The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Was it a good song?
Yeah, to clarify- ”Places You Find Love” was written and recorded for Quincy Jones’s Back on the Block album in 1989. Those sessions happened after he split with Michael, I think it’s extremely unlikely Michael recorded it. Brad played a section of it in seminar to teach the audience to listen to the different layers and multitracks.

Edit: Checked the album notes- this song was written in 1988, so it definitely was not presented to Michael.
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Like Hot Street?
Has Rod and Quincy ever said anything bad about the song? Iirc all they said was that they didn't think the song was good enough for Thriller, not that it was downright unlikeable.
And yet the vocals were recorded at Westlake on 10/30/86 (Streetwalker rough mix w/ guitar overdubs were done on 10/27/86). I guess Q must have thought TMO might have some potential.
Yeah I suppose MJ also thought the song had potential since he worked on it for both Bad and Dangerous albums, but I don't think that means a lot when he also thought The Verdict was good enough to be brought up for not only one but two albums lol. I'm just saying that from what we heard from people who heard/worked on the song I'm more leaned to believe it probably isn't a good song. Even GYWOOM and I Have This Dream were hyped up by the people who worked on them and they're nothing short of mediocre, imagine how TMO is when one of the co-creators is calling it a really unlikeable song.
Frank Cascio (My Friend Michael Book): "In that bathroom, Michael kept a lot of his own music: demos of stuff he wanted to record or songs he was working on but had yet to finish. So at night, alone, that’s mostly what I played—music that Michael had never released or was still developing. I sometimes sat in that room for hours, listening to certain songs over and over again. It was like my very own private unplugged concert".

"I liked “Turning Me Off,” an up-tempo song that hadn’t made it onto the Dangerous album; a song called “Chicago 1945” about a girl who went missing; a pretty song called “Michael McKellar”; and a song that eventually came out on Blood on the Dance Floor called “Superfly Sister.” I listened to that song over and over for years before it was released".
"I liked “Turning Me Off,” an up-tempo song that hadn’t made it onto the Dangerous album; a song called “Chicago 1945” about a girl who went missing; a pretty song called “Michael McKellar”; and a song that eventually came out on Blood on the Dance Floor called “Superfly Sister.” I listened to that song over and over for years before it was released".
Completely forgot about this part, now it brings back some of my interest again lol. I was more so thinking of what Bill Botrell said and what one of the hosts on The MJCast said about the song and they both said it wasn't a good song. I guess in the end it's all about taste.
Completely forgot about this part, now it brings back some of my interest again lol. I was more so thinking of what Bill Botrell said and what one of the hosts on The MJCast said about the song and they both said it wasn't a good song. I guess in the end it's all about taste.
I remember John Barnes saying Buffalo Bill demo's not further developed and yet it almost made it on to Victory.

It seems some original collaborators don't always know if and when a song/demo was further worked on either by MJ alone or with other third parties.
Is say it's very likely he did record a demo. Correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds like Kipp Lennon, the same soundalike MJ used for The Simpsons due to contractual restrictions. We all know of the 'Happy Birthday Lisa' demo, so would see no reason why this wouldn't be the same

El DeBarge?​

It's down to taste sometimes.

I remember Bill Bottrell saying he was shocked that Monkey Business didn't make it onto Dangerous. I'm sure he said it was stronger than some of the stuff on the record or something like that.

Quincy wasn't fond of Smooth Criminal, so sometimes tastes differ massively.

I'd still like to hear Turnin' Me Off and judge it for myself. It's a title that's always intrigued me, espicially as it's carried over a few eras.
I remember John Barnes saying Buffalo Bill demo's not further developed and yet it almost made it on to Victory.

It seems some original collaborators don't always know if and when a song/demo was further worked on either by MJ alone or with other third parties.
Yeah, it's pretty clear that MJ gave songs to others to flesh out or even just brought them back out to work on his own.
Yeah I think I'll wait until I actually hear it before deciding I dislike it lol.
There isn't an MJ song I really dislike at all so I never get involved in these "Is it gonna suck or not". There's some I definitely like more but I've listened to just about everything there is multiple times, except maybe the least popular J5 stuff.

But it's like Get Your Weight Off Me all over again. Can we at least wait first? Hearing it is way more interesting than talking about it. He's Michael Freaking Jackson, not Meghan Trainor.

a 2-track reel for TMO does exist.(tape in the middle "Cheater/Loving You/Turning Me Off).

It's most likely we'll get it on some future release.