The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

I hope I can answer a few question with this one.

Dangerous era was really packed. Michael didn't have the amount of man power he had while recording HIStory. It was more familiar by choice.

So what you end up with is a lot of song grooves, ideas and demos. Especially in the first 12 months of the Decade project.
Lots of the stuff isn't finished. Since MIDI (not the only reason) was introduced, the sound quality in comparison to the Bad era, is definitely better.
The musicians had so much more opportunities to express themselves. Most Decade/Dangerous demos are enjoyable in comparison to Bad (in my opinion).

Homeless Bound is one of the only songs thats finished and hasn't surfaced yet.
It's an amazing song, I love it dearly. And it's also one of the songs I had in mind to give away.

I see Dangerous 35 as the opportunity to release all those demos and ideas on a two CD box set.
Thanks for the interesting information!
I hope I can answer a few question with this one.

Dangerous era was really packed. Michael didn't have the amount of man power he had while recording HIStory. It was more familiar by choice.

So what you end up with is a lot of song grooves, ideas and demos. Especially in the first 12 months of the Decade project.
Lots of the stuff isn't finished. Since MIDI (not the only reason) was introduced, the sound quality in comparison to the Bad era, is definitely better.
The musicians had so much more opportunities to express themselves. Most Decade/Dangerous demos are enjoyable in comparison to Bad (in my opinion).

Homeless Bound is one of the only songs thats finished and hasn't surfaced yet.
It's an amazing song, I love it dearly. And it's also one of the songs I had in mind to give away.

I see Dangerous 35 as the opportunity to release all those demos and ideas on a two CD box set.
Thank you very much to answer me.
Really curious about Homeless Bound now...
What do you mean by saying you had in mind to giovedì away...a gift for the fans?
Why do people believe this firmware-god guy he's just full of shit, and its very obvious the kind of BS he's doing. He's said things numerous times which I can attest are definitely NOT true.

You can choose to eat up the crap he says, idc, just making it clear for the 1000th time all he's doing is wasting your time and spreading misinformation. The longer you entertain him, the longer he'll keep playing these games.
@firmware-god If you have/have heard 'Ghost of Another Lover', can you tell me more about it? The state of the track, lyrics, music.. That leaked demo sounded very promising!
Had the pleasure of meeting firmware recently because I was wearing a top that says MJJCommunity he approached. He's legit guys, he previewed me Ghosts of Another Lover aside from the finished version in the 90's he showed me a version done in Ireland with Will.I.Am in Ireland around the 2006-2007 era. He was also able to show me footage of MJ rehearsing the song with Kenny Ortega for TII
Had the pleasure of meeting firmware recently because I was wearing a top that says MJJCommunity he approached. He's legit guys, he previewed me Spice Of Life aside from the finished version in the 90's he showed me a version done in Ireland with Will.I.Am in Ireland around the 2006-2007 era. He was also able to show me footage of MJ rehearsing the song with Jenna Ortega for TII
I can attest to all of the above, I wore my MJJCommunity brand panties at the seminar and firmware gave me a USB stick that contained the 2014 Timbaland remix of Sex Life. I plugged the USB to my laptop and I got to hear the song for a full minute before my laptop was infected with a malware that deleted all of my personal files but I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

Anyway the song was great and it puts all of MJ's greatest hits to shame, I have no one to thank but firmware for granting me the blessing of listening to such a banger. I hope everyone here gets to hear it one day.
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Michael is not 100% of the time in my brain as in some of yours, apparently.
He seems to be like a god to some of you. This is crazy.
Comes onto an MJ discussion forum, enters the thread about MJ's unreleased music, is surprised that people are asking questions when you say that you've heard unreleased material and don't give a single answer that isn't vague and stinks of bullcrap and act shifty and try to play games for literally no reason.
I can attest to all of the above, I wore my MJJCommunity brand panties at the seminar and firmware gave me a USB stick that contained the 2014 Timbaland remix of Sex Life. I plugged the USB to my laptop and I got to hear the song for a full minute before my laptop was infected with a malware that deleted all of my personal files but I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

Anyway the song was great and it puts all of MJ's greatest hits to shame, I have no one to thank but firmware for granting me the blessing of listening to such a banger. I hope everyone here gets to hear it one day.
The real question here is...did it have angry vocals?
I got some counter questions, as you all seem so firm on your ends.

Which is throwing you under the most?
The fact that other people have content you can not obtain or my ability to share infos beyond some peoples horizon?

There is no need for me to answer anything. I do this in my spare time.
I get absolutely nothing out of this.

Michael is not 100% of the time in my brain as in some of yours, apparently.
He seems to be like a god to some of you. This is crazy.
I got some counter questions:
-What's the name of that "Bryan Loren production"? Since you claim you know a lot.

-What are 3 better things you can do in your "spare time" besides spew bullshit on MJ forums?

-Why don't you do those 3 things instead?

Thank you!
Comes onto an MJ discussion forum, enters the thread about MJ's unreleased music, is surprised that people are asking questions when you say that you've heard unreleased material and don't give a single answer that isn't vague and stinks of bullcrap and act shifty and try to play games for literally no reason.
This is the game, say a bunch of crap which totals to nothing, and keeping saying more crap throw in a few technical words to make yourself seem credible. How would anyone be able to fact check?
In 2018, on July 5th, during Brad's seminar, I had the opportunity to chat behind the scenes with him and with B. Buxer, who was the guest speaker at that session. They were kind enough to answer many of my questions.

Now, I can't say everything, but I think you can understand. Here’s what I can share:

  • Yes, there is a full version of "Tomboy." I listened to the demo, and it sounds a lot like Toto's "Africa," with Paulinho da Costa on percussion. If it had been released on "Bad," I'm sure it would have been a huge hit.
  • "Be Me 4 A Day" is a demo Michael recorded with Rockwell, actually with the Jackson brothers singing on the first verse and backing vocals. One part of the lyrics I remember: Can you see the man behind the mask? Can you live the life, can you take the task? When the curtain falls, and the lights go down, Can you wear the crown, without a frown? Be me for a day.
From what I have been told, it is an advanced version of "Who Do You Love/Who Do You Know/Behind The Mask."

  • The last track Brad played for me is very special. It's called "Ulterior Motives," and it's a demo Michael received from some guys who lived near him in Hayvenhurst. In the version I heard, you can hear the backing vocals of the original artists, with Michael adding his own low-effort mumbling take.

Brad even gave me copies of the tapes. What a great man he is...
@firmware-god I'll be waiting for you at the next seminar. Just be there with a t-shirt with John Branca's face printed on it. No time wasters, no scams, recordings, or anything like that.