. One of the This is it dancers have insulted MJ. I have no use for him. He went on TV to flaunt his mug.

Not all of course...

I hadn't heard that, who was it and what did he say (I'm not asking out of laziness, I just don't want to give him undeserved hits by googling it)? He should be so lucky that MJ gave him a job!
I am glad the emphasis isn't on Billie Jean and Thriller too. They are great in the show but the parts that got to me had nothing to do with the Thriller album. Human Nature is beautiful to watch. I'll be There and Childhood had me in tears and Will You Be There. The whole show has so many songs. It's just for everybody. If you didn't know much about Michael after Thriller this show will introduce to you to so much more.

What did he say? I never saw him say anything untoward. I know he was quite vocal when the original Behind The Mask video was scrapped after it was filmed. He wasn't in it. He was the choreographer. But he always supported Michael from what I saw.
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Were they starting to think they were the stars of the show too? Maybe it is ok with them but what a wasted opportunity. If I could dance this would be my dream job!!

I was wondering if you know if any of the TII dancers are doing the Immortal world tour? Thanks:wub:

Yeah a little... ;) looks like they were often late and stuff, but they are really talented.

As for TII dancers, I didn't recognise any in the Immortal cast.

^^ For some reason, I think the TII dancers are better than the one in Immortal! They are selected by MJ, aren't they?

Why would a dancer's talent have anything to do with who chose them? This is actually a bit insulting for them, dancers are chosen by different people for different jobs at different moments. When you go to an audition, the fact that you didn't get the part doesn't mean you're not talented, or every artist would shot themselves in the head after 1st audition! Please look at Gianinni's videos and tell me the guy can't dance! He's brilliant and inspired.

Leo Moctezuma was on P!nk's tour, Gianinni was on Rihanna's tour, many of the others have a career on their own, be it dancing or musical, or else.

With love.
Yeah a little... ;) looks like they were often late and stuff, but they are really talented.

As for TII dancers, I didn't recognise any in the Immortal cast.

Why would a dancer's talent have anything to do with who chose them? This is actually a bit insulting for them, dancers are chosen by different people for different jobs at different moments. When you go to an audition, the fact that you didn't get the part doesn't mean you're not talented, or every artist would shot themselves in the head after 1st audition! Please look at Gianinni's videos and tell me the guy can't dance! He's brilliant and inspired.

Leo Moctezuma was on P!nk's tour, Gianinni was on Rihanna's tour, many of the others have a career on their own, be it dancing or musical, or else.

With love.

Just my own observation, it seems the choerography and dancing on TII seems more tight and better though! You don't have to agree with it. Maybe it's does not anything to do with the skills of the dancer but due to creative process of the director who put everything together who knows?
With Love!
Just my own observation, it seems the choerography and dancing on TII seems more tight and better though! You don't have to agree with it. Maybe it's does not anything to do with the skills of the dancer but due to creative process of the director who put everything together who knows?
With Love!

No problem, of course you are entitled to your own taste, it was just that you brought the fact that they were chosen by Michael as a reason for them to be better that seemed weird to me, but if it's a matter of taste only, then no problem :)

To be honest, I haven't really looked at the other dancers in TII, just a little, so I can't compare to Immortal ones :)
Yeah a little... ;) looks like they were often late and stuff, but they are really talented.

Have you heard anything about the dancers that have replaced the brothers? To be honest I saw the show in Oct. and the twins weren't any more wonderful than the other performers because I felt they were all equally great!!! The show will go on without them and it will be just as beautiful.
Have you heard anything about the dancers that have replaced the brothers? To be honest I saw the show in Oct. and the twins weren't any more wonderful than the other performers because I felt they were all equally great!!! The show will go on without them and it will be just as beautiful.

Yeah it's dancers that are already in the show that will take their part: Khalid Freeman, Mike Cameron and ''Pom'' (sorry maybe a nickname, don't know his full name) :D

I think the Twins are talented, but I think they were more 'noticable' since they are really tall, and with their afro, and the factthat they are twins, so same looking, and did the beat it number with shoes at the front stage.. People noticed them more than others in Smooth Criminal for example where we can barely recognise who is who (except when you,re real close.

But artistically speaking, for example, I appreciate more Gianinni's way of dancing, there is something so ''from inside'' in his dancing, it gets you in your stomach and have you saying ''how the hell does he do that and make body movement so beautiful and meaningful''.

I guess the way of dancing is a showing of their personality too. While the Twins did have a more ''look at us we're badass'' way of dancing (outside the show I mean) Gianinni's one is more like ''here is how I felt today'' way of dancing.
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Yeah it's dancers that are already in the show that will take their part: Khalid Freeman, Mike Cameron and ''Pom'' (sorry maybe a nickname, don't know his full name) :D

I think the Twins are talented, but I think they were more 'noticable' since they are really tall, and with their afro, and the factthat they are twins, so same looking, and did the beat it number with shoes at the front stage.. People noticed them more than others in Smooth Criminal for example where we can barely recognise who is who (except when you,re real close.

But artistically speaking, for example, I appreciate more Gianinni's way of dancing, there is something so ''from inside'' in his dancing, it gets you in your stomach and have you saying ''how the hell does he do that and make body movement so beautiful and meaningful''.

I guess the way of dancing is a showing of their personality too. While the Twins did have a more ''look at us we're badass'' way of dancing (outside the show I mean) Gianinni's one is more like ''here is how I felt today'' way of dancing.

He is the best...

This guy will go far....And both him and Leo are so very appreciative of the opportunity.

They give MJ a shout out at every chance they get...
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He is the best...

This guy will go far....And both him and Leo are so very appreciative of the opportunity.

They give MJ a shout out at every chance they get...


Just had to share... Filmed last week when Philipp and Gianinni had a day off, rented a Lamborghini and drove in Las Vegas area... this is where they actually filmed a scene of the Tranformer movie..

