The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Where did this come from and when? Are you sure this is real.. or a good imitation?

That one is NOT real and is not even a good imitation
if you view the other 2 letters above it_ the handwriting on this
one does not match at all _ Michael usually writes cursive and
if you look at the L in London and in Love it doesnt match how MJ
writes the letter L _ also check out " You" he doesnt loop his "O's"
and other letters dont match at all _

the signature was copied and pasted to this fake letter
I hope that helps
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

This one is NOT real and is not even a good imitation
if you view the other 2 letters above it_ the handwriting on this
one does not match at all _ Michael usually writes cursive and
if you look at the L in London and in Love it doesnt match how MJ
writes the letter L _ also check out " You" and other letters
dont match at all _

the signature was copied and pasted to this fake letter
I hope that helps

I actually said a few pages back that the I LOVE YOU looks like MJs handwriting as the L in L is the same as MJs other L's however the See You In July 2011 doesnt look like MJs writing.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I actually said a few pages back that the I LOVE YOU looks like MJs handwriting as the L in L is the same as MJs other L's however the See You In July 2011 doesnt look like MJs writing.

I agree that on those letters that have "see you in July 2011"
doesnt match at all

Why do people make up fake letters and info
to spread their agenda _ if they are seeking truth
or trying to show others Truth _ then use truth and FACTS

I usually dont participate in these dicussions
becuase i get too upset to the point of crying
over what some of the fans do to destroy MJ's
TRUE legacy... :( I would rather see haters
then Fans spread rumors and made up stories

New fans have no idea who Mj is _ They dont
know his history or his character and how he acted
and carried himself_ to be able to make sound judgements of
what he may or may not be doing now _ they only know the
stories of what the DHFtell them about what their made up puppet
MJ is doing now. They dont question anything they are told or
see the sillines of some of the rumors spread that make Mj out
to be some kind of idiot .. Gahhhhh

So to me we have a whole new generation of brainwashed fans
just like the haters were _ only this time is is so called fans
spreading the crazy stories ... I just dont get it _ or understand WHY?

ITS CRAZY to me _ SAD :cry:
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Also someone mentioned to me that there was the story that LaToya gave about the necklace but that Paris has been seen wearing that necklace before MJ died:


I think personally that its a paramedic as he is wearing the same colour as the paramedics and is walking backwards with the stretcher. Why would MJ sit up here if he was faking?
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

ok this is weird, i went to TMZ to check out EXACTLY when they declared MJ was dead because as I can remember they were the first to miraculously declare it before the doctors even did, but funny thing is, they have deleted that specific news story... hmm?? why is that?? all the stories that surround his death are still up there, and the earliest one they have now is about how Madonna cant stop crying over MJ on 6/25 10:23 p.m. U think they erased it because people were catching on that they declared his death or were tipped off waaaaaaaaaaaay too fast?? heres the link!
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yeah it could probably conflict with the official time of death possibly. But it could probably be found in an archive or something? Someone has to have saved that webpage, I hope...

Dangerous- Thanks for zooming into Paris' necklace, I've been watching hoax videos featuring this point for so long about her having the necklace ,that latoya claimed she'd gotten after MJ died, waaay before MJ died but the image was so tiny I could never make it out, so thanks...AND you might want to post the full picture of both pics so people can see what pictures of Paris you're referring to.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^Damn I cant find them atm. Do you have em?

Can you guys tell me if these wheels are the same? It's supposed to be the same ambulance:



Here is something to lighten the hoax mood:
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well honestly it's not the most bizzare idea out there Michael could be alive some of the hoax theories make sense

But what it all comes down to is would Michael put his fans through all the pain and heart ache? No he would not
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

But what it all comes down to is would Michael put his fans through all the pain and heart ache? No he would not

You cant say what Michael would or wouldnt do. We dont know. If his life was in dire straights, he might. If his kids lives were in danger, he might.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That Ambulance wheel thing is quite strange, they don't look the same.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well honestly it's not the most bizzare idea out there Michael could be alive some of the hoax theories make sense

But what it all comes down to is would Michael put his fans through all the pain and heart ache? No he would not

Well if he did fake his own death, he would have to worry about us, we will grieve for him, sure he knows that! but he also knows that we LOVE him no matter what and will always support him and we would understand if he had to do such a thing!! o goodness juss looked at the clock its 2:26.. ok goin to cry now!
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Did anybody noticed in the special features on the DVD when Kenny says something like: In one part when we were maiking the > Michael was standing.... and so on and he was actually talking about the beginning of Smooth criminal.Why did he say that it was a movie, a film, when it was a rehearsal?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^Because it was always planned to be a movie. By whom though we dont know.

