The Daily News Jan 20 - Grammys Will Stage 3-D Tribute to Michael Jackson

Thanks for stream! Sorry if this is already answered, but what channel are they airing this? Like, orginal channel.
nybody , know any UK station airing this???

Come on guys there's usually loads of you with this INFO???

This is all very interesting. I wonder how the glasses will enhance the show? I will go to target 2morrow to see if my store carries them
JADE 13!!!

tHANK YOU SO, SO MUCH FOR TELLING me this i really do appreciate it. I will dust off my VHs then to make sure i record this momentum dedication!!

i want to be able to show this to MY KIDS when they are older and so they can pass it to theirs!! Michael WILL live in MUSIC forever!!

Timor Steffens just updated his status on Facebook

"On my way to staple center for a rehearsal...for the grammies"

Perhaps something to do with the MJ tribute? I wonder are all the This Is It dancers gonna be there? :)
Celine Dion says she's feeling sad, angry about Michael Jackson's death

The Canadian Press, 2010
LOS ANGELES - Celine Dion says she's still sad and angry about the death of Michael Jackson.
The diva is set to take the stage along with Jennifer Hudson, Usher, Carrie Underwood and Smokey Robinson for a 3-D tribute to Jackson at the 52nd Grammy Awards on Sunday.
It will be the first look at the environmentally conscious "Earth Day" mini-movie Jackson created for his "This Is It" tour before his death last June.
After rehearsals on Saturday, Dion was asked how it felt to sing "Earth Day" while images of the King of Pop scrolled by on massive screens overhead.
"Very emotional," said Dion, clad in a grey embroidered T-shirt and jeans, with a white leather jacket and thigh-high grey suede boots.
"Very honoured and emotional at the same time. It's kind of an awkward feeling. Sadness, and mad at the same time that he was top shape.
"You see a lot through the newspapers and it's unfortunate sometimes that people have this (distorted) image, but Michael was on top of his gig and on top of his talent, and seeing the movie and seeing him, how top-shape he was, it's very difficult to accept."
Special glasses are available only in the United States at Target stores, so Canadian viewers might not get the full effect of the visuals, which feature a small girl dancing through a lush jungle and falling asleep to images of polar bears, elephants and zebras charging around onscreen.
The song, however, will still pack a punch. As Dion swayed and danced onstage alongside the others, the group harmonized with pre-recorded vocals from Jackson.
For Dion, Jackson was an "amazing source of inspiration." So much so, that she said he was part of the reason she decided to learn English.
"I wanted the same life - show business," she explained.
"I wanted to sing onstage like him. ... I wanted to be onstage someday with Michael Jackson, especially (to) sing onstage with him maybe one day."
Dion said she didn't want to meet the King of Pop and be unable to tell him how honoured she was because of a language barrier.
"It was because of him in a way that I went to school to learn English," she said.
The Grammy performance is difficult for her, the singer added.
"It is, because I'm not only a fan, but I knew him personally a little bit, I met with him, and it's difficult to know that he was doing perfectly well and that he's no longer with us," she said.
"It's just heartbreaking."
So she took one more opportunity to explain what made Jackson such a special performer.
"Michael was not only a great musician, he was a great dancer, he was a great visionary, he had every instrument inside of his body, he knew exactly what he wanted to hear, what he wanted to do, he was feeling everything," she said.
"I hear 'HOO,"' she says, imitating Jackson's signature high-pitched flourish. "I hear this, it's not even a song, but for me it means everything. ...
"He was very, very special. I'm a big fan of Michael Jackson, period. That's all I can say."
The set-up for the Michael Jackson tribute took a while, as more and more random people with video cameras and whatnot began to pack the room. It seems the death of the King of Pop is still big news—I wonder if this Grammy salute will finally put him to rest? They’ve certainly brought in the big guns: Celine Dion, Usher, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, and Smokey Robinson will come together on stage to honor the late pop great. It’s possible their tremendous voices are being under-utilized on “Earth Song,” since they’ve little to do but trade off lines with the Jackson recording while standing in front of jumbotrons running a 3-D video of a little girl running through a forest. As the song wears on, gorgeous shots of ponies and polar bears and snowy mountains slowly morph into a burning, post-apocalyptic landscape, before ending on a shot of Earth from outer space, and a moment of respect for Jackson. Again: All in 3-D! (Get your glasses at Target.) I’ll be curious to see how this plays with the folks at home—it’s possible the emotion of the moment will elevate things during the show. On a side note, I especially enjoyed that both Dion and Underwood were wearing their “Talent” credential stickers on stage, and would like to be introduced to any security personnel that might have a hard time identifying those two women sans sticky pass.

