The Calm Before the Storm Discussion


You know I've been meaning for a little while to have this discussion, as we all know it seems there is a complete black out with anything MJ, see to me given my experience over the years I feel this is the most poinient part of waiting for something new to hit our waves, by this I recall the year of nothing leading up to the Bad album it felt like an eternity in fact it was almost two years,

So for me this part of the quietness is an exciting time, to me it means the drawings are on the table waiting to be hung in the gallery it means we are and yes it could be another year, going to get MJ back on our TV's back in cars but best of all back to MJ mania

So how does this feel for you,

well..i know it's easy to look at patterns and get conclusions from them, but..i guess...for me...i could be wrong if i do that..

so far, if i expected something from MJ, i was wrong..

i think that's what's exciting

so...i think, i'm enjoying t25, right now..and whatever happens later..i guess..will
I agree, the tension in mounding. We all know something is happening but we only have others say so when all we really want is MJ to say or do anything.

I think it's important to be patient right now but it's in our nature to want more than we can have. MJ Mania is building up, the hype, the need, the desire - you see it everywhere even from non-fans. Everyone needs a little Michael in their lives :yes:

The photo shoots and Thriller 25 just got our pallets wet - can't wait to have that thirst quenched.
This is probably the longest drought I have experienced concerning the wait for the new album. There have been a couple of small perks every now and again over the past couple of months, but since the release of "Thriller 25", everything has gone dead quiet again.

To me as a lifelong Jackson fan I can say it is a very exciting quiet period because of previous album releases having a "big bang" impact on fans and the public alike. As you mention, the wait for 'Bad' is probably the most well documented wait since 'Thriller' because of the album's success etc. However, I feel that this wait for an album has to be the most anticipated since that time, though notably for different reasons.

I would obviously love some more teasers about the new album, but to be honest, I know I will appreciate it more once it is here, because of it's 'explosive' impact. Instead of the album having an anti-climax, which I have regrettably seen with Madonna's new effort "Hard Candy" because of it's 'mass production' feel, Michael's new album will have a completely different feel because of its shock value and 'silent hype'.

However, in all honesty, this wait is killing me!
I think we're being spoiled and a lot of fans aren't realizing it. I remember the Invincible "quietness"...and it was REAL QUIET :lol: There were no photo shoots, no campaigns regarding ANYTHING Mj related, no appearances. This time we've had 2 photoshoots, and interview, a very very EXTENSIVE campaign for T25, appearances on WMA's, NRJ, etc. and this is immediately AFTER the trial! We should seriously be grateful.

We've haven't had a complete play by play of MJ's plans by "insiders", which i am grateful for because it usually just spoils it when stuff actually starts. Instead, we have little hints from various confirmed artists, but the main important thing is that MJ wants it to be a that makes the quietness even MORE exciting :lol: Cuz we know there's a definite purpose to it.

I mean, before, we wouldnt have had a 'warm up' campaign like T25 before an album :lol: We should be grateful LOL This campaign has gotten people to really start talking about MJ....and it's doing MJ wonders.

Its torture, yes, but the more tortured we are, the more it's gonna ROCK when the album actually comes out.
I feel indifferent. It isn't like Michael's gonna suddenly surprise me with a million dollar check from Publisher's Clearinghouse or something. :lol:

I can't even buy that Michael would "shock" us. If he comes out with a new album or song or whatever, it'll be like "well it's about time Mike :rolleyes: ". :lol:
personally it different to me because b4 u knew ther was going to be something big at the end. but its different this time. i do sometimes wonder what if anything will happen.i guess the longer it goes on the more I wonder whether there will be anything of significance at the end of it.
I think we're being spoiled and a lot of fans aren't realizing it.

Spoiled because we all have fake sense of what Michael's doing. :lol: Sometimes you have to take comments to mean something other than what it's perceived to be. Like I believe the latest we'll probably hear of a new MJ product would be at the end of summer or into the fall. That's only IF it happens. :lol:
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personally it different to me because b4 u knew ther was going to be something big at the end. but its different this time. i do sometimes wonder what if anything will happen.i guess the longer it goes on the more I wonder whether there will be anything of significance at the end of it.

Yeah think before you react. 'Cause I know we have some great optimists that are like "it's coming out soon", lol... "Soon" in MJ's world is different from what we perceive as "soon". In MJ's time, "SOON" is 5 years. :D
I just try to concertate on my life and other things and try not to get excited about all the little news bits that occasionally appear.

You all know that Michael has had problems with executing his plans into reality mostly because of shady partners who just didn't do their part of the work and I'd rather wait for another year or even longer to make sure that when things get rollin' there's no stopping them.
Micael needs to have all tha aces in his hand when he makes his comeback. And I do say comeback because he has been absent from the music scene for too long.
The difference from, let say, the release of BAD is the Internet. back then it could easily pass 6 months without me reading a single note about the progress in the papers. And you wouldn't even think about it. Then suddenly you hear a release date. Now we go in here every day in hope for news and there is none. Or acctually alot more than back then.
The difference from, let say, the release of BAD is the Internet. back then it could easily pass 6 months without me reading a single note about the progress in the papers. And you wouldn't even think about it. Then suddenly you hear a release date. Now we go in here every day in hope for news and there is none. Or acctually alot more than back then.

