The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

I believe I am. Alone. I think that’s my old posts elsewhere on this forum you’re thinking of. I’ve never seen anyone else having this idea.
That makes sense. I don't know where else I would have seen an idea like this being floated.
Possibly the best example thus far.

Such a good song, too! 😍
Certain lines here. Perhaps most notably the lower notes.

"Oh, it´s us birdies now, the theme?
Ahem, lemme introduce myself: Columba Palumbus or Ringeltaube/Wood Pigeon.
Most people hate me, but I have now idea why."
Einheimische Waldvögel: Der Grünspecht (*Picus viridis*)

Picus viridis - Grünspecht

Last year I saw one on our lawn (I was on the balcony high up) and thought someone must be missing a pet parrot lol