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Blarina brevicauda
Not sure why this guy calls a robin a 'robin bird' but it's a lovely little video so I'll give him a pass! :D



Carabus (Chaetocarabus) intricatus (bokskogslöpare)
Arenaria interpres

The Nature Notebook from The Times of 23 December 2023 tells me:

"... the turnstone emits a vinyl-scratch alarm call; the 'interpres' of the scientific name means 'go-between' as in the messenger who gives the tell-tale warning to other shore birds of approaching danger. The black-and-white pattern on the back of the bird's flying back is dazzingly stroboscopic, flash lightning in thunder cloud."

1m 22s

I realized that for me, I associate the singing of all birds with spring and summer. Except for the cawing of crows, I guess.
And I really miss summer now. It's great that I found it in this thread)))))
We have a thaw, birds are not singing, but thawed snow and icicles are falling from the roofs. They say we'll be expecting frost again soon. 😳😳😳
I realized that for me, I associate the singing of all birds with spring and summer.
I do, also. In the UK we're supposed to associate the song of the robin with winter but I always seem to hear it far more often in the spring and summer. I can't remember when I last heard it in winter. They are easy to see in winter bc of the red but I'm convinced they sing more when it's warmer.

I think people on the coast get to hear lots of bird calls in the winter but those of us inland, we don't get that so much.

Except for the cawing of crows, I guess.
Crows annoy me! I like the idea of them but they are so noisy. If you live somewhere they've decided to settle you're in for a noisy old time, that's for damn sure. That said, their nests look amazing scattered through the trees.

And I really miss summer now.
I want to post more spring / summery stuff. It's so cold right now.

It's great that I found it in this thread)))))
We have a thaw, birds are not singing, but thawed snow and icicles are falling from the roofs.
Sounds dangerous! :eek:

They say we'll be expecting frost again soon. 😳😳😳