"The collection" - released 29th June. (5 album set)


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007

Le 29 juin sortira « The Collection », un joli coffret aux couleurs du King of Pop qui regroupe 5 albums indispensables à tout fan qui se respecte (« Bad », « Thriller », « Dangerous », « Off The Wall », « Invincible »).
De quoi travailler votre Moonwalk avant d'enflammer le plancher de l'O2 Arena à Londres cet été !

BAD Translation:

June 29 “The Collection”, a pretty box with the colors of King off Pop which gathers 5 albums essential to any fan who respects himself (“Bad”, “Thriller”, “Dangerous”, “Off The Wall”, “Invincible”). What to work your Moonwalk before d' to ignite the floor of l' O2 Arena in London this summer!
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I have a friend whos a big fan but doesnt own all the albums, so there are some people, It would be great to have a single disc version of HIStory Book 2 at some stage though
Ok so,yet again another re-release of Michael's albums but hey,its another thing to add too some peoples collection and for the so called ''haters'' that have come out of the closet since the dates where released they will proberly add it to theirs aswell and it will be good to actually go in to a music store and buy something relativley new even though they have all been released before.

So sony do have a habbit of keep releasing his albums but ,whats the big problem,least we have something too add to our collections even though we have got them all more then once.
I dont think its a habbit for sony, more like they are doing it on purpose IMO
the visuals :




source: Sony Music / MJ data bank
I have a friend whos a big fan but doesnt own all the albums, so there are some people, It would be great to have a single disc version of HIStory Book 2 at some stage though
I think its pure based for fans like him ..
Ok so this is yet another one, after the one we heard about yesterday? I guess collections are good sellers when concerts are happening, it puts him in the public attention and then they'll buy the best of's. I guess business wise it's a good decision and safe, not so cool for us fans though.
I guess BOTDF is a remix album, and HIStory is a double album (GH + 15 new tracks) and they are not considered genuine original albums unlike the ones included in the box set.
So surely this more than competes the deal MJ has with Sony to turn out whatever amount of albums he owes them? Could this be an attempted hinderance on any new release MJ has planned?
So surely this more than competes the deal MJ has with Sony to turn out whatever amount of albums he owes them? Could this be an attempted hinderance on any new release MJ has planned?

Or maybe this is Michael finished up his deal, so he can sign with another label for his new album?
Hmm thats not such a bad idea man that he used this rereleases to complete his contract and go to another record company or maybey make his own!

Shame on the record company for having NO OUNCE of creativity or originality.

Seriously, take the rereleases of the rereleases and shove them!

(No disrespect intended or directed at MJ - just the record company)