The footage is out

:-( Wow, thx for posting that. He did seem a bit tired in that clip but Michael always used to save up all his energy for the actual shows.
okay I think I died just now. Shit that looked so amazing. I just don't understand what went so horribly wrong... This is just too much.
he was beautiful. damn guys this hurts so bad my baby was fine. he was fine and he was taken away. omg i need help that hurt to watch. It makes me miss him so much. It was going to be great just great.
CRYING.... OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no justice in this world!!! Why Michael???? Why now??????? He was amazing.........................................................
I really need help now. I knew I should not have watched it. I wasn't ready. Oh GOD why, I got so much anger right now and i want to know what happened to him.
this just doesn't make any sense....:cry:

he looked terrific. it's heartbreaking to know that he's gone......michael loved performing...he didn't want to die.. at least i hope not. this is just a tragic accident.
Why wouldnt they show the best clip though?

ALSO HE MAY NOT BE MIMING: I know it looks like he is and his vocals are perfect but if you compare what he adlibs after 'if Martin Luther was living' its different to the record (3:00 mins into the song) so the playback was either different to the record or HE WAS SINGING LIVE!
Why wouldnt they show the best clip though?

ALSO HE MAY NOT BE MIMING: I know it looks like he is and his vocals are perfect but if you compare what he adlibs after 'if Martin Luther was living' its different to the record (3:00 mins into the song) so the playback was either different to the record or HE WAS SINGING LIVE!

I'm gonna re watch it and pay more attention this time. I was only looking at him at first.
omg... Michael is sooo spirito!!!! How could the terrible thing happen to him!?
deeply angry!!!
Oh God, he was so gorgeous here and I wanted to see him so badly. I knew I would feel sad when I saw it (btw, they're also playing it on SkyNews) and I do, but I also had that excited "oh! It's Michael!!!" feeling... then the sinking feeling. I would have seen him, seen what he and Kenny had made for us, from so close. So it hurt like hell but it was soooo wonderful to see at the same time. I hope they do the DVD thing and not too far from now. I don't care it's just rehearsals and not all-out. It's the only thing we have of what Michael wanted us to see :sad:
Man, Mike still had it ya'll...I loved the little She drives me Wild bit.

Thanks TSCM for the link, you Rock!!!:flowers: