The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

fujon bring back the siggy and avvy :p[/b]
Hi Roxanne :)

Which one?





You're welcome, Roxanne :flowers:
Please, go to bed and have a good rest, o'k? :flowers: *HUGSSS* We Love you more :heart:
May God send to you the Healing Angels. Amen :flowers: You'll feel better tomorrow :yes:

Well, my day was very busy and stressful, paid off the rest of bills today.

We have now Very Hot weather.
I took cold shower a few times, it's not good for my bones, I know, but I had no choice ( and had no time to warm up much water.. )

Glad that ''OMEZ'' ( medicine against uncle ) helped me today
Guess, I have uncles... a lot of it..........
The name of it 'OMEZ' in drugstore made me think about T-Mez.. lol
OOOOO..... Mezzz..... It's helping :)

What else I wanted to say: about the dreams from last night.
Michael visited me and while I was very serious and talk to him, he made funny faces and teased me lol
I told: ''Michael, please, come on, listen to me.. It's very serious :( ''
But he laughed at me..
I woke up with a cheer full mood.
So, it was a good dream? lol

Also, I saw the Beautiful White Church which was in the air...
Someone told me: ''Now you know how looks the Father's House''
I heard music, but woke up.
Maybe I was near to die? My heart not so good...
But I'm alive today and smiling :)
Hey Fujon :) You take care :flowers: You're in our thoughts :)[/b]
Hey, Angel :)
Thank you, I'm trying to be o'k :)

Oh, about that dream when I saw the Church, they told me, God send ( already ) or will send to me Two Angels will help.

Well, I better will believe in it :)
Random thought... How would you guys feel if this thread was archived and a new one was started for you guys???

I'm just thinking, cause this thread is SOOOOOOOO long, and I just think it would probably ease the load on your computers, our server and stuff to keep this safe from harm, and start a new one?

I'mma TRY to find your responses, but otherwise, Agent LJ, report back to me please? LOL
You can delete it and we will open the new one?
To archived this thread for what? Here is not important info, it's not like a news thread.

I wonder how other ppls feel about it?
We can make a few thousand pages again, I'm sure lol :)
You can delete it and we will open the new one?
To archived this thread for what? Here is not important info, it's not like a news thread.

I wonder how other ppls feel about it?
We can make a few thousand pages again, I'm sure lol :)[/b]
Delete? No! Just move it to the 2007 Archive!

I just think it's an achievement you guys made it to 2222 pages... Kinda cool!
The thread is closed.

The Female members arrested and handcuffed to MJ's bed :lol: