The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

just everybody becoming besties and talking about whatever
love all you appleheads
@#applehead24 Oh well then I'm joining in cuz I'm all for that lol. 🤣 I love you, Soldier Of Love! 💋 And all of The Moonwalkers. 💖 I've seen a lot of nastiness taking place in all of Bambi's communities and groups from here, to Reddit, to Facebook. It has been heartbreaking to see. He would be so disappointed to see his fans treat eachother so unkindly. The fans definitely need to return to telling eachother they love one another just as he often did. ✨️ He always sang and spoke about kindness, compassion, empathy, love. But if his own supporters aren't aligned with those messages, what exactly did he do all that work for that ultimately k¡lled him? 🥀

It's possible that his messages of love have gotten a bit forgotten since he's been gone so long. Without him here to repeat them aloud and spread them with his presence, I can understand that it's hard for people to keep those memories at the forefront of their minds. But that's what the community is for, to not only keep his legacy of creations alive but the things that he stood for within them.

With that being said, I'm proud of those of you who do keep love in the driver's seat. And Michael would feel the same way if he could see the amount of love that IS still present. So, like he always said, thank you so much and I love you all. 👑 ("I love you" and "I love you more" also needs to come back, too.) 😌

I'll start it up today... I LOVE YOU! 🕊
new 2.ix.2024

Aeshna cyanea (Müller, 1764, Fauna insectorum Fridrichsdalina: 61) ⸺ sᴠ. blågrön mosaikslända,
ᴅᴇ. Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer, ᴇɴ. Southern hawker,
ʀᴜ. коромысло синее, коромысло лазуревое