Does anybody remember the story of concrete trucks and loaders and port-a-loo's going to Neverland after MJs passing? There was also talk of a hearse going to Neverland after the Memorial. Well I found this story that confirms it but of course its from TMZ:
Concrete Evidence Found at Neverland

Posted Jun 30th 2009 5:39PM by TMZ Staff
A shipment of concrete was just delivered to the Neverland Ranch.


We saw the concrete truck drive onto the property. A rep from the construction company told us they got a call today for 32,000 pounds of the hard stuff -- for what, we're not sure ... but it's certainly interesting ...

Read more:
Neverland Ranch -- Where's the Potty At?

Posted Jul 1st 2009 7:01AM by TMZ Staff
In preparation of Michael Jackson's body returning to Neverland Ranch for a public viewing this Friday or Saturday, a truck full of porta-pottys dropped off its first load late Tuesday night.


Jackson's body is set to be transported to the Santa Barbara estate early tomorrow morning.

Read more:
Jackson Burial -- Cart Before the Horse?

Posted Jul 1st 2009 8:15AM by TMZ Staff
A white carriage hearse was spotted on the 405 Freeway -- making its way North yesterday -- toward Santa Barbara -- adding fuel to the rumors that Michael Jackson will be taken to Neverland for his final resting place.

We've already told you about the hotels that have sold out ... construction trucks and porta-pottys near the Ranch. But we're hearing nothing about the funeral has even been decided by the family.

The buzz is that Jackson's body will be taken to Neverland tomorrow, but so far we're told nothing has been decided.
We never did find out what went on at Neverland. Make of that what you will!

Here is a video of all the activity at MJs ranch:

"There were at least thirty workers preparing the grounds for the big event. There were landscapers outside, people coming in and out, cleaning and preparing the house. And there was a police cruiser on the property, monitoring the perimeter."

Helicopter Lands At Neverland Ranch
Video High
Los Olivos, CA-- KEY News has learned that two helicopters flew to Neverland Ranch late Tuesday afternoon from an unknown destination.

According to sources outside the gates of Neverland, a blue and red helicopter approached the grounds of Neverland Ranch. The blue helicopter did land at the ranch, while the second helicopter hovered above the area.

Drew Sugars with the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department confirmed to KEY News, a helicopter did land on the grounds of Neverland Ranch Tuesday afternoon. However, Sugars said Michael Jackson's body was not on board nor were any of the Jackson family members.

Many loyal fans and media outlets from around the world believe there is still a chance Jackson could eventually be buried at Neverland.

According to the State Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, a body can be housed at a specific location without permission to bury, as long as it is stored properly.

KEY News will continue to monitor this developing story, keep it tuned to KEY NEWS at 11 for the latest details.

Story Created: Jul 7, 2009 at 4:39 PM PST

Story Updated: Jul 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM PST
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I'm sorry about the letters didn't mean to upset anyone but like DI said he wanted to have something to compare.

BTW I have a lot of photo's saved on my computer and they don't all match with the handwriting.

To answer the question about the London letter it's not recent I saved it with the year of 2005 but to be honest I wouldn't know if it's fake or not.

Just check the other photos I've got:
And again I wouldn't know if they are all real but a lot of them were found here.

Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

MJs handwriting did vary quite a bit though didnt it? Im still looking for the same S.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Regarding the goings on @ Neverland a page back, I found some info from a MJ board from 7 months back:
"Yes, I think it's possible that something IS going on up there. I'm told by locals living nearby that workers are still coming into the ranch to do work at night only... When I was up there in early October, the wreaths were down and they replanted the grass in front. All of the gifts were gone. But, they put in additional security right after the death which is still up. They also still have many security guards working at the front and patrolling the grounds. But, they've made it look "normal" and like nothing is happening. The other thing I recently heard is that a new road is being built to get from the main gate into the valley.... I happened to go up to Neverland the day after Michael "died" just to pray. On my way from Los Angeles, I saw media trucks. When I got up there only CNN was there and a few fans. Shortly thereafter, all the media showed up and the rumor about the public viewing and funeral at Neverland started circulating. My friends and I saw something very was in the early evening, just getting dark, and right behind the work trucks, gardners, cement mixers, etc., cam an AMBULANCE with no sirens on. It entered the property not from main gate, like all the other vehicles, but from the side entrance just past the main gate. The ambulance went toward the guard house and waited. Shortly thereafter we saw 2 highway patrol cars; one came toward the ambulance from inside the ranch and the other came from the main road entering through the side gate. Then, they caravaned up the hill to the ranch with the ambulance in the middle of both highway patrol cars. WE FELT LIKE THAT WAS MICHAEL BEING TAKEN UP TO THE RANCH....
The next day, rumors began swirling about STAPLES Center, but we saw helicopters land 3 times on the property that day, and we believe that we saw Karen Faye exiting the property in an SUV as a passanger. Another wierd things, at least to me, was that night all the wild animals came alive around Neverland. The wolves were howling all around us and the white owls were flying was amazing. It felt like the place came back to life. Then, within 2 days or so....everyone left. The family did a great job of disconnecting the energy up there and getting everyone's attention off of Neverland. And it's still off of Neverland. Except that the townspeople are aware that something is going on there..." marlalala

I do remember LKL going to Neverland when Jermaine was pleading his case to bury MJ @ Neverland.

