The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

With Michael registering this concert at The Forum in November 1981, I wonder if he and his brothers were planning on releasing it at some point

She’s out Of my life sounds spectacular! Great vocals!
My only concern of the Triumph tour is that during DSTYGE we only get Michael’s feet up close and not his entire body. I hope there are other camera shots available during that performance.
Bill Bottrell:

It must have been '96 Michael called and asked me to come to Record Plant LA to work on new material.
I hadn't seen or heard from him since '91.
I found much activity and 3 rooms booked at R.P.
It seemed chaotic and leaderless.

M. showed me around, and especially wanted me to hear BOTDF, because he had borrowed the title from a demo I wrote during Dangerous.
Mick Gusauski was in final stages of mix in one of the rooms.
I remember I felt it didn't SOUND like an M. track, and felt it was not Mick's fault, that the tracks weren't recorded well.

I set up in a studio, with a great assistant and a song M. sang to me. I was trying to create that long un-pitched "gooooooom" sound. I didn't have many instruments.

M. got me up in his lounge, where there was a gentleman keeping his distance introduced as manager.

Michael was not well. He wanted to talk about Sheryl Crow whose famous album I wrote and produced and how she dissed him after hitting big. I gave my empathy as I knew how she could try too hard to say the ingratiating thing in the moment.

He hated my first DAT of the song, said it sounded like a circus.

We took a limo over to Larrabee W. hollywood. There the great engineer (?) was working on "Demerol" (Morphine)
I had to cheer Michael up somehow, remind him that these sessions are for HIS expression, HE needs to let loose because somehow this huge entourage had got the better of him.

I hear the track and got M. out in the big room, put up a mic and me and M. SANG the chorus at the top of our lungs. We were yelling it out. Breathing! Shout! I hoped it felt good for him.

On the ride back we talked some more.
As we came in the back door, there stood some other clients- producer Don **** and some famous musicians.
They tried to chat us up but I got M. past that, past the hot tub with a condom on the bottom, past all the studios with no sound coming out, and I said good bye.

And to this day I've wondered what I should have done better. I'm so sad.

MJ recorded your demo with the same title as BOTDF?

Bill Botrell :

I don't know of any recording M did of my demo.
This looks like somebody saw my tape and had instructions to register everything, so they did.
It was going to be a great song for M. to finish, change the lyric, etc. But instead he got another idea from the title only, and went with that.

^ Does this mean Bill has given MJ a copy of his song? Perhaps M did lay some scratch vocals on it.🤔
Yeah I wonder about that too. So this thread is about tracks/demo's, but is there any insight in the amount of really, really early ideas on tape: like him just humming stuff without vocals, vocals without musical ideas ideas, talking, ideas in general? He mostly had a cassette recorder nearby so I can imagine there must be loads and loads of stuff that is not yet considered a demo, not even an early demo..?
Yeah I wonder about that too. So this thread is about tracks/demo's, but is there any insight in the amount of really, really early ideas on tape: like him just humming stuff without vocals, vocals without musical ideas ideas, talking, ideas in general? He mostly had a cassette recorder nearby so I can imagine there must be loads and loads of stuff that is not yet considered a demo, not even an early demo..?

As far as I know the demo in its "earliest state" i call it, with humming, clapping and overlaying many vocal takes is the demo of Beat it we got on the This is it album. But I think you may be right, as this demo survived and was not deleted after nearly 30 years, there may be many more of his self written songs in a similar state still somewhere around.
Maybe we will hear one or maybe even more in the biopic or in the most likely comming compilation album for the movie. I think it is possible that they will show how he wrote his songs and that they will use some of those early demo vocals to demonstrate the process.
As far as I know the demo in its "earliest state" i call it, with humming, clapping and overlaying many vocal takes is the demo of Beat it we got on the This is it album. But I think you may be right, as this demo survived and was not deleted after nearly 30 years, there may be many more of his self written songs in a similar state still somewhere around.
Maybe we will hear one or maybe even more in the biopic or in the most likely comming compilation album for the movie. I think it is possible that they will show how he wrote his songs and that they will use some of those early demo vocals to demonstrate the process.

Yes but is that demo of Beat It the very beginning of that song? It seems in a pretty far stage already tbh.. I have a feeling MJ tried a lot of stuff on tape before getting to 'demo stage': memo's, ideas, experiments, failed ideas, different lyrics, different musical ideas etc. and I hope The Estate has those and they will come to light!
Yeah I wonder about that too. So this thread is about tracks/demo's, but is there any insight in the amount of really, really early ideas on tape: like him just humming stuff without vocals, vocals without musical ideas ideas, talking, ideas in general? He mostly had a cassette recorder nearby so I can imagine there must be loads and loads of stuff that is not yet considered a demo, not even an early demo..?
The work tape of The Girl In Mine shown at the 1993 deposition does fit all of the criteria you mention.
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There probably is and I agree, I would love to hear them and the creative process.. But now we're talking just us hardcore fans who would want to hear this kind of stuff. The Estate has bigger fish to fry.
I heard the demo for In the back that was sung to Buxer over the phone. Pretty cool demo, would be great for a history reissue.
That's cool. Can you tell us anymore about it. Was it played during Brad's seminar?
Yes I wrote an indeph review of brads seminar from June 2023. Just check my posts. They didn’t play anything that wasn’t related to an already released track. The biggest highlight for me was hearing the 2008 or 9 version of Hollywood Tonight with David Williams rhythm guitar. Was amazing. MP told us about how Michael was giving good advice to get the guitar to sound the right way
Yes I wrote an indeph review of brads seminar from June 2023. Just check my posts. They didn’t play anything that wasn’t related to an already released track. The biggest highlight for me was hearing the 2008 or 9 version of Hollywood Tonight with David Williams rhythm guitar. Was amazing. MP told us about how Michael was giving good advice to get the guitar to sound the right way
Brilliant I'll check them out, thanks for the info mate