Stars rehearse for MJ tribute
It is undoubtedly the most anticipated moment of the 52nd annual Grammy Awards Sunday night. I attended the rehearsal for the Micheal Jackson tribute in which Celine Dion is participating. It was a very moving tribute for the star...

"It's a bizarre emotion because we lost someone very big and at the same it's an honour to be chosen to continue his message. It's a very big honour," said Dion once she left the stage.

Dion will share the stage with Jennifer Hudson, Smokey Robinson, Carrie Underwood and Usher during the 3D performance. It will be the first time in the United States for such a performance.

The five artists will perform Earth Song. On the screens will be shown a 3D video that was supposed to be part of Jackson's "This is it" tour. I got to watch the rehearsal with 3D glasses, just like all those in attendance will do tonight.

The result is surprising. Birds fly above the audience, soap bubbles float around the room. Animals appear to jump out of the screen. Huge photos of Michael Jackson through the years will top off the show.

The performance opens with Jackson's voice talking about his love of nature.

"I love trees, I have respect for those kind of things," he said, as images of the jungle and animals pass by.

Dion is the first to come on stage, followed by Usher, Underwood, Hudson and Robinson. The moving performance peaks when the group asks, "What about us?" and Jackson answers them. At the end, they turn their backs to the crowd to salute Jackson.

There have been rumours that Jackson`s three kids will be part of the tribute and will speak. They were not at the rehearsal.

Dion seemed moved after the run-through.

"It's very emotional for me, I'm not only a fan, but I knew Michael too," said Dion, who was wearing a white leather blouse, tall boots and gray jeans. Amusingly and unlike the other performers, Dion had the sticker on her pants that allows access to the Staples Centre.

"I've been a big fan for forever," she said, with husband Rene Angelil at her side. "Michael was big inspiration for me, I had his posters on the wall of my room when I was young. He encouraged me to learn English because I wanted to have the same job as him and meet him one day.

"Michael was a visionary, he had all of the instruments him, he felt everything, he was an emotion," added Dion, who is still having a difficult time accepting the star's death and the image that has been painted of him in the media. "He was in top shape and at the top of his craft. It's very hard to accept."

Dion's stylist Annie Horth was in the room as well. She was trying to decide between two dresses for the singer; one is ivory-coloured and features precious stones from Aquilano Rimondi, and a more "rocker" style black dress from Balmain. She made her decision after seeing the images from the video.

Of course, security at the Staples Centre is intense. Every reporter has to pass through a metal detector and guards track our every move.

In the US, Target stores distributed millions of 3D glasses. Those watching from home with the glasses will be able to watch the performance in 3D as well, though unfortunately the feature is not available in Canada.
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Usher just confirmed that the "Earth Song" bit is at the end of the whole show!!!!!
Sorry for the silly question but is Mike actually nominated for anything or are just doing a tribute? Can't watch the live stream, stupid connection... Someone please update here when you hear anything. Thanks.
Did you notice the OUTFITs of
Beyncé and the soldiers - it looked like from They dont care about Us from This Is It
P!ink - the acrobats... like those from TII
BlackEyedPeas - the outfits like from TII and the beginning of their song like JAM from TII....

Wait for the others...