The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction


Proud Member
May 21, 2006

MICHAEL JACKSONThe Innocent Man, 2005
A single page of lyrics entitled ‘The Innocent Man’, the 13 lines for the chorus written in pencil beginning: ‘If I sail to Acapulco’, and ending: ‘And only God knew I was innocent now’. 28 x 21.5 cm. (11 x 8 1/2 in). These lyrics were apparently written during Michael Jackson’s child abuse trial in 2005.

ESTIMATE £8,000-12,000
PROVENANCE Private collection, United States

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I'm innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.
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Oh my God, poor MJ, he was feeling so bad, God, all that was so unfair, imagine endure all that...Michael lasted as much as he could, but at least now God knows the truth, i just hope the truth to come out one day, i mean we need justice here
I got goosebumps reading this.
Those are gorgeous lyrics....heartbreaking.
click next and you'll see this:


The guitar used in the Scream music video
Yeah and click before that and you'll get handwritten lyrics to "D.S." with it's proper title: "T.S."...

Wow....the first note is so SAD but, so TRUE!!

The Sneddon song is also the truth!

Man, MJ hand writing looks like mine, almost hard to read! lol Glad I'm not alone!
OMG Michael :cry: I'm sorry you had to go through that ridiculous trial...

DAMMIT - what is wrong with this world? Seriously.

Convicting an innocent man.

I'm just speechless and heartbroken - again.
God wasn't the only one who knew you were innocent Michael. We, too, knew just how innocent you were.

I just wish Michael knew how many of us were on his side. He probably felt like the whole world abandoned him :cry: I so wanna hug him right now.
MJ I always knew you were innocent in the past and in 2005. The light of love surrounded you it illuminated your being. YOu never had to write a song about or anything because the beauty that was inside of you shined bright as the shining sun.
He was hurt to the depths of his soul. This is heartbreaking.
Very heartbreaking. It wasn't him. Some people are blind to good because something went wrong in their lives. I pray for them. MJ continue to rest they can't hurt you anymore. Heartbreaking. I'm surprised you lasted 50 years. Love you.
That, ladies and merely a glimpse of what that man had going through his mind during the trial. Only God knows what else he was thinking and reeling about.

I can't even fathom what it feels like to have half the globe look at you in disgust for accusations you never committed.

Those words are so haunting to me. And at the same time, they are so full of wisdom and insight.

It feels good to know he's not feeling that hurt anymore.....but I still miss him so much it hurts.
Oh Michael :huggy: :heart:
I love you so much..
Those lyrics.. wow.

Should we discuss them a little more? I'm a bit confused by the use of the place names? What significance do they have?