"The collection" - released 29th June. (5 album set)

will the bad version contain the original first recordings, like for example the spoken intro on IJCSLY?
Ok so,yet again another re-release of Michael's albums but hey,its another thing to add too some peoples collection and for the so called ''haters'' that have come out of the closet since the dates where released they will proberly add it to theirs aswell and it will be good to actually go in to a music store and buy something relativley new even though they have all been released before.

So sony do have a habbit of keep releasing his albums but ,whats the big problem,least we have something too add to our collections even though we have got them all more then once.

I agree with you:clapping:. I am more willingly to buy lots of them for my collection,
even thy`re all the same, just different with cover designs :punk::yes::D
these special editions and rereleases would be more useful if he was releasing acapella versions of the songs. complete with back up vocals.
I'm not going to bother buying it i already have the albums so it would be pointless buying them again lol
these rereleaes should include 4 versions of each song. an instrumental, a lead acapella, and an acapella with back up vocals. and of course the original.
that would be worth buying.

I wont buy stuff for the sake of collecting it. Just takes up space and wastes money and I don't have it to waste. I got Ultimate Collection for the DVD, which I later found out I could have bought for like 12 dollars after having spent 60 on the ultimate collection.
What is the point of remastering re-remastered cd's?


They did not re-master it again. They are including the 2001 Special Edition which is the only digital remastering that was done.

Same with T25, they did not re-re-master it. *lol*

They did not re-master it again. They are including the 2001 Special Edition which is the only digital remastering that was done.

Same with T25, they did not re-re-master it. *lol*

in the press release was stated that they will be digitally remastered and that these album will contain the first editions, just like the lp releases back in the day. so i am confused. if these really are the first editions, I woiuld actually buy them.

Another sh*t by sony!!! Not by Michael. I won´t buy it. I´d like to buy all these albums in acapella versions for example :))