The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

The Japanese language reigns supreme in omomatopoeic words.
Kasa-kasaett lätt, prasslande ljud
Gasa-gasaett tyngre, rasslande ljud
Ton-tonlätt, knackande ljud
Don-donbankande ljud
Sara-saraslät yta 😱
Zara-zaragrov yta 😱
all new jack swing bits belongs to me
sugar girl: 1
green bug: 0

Ankans läte är i flera språk någon form av ett kvack, med varierande stavning. Också det franska lätet som stavas coin coin uttalas med ett vokalljud som ligger väldigt nära ett a-ljud. Fågellätet däremot innehåller på alla språk ett i-ljud. På de flesta språken används någon form av pip, och på finska används även tsirp, på tyska tschiwitt och på franska cui cui. Bland fågelljuden är det engelskan som skiljer sig mest ur mängden med även dessa läten innehåller ett i-ljud.
scribbles it out
cheep, chirp och tweet, men
He rocks in the tree tops all day long ..
oh god, here I go!

A poem from Billy Collins:

Introduction to Poetry​

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem’s room
and feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author’s name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.

from The Apple that Astonished Paris (University of Arkansas Press, 1996)
Wow, that´s intriguing!!!!
I fårets läte kan man se två olika variationer. Den första är en variation mellan m och b. På några språk börjar lätet med ett b-ljud och på några med ett m-ljud, och på finska, tyska och franska finns varianter med endera b- eller m-ljud. Den andra variationen finns i vokalljudet, som endera är ett ä- eller ett e-ljud. 🤔
I fårets läte kan man se två olika . Den första är en variation mellan m och b. På några språk börjar lätet med ett b-ljud och på några med ett m-ljud, och på finska, tyska och franska finns varianter med endera b- eller m-ljud. Den andra variationen finns i vokalljudet, som endera är ett ä- eller ett e-ljud. 🤔
ah , shut yer yapp
The Japanese language reigns supreme in omomatopoeic words.
Kasa-kasaett lätt, prasslande ljud
Gasa-gasaett tyngre, rasslande ljud
Ton-tonlätt, knackande ljud
Don-donbankande ljud
Sara-saraslät yta 😱
Zara-zaragrov yta 😱
None of those are working for me.
OK. Google Translate gave me receipts. 🤷‍♀️

I could see that was wrong but couldn't work out what it might be. Chirps doesn't really work, imo, so this one gets a 'No' from me.

Mummel :)

Klacka 🥰
Receipts is ‘kvitton.’ For Pete’s sake, one would expect more from Google translate at this point!
Receipts is ‘kvitton.’ For Pete’s sake, one would expect more from Google translate at this point!
Well, quite. I can remember when it was utter shi!te and you only looked at it for a laugh. But it has got much better and is pretty reliable most of the time. So I was very bewildered by that. Still, it's Google, after all. Never going to be perfect or even close.
Well, quite. I can remember when it was utter shi!te and you only looked at it for a laugh. But it has got much better and is pretty reliable most of the time. So I was very bewildered by that. Still, it's Google, after all. Never going to be perfect or even close.
Yes, it has come a long way. It still is absolutely useless in regards to Russian, however.

Edit: Oh! Arabic is the actual worse.
I'm having a bit of a moment with Google Translate. I noticed I had posted kvitter with the full stop included. So I deleted that and asked GT to do its thing. It tells me that 'kvitter' = 'acknowledges'.

With a capital 'K' it gives me 'receipts'. With a lower case 'k' it gives me 'acknowledges'.

I think Google Translate needs to lie down in a darkened room for a while. :ROFLMAO:
I'm having a bit of a moment with Google Translate. I noticed I had posted kvitter with the full stop included. So I deleted that and asked GT to do its thing. It tells me that 'kvitter' = 'acknowledges'.

With a capital 'K' it gives me 'receipts'. With a lower case 'k' it gives me 'acknowledges'.

I think Google Translate needs to lie down in a darkened room for a while. :ROFLMAO:
Whaaaat? Have you selected “Swedish” as the “From”-language?