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Kreuzotter and Huggorm, which one is more funny? :ROFLMAO:

Kreuzotter sounds kinda violent, almost like an imperative: "crucify otter!"
Huggorm sounds like some huge fluffy maggot (that is the spontaneous image I have in my head lol)

Don´t blame me for my vivid imagination :LOL:
Blindschleiche auf einer Hand | © Monika Graf

Blindschleiche = "blind sneaker" :LOL:
Kreuzotter and Huggorm, which one is more funny? :ROFLMAO:

Kreuzotter sounds kinda violent, almost like an imperative: "crucify otter!"
Huggorm sounds like some huge fluffy maggot (that is the spontaneous image I have in my head lol)

Don´t blame me for my vivid imagination :LOL:
Kreuzotter sounds like a frizzly otter (would be krusutter in Swedish)
  Kreuz = crucifix, right? Bit odd name... where do you see these? It’s a zigzag pattern, isn’t it?
What’s otter, though? Surely it can’t be an otter utter (Lutra lutra)?

Huggorm (lit. bite-snake) – I’m not particularly fond of this name. I think it’s uninspired, boring, plain. I much prefer Kreuzotter (even if it turns out to mean crucified utter). I really like English adder, too.
  The truth is, I’m actually ashamed of the Swedish name for this beautiful reptile species, and I guess that’s why I left it out in my above post.
GUYS. I love high school! It's so easy and fun and I have no homework AND I have all 100%s in all of my classes! I love being smart! Also I hope you guys are doing good cause I'm doing good!