The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

whats that

what tf is that

whats that

whats that

so many ' that's in hats' to me

Ben Richard was Ludwig Wittgenstein’s alleged lover.

Tage Danielsson was a wordsmith.

Kevin Feige is the president for Marvel Studios.

Jeffrey Osborne was the drummer and lead singer in American R&B group L.T.D.
You were into SMW?
Yes, I guess you could say so. I never was particularly good, but then I never owned a SNES but rather played at my neighbour’s place (hut). N64, on the other hand, I owned. And boy, did it run warm, that machine! I am especially fond of Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, and Perfect Dark. Rare’s entire output during that period was immaculate, really!
If I may be presumptuous to suggest starting with Dulce Et Decorum Est. I don't like to direct people's reading. We should all feel free to explore in our own way and to like or dislike without that awful pressure of knowing someone is waiting for your verdict. Well, I won't be doing that, I can assure you. And I don't mind at all if you don't like the poem. But that one poem sums up Wilfred Owen and his anger more than any other, imo. It is also absolutely brilliant. To me, anyway.

But no pressure, honestly. I don't even expect a report back. I'm just getting carried away, lol.
I agree, that one is brilliant.
Oh yes, especially CBFD😍
Curiously enough, that might be the only one of their golden age titles that I did not play that much. I only played it a few times. No particular reason, other than I think I got it pretty late, long after it was released. 🤔