The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Re: Random Thoughts

Hey you! You stole Motseys parking space! Now when he gets back from work he'll have nowhere to park!
Re: Random Thoughts

i got new words for you people...........a moment ago.
you all BINGO! great BINGO!! gook luck!!! heihei
Re: Random Thoughts

people, the GREAT GIFT(or reason, whatever you wanna call) had been bestowed by GOD in the payment of the 1st tomb.
the great gift might be given the 2nd time the payment of the 2nd tomb?wow, big luck. i promise if we all earthly people got the gift the 2nd time we wont get the chance to harrah right here........never. sigh. it's a ...another kind of luck that some of us still keep the 1st gift even in the torrent of time, and show you the gift right before the 2nd chance.

want to know what's the gift ughh?

the biggest gift is(especially for the management of humankind): mind your head people, mind the cap on your head, mind using the holly-theories for your own benefits, you will drive us all to the abyss
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Re: Random Thoughts

the birdshow just always suprised me that much
sigh sosososo... that much
Re: Random Thoughts

Random thought # 76543
I wish Michael Jackson was not famous so that way I would not be so damn sad that, some guy named Michael Jackson died.
Re: Random Thoughts

I love how MJJC has finally stopped being slow on my computer! It means I can visit more! Woo woo!
Re: Random Thoughts

I've just read a handful of threads (in GD) about board members who are feeling really down and depressed at the moment. :(

I think everyone needs a hug.
Re: Random Thoughts

OK everyone needs to take a step away from the LMP thread and take a look at themselves... :mellow: