The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Call it the pessimist in me, but the phrasing of this gives me the impression that these arenā€™t fully finished MJ songs. Tim says that he recorded six songs and that MJ did stacked vocals on three or four. He never says that MJ tracked the full things, he says that theyā€™re finished songsā€”which they could be technically. Just not with his leads.

Of course Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m wrong, but itā€™s nonspecific enough that I could see that heā€™s only got background vocals in existence.

Yes, that is the big question. So why not ask the guys themselves? I found their Instagram profiles (99% sure its them). Is there anyone in this thread willing and capable of respectfully asking the boys about the songs they did with MJ? Maybe SmoothMel7? :)

Tim (who seems to be much more active online than Bob):
Yes, that is the big question. So why not ask the guys themselves? I found their Instagram profiles (99% sure its them). Is there anyone in this thread willing and capable of respectfully asking the boys about the songs they did with MJ? Maybe SmoothMel7? :)

Tim (who seems to be much more active online than Bob):
I already sent a message to Tim Kelley in February of this year šŸ™‚ But I didn't hear back.

I can send again if you want. What do you want me to ask? šŸ™‚
I already sent a message to Tim Kelley in February of this year šŸ™‚ But I didn't hear back.

I can send again if you want. What do you want me to ask? šŸ™‚
Oh wow, always one step ahead :)
I think the most important question for us in this thread would be something like: "Did MJ record full lead vocals on any of your songs?"

What do you guys think?
Giorgio Moroder had been approached to help work on the soundtrack of the film 7 Faces of Dr. Lao and developed several demos. He began work on these in December 1994, including two or three for HIStory.

I have one song that is kind of confirmed. Michaelā€™s considering a second and Iā€™m working on a third. I do the demos in Los Angeles and send them to Michael in New York. Michaelā€™s ending up with so much good new material that he could release a whole other album.
Giorgio Moroder had been approached to help work on the soundtrack of the film 7 Faces of Dr. Lao and developed several demos. He began work on these in December 1994, including two or three for HIStory.

I have one song that is kind of confirmed. Michaelā€™s considering a second and Iā€™m working on a third. I do the demos in Los Angeles and send them to Michael in New York. Michaelā€™s ending up with so much good new material that he could release a whole other album.
Damn, first Tim and Bob and now him? Never really pegged Moroder as a collaborator, but then again I didn't peg Tim and Bob as such either. I wouldn't be surprised if more collabroators come out the woodwork.

And while we're on the subject, has there been any known collaborators whose involvement was completely unknown beforehand?
I've been inactive in the community for a long time, but catch up on reading occasionally. I've seen "Oh Yeah" get mentioned here a few times. I was the person who wrote the article in which Samuel Hoskins mentioned it. It's on a lost blogspot and I don't have the text anymore, but I have my email conversation with him still. Hoskins' answer to the question whether Michael recorded more of his songs which remain unreleased was "No.. We wrote anther song called "Oh Yeah" but it didn't make the cut." 'We' in this case likely being Hoskins, Carmen Lampson and Claud Forbes. I think it is safe to assume it was never recorded and just handed over as a writer's demo before being rejected. Anyway, a small puzzle piece from an article I did for fun over 10 years ago.
Damn, first Tim and Bob and now him? Never really pegged Moroder as a collaborator, but then again I didn't peg Tim and Bob as such either. I wouldn't be surprised if more collabroators come out the woodwork.

And while we're on the subject, has there been any known collaborators whose involvement was completely unknown beforehand?
I'd say it depends on the person. What's known to one may be unknown to the next
Oh wow, always one step ahead :)
I think the most important question for us in this thread would be something like: "Did MJ record full lead vocals on any of your songs?"

What do you guys think?
I suppose it depends on the collaborator(s). We know Michael tended to revisit tracks at different periods. So - for example - if someone worked with him on a track for Bad, and it was brought out again for HIStory - that collaborator may only know of it in its Bad-era state.
Oh wow, always one step ahead :)
I think the most important question for us in this thread would be something like: "Did MJ record full lead vocals on any of your songs?"

What do you guys think?
I'm making the request! šŸ™‚

Giorgio Moroder had been approached to help work on the soundtrack of the film 7 Faces of Dr. Lao and developed several demos. He began work on these in December 1994, including two or three for HIStory.

