Personally I think it can seem offensive to just ignore discrepancies of things that dont add up.
If I care about something or someone I
want to know why these discrepancies happen?
Isnt that normal human nature to feel that?
I challenge the next person who is critical of the topics and discussions of this thread to go back to the link Ashtanga provided for the radio blog show and listen to that for 30 mins or so, just to get an idea of just
how much things dont add up.
I have seen Michael on the gurney and watched the video of the trial where Alberto Alveraz was designated to stand near the door of the room Michaels body was in ....and whilst you could not see Michael on the gurney there, for me that was enough to start to feel the "realness" of it all, along with this trial, I started to see what seems to be a certainty of him being truly gone.
But then you watch or hear the indiscrepancies people find ...and you just CANT deny that too many things are just tooooo odd.!
So I cant deny these things..... and for me it would be
"offensive" to
just ignore some of these facts.