The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins


Jolly Roger
It has two meanings:

A cap worn during sleep (obsolete)
An insult for a slow person (not obsolete lol)

A saying goes:
Ich muss eine Mütze voll Schlaf nehmen!
I have to get a cap of sleep!
Meaning: I have to take a nap
Cool. We used to call beds ‘slaf’ in Sweden.
Dang it! I'm so tired I forgot all about this being on the radio last night. 🙄

Actually , that's a fab point i was going to ty for the post on marcel here @zinniabooklover , really enjoyed it , short and sweet it gave me somat to think about

. . . . In my art form, which goes to the essence of movement, the essence of life, the children are like grown-ups. They have a great sensibility.

. . . . The reviews and the public are as good as they were 30 years ago. . . . Today, when I play on stage, I think that my characters have no age. The metaphors have no age.

i have to add more but going to check that link , fab thanks a bunch, Listening now as type