I have one song that is kind of confirmed. Michaelā€™s considering a second and Iā€™m working on a third. I do the demos in Los Angeles and send them to Michael in New York. Michaelā€™s ending up with so much good new material that he could release a whole other album.
What is your source? I found that nothing had been recorded...
@AlwaysThere do you have any more info on ā€œremember what I told youā€? You mentioned it was recorded June 19,2009 outside the staples Center but Damien said it was recorded 2008. Is it possible MJ went back to the track and added vocals?
Sadly nothing more than Damien shared. Itā€™s certainly possible that MJ went back to update it! I havenā€™t heard it myself nor seen any actual track sheets or Pro Tools metadata, so I donā€™t have much to add. Hopefully one day I can make it to the copyright office and give it a listen!
I've been inactive in the community for a long time, but catch up on reading occasionally. I've seen "Oh Yeah" get mentioned here a few times. I was the person who wrote the article in which Samuel Hoskins mentioned it. It's on a lost blogspot and I don't have the text anymore, but I have my email conversation with him still. Hoskins' answer to the question whether Michael recorded more of his songs which remain unreleased was "No.. We wrote anther song called "Oh Yeah" but it didn't make the cut." 'We' in this case likely being Hoskins, Carmen Lampson and Claud Forbes. I think it is safe to assume it was never recorded and just handed over as a writer's demo before being rejected. Anyway, a small puzzle piece from an article I did for fun over 10 years ago.
Hey, man! I was looking for that article for years now. Thank you for the clarification. I remember all that was said at the time was ā€œit didnā€™t make the cut,ā€ so I took that to mean that something was recorded. Still interested in hearing it!
For Dr Freeze, Michael Prince discussed 6 songs with MJ during the Invincible period.
But that only the 3 songs we know were priorities for MJ.
Dr Freeze mentioned in an interview in 2011 (the same interview where he talked about Rise Above It All) that he had made about 30 songs for MJ but he picked 5-6 of them to show to Michael. I assume those 5 songs must be Break Of Dawn, A Place With No Name, Blue Gangsta, Rise Above It All, and Jungle City.
Q: Have you done other songs with Michael Jackson, other than these three?

F: We did some other songs, I do not think we've finalized anything. I'm not sure I can tell you much more.

Q: Overall, how many songs did you write for Michael?

F: Oh, about thirty, and I had to save five or six of 'em.

Q: And you have these songs in your possession today?

F: Most of his novels are in the coffers now. We have no control over them. They keep everything in the chests.

Q: So is the hands of the Estate?

F: Yes, absolutely. John McClain is responsible for it.

Q: Is he the boss!

F: Yes, the boss!

Q: Were you able to hear new songs?

F: Yes, I could listen to most of them. But I can not say anything, sorry. I'm not allowed to disclose anything.

Q: Let's play a little game instead. I'll give you the names of songs, and you tell me whether or not you've heard 'em. Have you heard "Escape"?

F: "Escape"? That tells me nothing.

Q: "Fear," "Face", does that tell you something?

F: No, nothing at all

Q: Have you listened to "Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

F: I've heard it in the studios.

Q: "Crack Kills"?

F: Never heard of that.

Q: The "gloved One"?

F: No.

Q: In fact, it would be easier if you give us some names...Could you give us the name of an unreleased track that you particularly marked and talk a little?

F: There's a song we made together, but I do not know if he has completed his vocal parts. It's called "Rise Above It All". It's a song I wrote and on which we worked.

Q: What was it about?

F: It's an upbeat song. If you feel bad, if things are going wrong in the world, be positive and try to be as happy as possible, leaving aside all the negative things. Overcome negativity, go beyond the woes of the world, all wars, the starving children and all the bad things. Assemble yourselves, hold your hand, raise your hands to heaven and pass it all. It's a little theme song. I can not say whether he had recorded the song, but in any case, we worked on it. There are other songs on which they collaborated. Most of these songs are mid-tempo, but I can not say anything more.

Q: Have you talked with John McClain of songs that you recorded with Michael and what he intended to do with them?

F: No. It's hard to go directly into contact with John McClain, he is very busy. The subject has not yet been addressed.
Dr Freeze mentioned in an interview in 2011 (the same interview where he talked about Rise Above It All) that he had made about 30 songs for MJ but he picked 5-6 of them to show to Michael. I assume those 5 songs must be Break Of Dawn, A Place With No Name, Blue Gangsta, Rise Above It All, and Jungle City.
Ask Damien about. Rise above all
Giorgio Moroder had been approached to help work on the soundtrack of the film 7 Faces of Dr. Lao and developed several demos. He began work on these in December 1994, including two or three for HIStory.

I have one song that is kind of confirmed. Michaelā€™s considering a second and Iā€™m working on a third. I do the demos in Los Angeles and send them to Michael in New York. Michaelā€™s ending up with so much good new material that he could release a whole other album.
Thanks for sharing. This is new to me. Watch Michael have a decent stockpile of soundtrack pieces hidden away. lol.
Part of being in this community is taking initiative and doing your research. There's a lot of answers out there to be found, and many take minimal effort.
No Damien maybe he heard that song there is no info about vocals

I'm always asking even Shana answered me before about songs that she has