Neverland being sold was just a story and MJ is now living there?

Jacksons did a bait and switch and really buried MJ @ Neverland. Nobody is looking at Neverland anymore are they? I wonder what is going on there atm?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Very interesting thanks for putting this here!
BTW did you receive any answer from FL already? (maybe I missed you're post here if so I'm sorry)
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The first one or the second one? The first one the said MJ was there but Ive asked the lady who first said MJ wasnt there.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I'm sorry about the letters didn't mean to upset anyone but like DI said he wanted to have something to compare.

BTW I have a lot of photo's saved on my computer and they don't all match with the handwriting.

To answer the question about the London letter it's not recent I saved it with the year of 2005 but to be honest I wouldn't know if it's fake or not.

Just check the other photos I've got:
And again I wouldn't know if they are all real but a lot of them were found here.

How can I make these bigger size? I haven't seen some of those before I want to read! :)
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I've got a question.
Is there any knowledge of Michael's children or other close family visiting FL since september?
I can't imagine them NOT visiting for so long.

If Michael was secretely buried at Neverland, why should they go to FL?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That' s a good question. Does anybody know something about that...?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I've got a question.
Is there any knowledge of Michael's children or other close family visiting FL since september?
I can't imagine them NOT visiting for so long.

If Michael was secretely buried at Neverland, why should they go to FL?
well i can only say what i heard,people who have seen the last episode of the jackson dynasty may be able to confirm,but didn,t the brothers say when they visited forest lawn that it was their first time there since june,
i don,t know about the rest of the family,
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Regarding the goings on @ Neverland a page back, I found some info from a MJ board from 7 months back:

I do remember LKL going to Neverland when Jermaine was pleading his case to bury MJ @ Neverland.

Neverland being sold was just a story and MJ is now living there?

Jacksons did a bait and switch and really buried MJ @ Neverland. Nobody is looking at Neverland anymore are they? I wonder what is going on there atm?

That's really interesting. Kinda spooky
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I've got a question.
Is there any knowledge of Michael's children or other close family visiting FL since september?
I can't imagine them NOT visiting for so long.

If Michael was secretely buried at Neverland, why should they go to FL?

Right, that is why they might have gotten lost. And according to another fan on MJJC who doesn't believe in the hoax, they said that they knew someone who worked at FL and they sort of confirmed that the brothers were super late for their arrival to FL and the FL manager was bewildered at their excuse of having not known where their own brother had been buried...but if MJ is indeed @ Neverland, wouldn't the manager of FL also know that too, why would he be confused, provided the person/fan on here told the truth???
EDIT- I found the post by Ejacobs29
"Many of you here know me....I know many people at Forest Lawn, here is the truth of what happened. Brothers were due to arrive FL at 1pm. Chairs were set up and FL supervisors were waiting. 2:30 still no show by the brothers. The supervisors leave the Mausoleum and drive to the front gate to find out why they did not show up. They got lost and went to the wrong cemetery. They went to Hollywood Hill FL, not Glendale FL. 2:45 they showed's in tow. In and out in LESS than hour..

One of the supervisor's said, how do you bury your brother and forget where you buried him??? That I will leave to you guys to ponder...I am glad the Jackson's aren't my family.
Maybe the driver's had the wrong address but still... "
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

well i can only say what i heard,people who have seen the last episode of the jackson dynasty may be able to confirm,but didn,t the brothers say when they visited forest lawn that it was their first time there since june

That`s how I understood that. Jermaine said he often has one dream with Michael. That`s why he offered to visit him with his brothers, probably it was the first time for all of them. Anyway, I don`t see anything very suspicious about that, this doesn`t make me believe in hoax death more...
I don`t know what to think about Neverland, all the family except Jermaine didn`t want to bury him there...or they just said that..but I really don`t think Michael would be happy about that..
Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well honestly it's not the most bizzare idea out there Michael could be alive some of the hoax theories make sense

As bizarre as it may seem I agree some things do as well as don't make sense when we see all of the inconsistencies. Just look at another death hoax, The Beatles in the 60's when Paul McCartney "died". The Beatles left "clues" on and in their albums.

The only thing is after today, unfortunately I have lost all hope.....

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Re: The Hoax 'Theory' - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

im sry but the fact that murray walked away a free man today juss further proves this hoax.......