Exactly. It was fun when there was no internet because that's when an artist who had been away would suddenly pop up. Now you wait months and months for news. That's not exactly fun. :lol:
Exactly. It was fun when there was no internet because that's when an artist who had been away would suddenly pop up. Now you wait months and months for news. That's not exactly fun. :lol:
We have become zombies lol. Live our life in the day, come home at night. Sitting around waiting for Michael to appear before thee. :lol:

It is certainly quiet out there. But I'm not expecting any storm.

I do believe Michael has worked on new music since the trial. But I don't believe a new album will be coming any time soon. I think the best we can hope for are a few songs released, over the years - many, many years - to remind us that he still has it.

Sales like Thriller, Bad and Dangerous are impossible. Even sales like Invincible would be a tremendous success given the years of bad publicity and the trend towards illegal file sharing. Unless he's going to perform on stage - tours or a residency - where he can make serious money, there's no real point to releasing an album.

Perhaps the best thing is to expect nothing. I can't count the number of times we've expected something from Michael and then it turns out to be a disappointment (ie., Invincible being any good; a Tsunami charity single; a Katrina charity single; the WMAs; the Grammys; the "new" album).
I was watching MJ at the 1993 Grammy Legend award...and he said something that I had totally neglected to hear before but made complete sense for the present period: "In the past MONTH I've gone from 'Where is he?' to 'Here he is again...'"

It's clear that this is how Michael works.

It does feel like something is happening, and not just here among fans, I don't give a rats ass what anyone says...I've noticed and heard MJ EVERYWHERE, in the least expected places; where as one year ago you couldn't hear anything.
But it's not compared to how it used to be for us, lol. Remember when you didn't hear much and then MJ would come out? Luckily we got YouTube until Mike returns. :lol:
I think we have been badly spoiled by the internet. Instant access, instant answers, no work to get anything it's all in front of us at a click of a button. It truely has made fans more demanding and selfish acrossed the board. Without the internet we didn't expect as much so quickly. We realized it took time and were more patient. Now it's "why haven't we gotten a response yet!?!" lol Different times.
We're talking about how "spoiled" we are because of the internet, well, I think it may be the internet and all it's baggage that is slowing Mike down in releasing his new material. I think he is still trying to come up with a new way to release his music where it can't be pirated and sabotaged so he can't make any (or as much) money on it. You know once a new song hits the airwaves as an official release, it is going to explode like a California wildfire. I think T25 would be a lot bigger than it has been if it hadn't been for the internet and YouTube. I don't think we will see anything new from Mike until he invents a new way to release his music and short films in a way that only he can benefit from them. :cool:

Honestly ?? You want honesty or should I just keep it positive and up beat ??
We're talking about how "spoiled" we are because of the internet, well, I think it may be the internet and all it's baggage that is slowing Mike down in releasing his new material. I think he is still trying to come up with a new way to release his music where it can't be pirated and sabotaged so he can't make any (or as much) money on it. You know once a new song hits the airwaves as an official release, it is going to explode like a California wildfire. I think T25 would be a lot bigger than it has been if it hadn't been for the internet and YouTube. I don't think we will see anything new from Mike until he invents a new way to release his music and short films in a way that only he can benefit from them. :cool:


let's say he accomplishes that and there is no way to share files... how will we all react to that factoid ??

would the new technology backfire on him and anger his fanbase ?? Or could we respect it and move on ??
Michael may have expressed unhappiness when escape was leaked but I don't think it carries over as far as youtube and what not because used right these are promotional venues - free promotional venues. I think for Michael it would be more of a challenge to figure a way to use the net as a marketing source without the bite of loosing sales. I don't however see it stopping or slowing him down. I do believe that times have changed and you can no longer tabulate the sales in the same way they used to be done because of the net. Not sure how they compensate for the internet now but it is a major factor.
Spoiled because we all have fake sense of what Michael's doing. :lol: Sometimes you have to take comments to mean something other than what it's perceived to be. Like I believe the latest we'll probably hear of a new MJ product would be at the end of summer or into the fall. That's only IF it happens. :lol:

no, spoiled in a sense that it's not as quiet as it COULD be. Before invincible came out it was VERY quiet. Now we have a full out MJ campaign going at the moment. Which is way better than nothing.

Not spoiled cuz of the internet either. I'm comparing pre-invincible, to now lol

And all those who say that "u expect something from MJ and he doesn't deliver"...that's all perception at work. And thats subjective. Because Invincible, for me, delivered cuz i loved it. There have been several road blocks over the past several years that people love to ignore when they say stuff like that (sony, trial, etc).

I was watching MJ at the 1993 Grammy Legend award...and he said something that I had totally neglected to hear before but made complete sense for the present period: "In the past MONTH I've gone from 'Where is he?' to 'Here he is again...'"

It's clear that this is how Michael works.

Exactly. I don't know why fans think that this is something NEW, or that things have all of a sudden changed since Bad lol. MJ operates on SURPRISE and SUSPENSE. Always had, always will. People working with the man constantly, CONSTANTLY say that MJ wants to keep whatever he's doing next a surprise. There is no reason really to think otherwise, cuz this isn't really anything new or special.
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I was watching MJ at the 1993 Grammy Legend award...and he said something that I had totally neglected to hear before but made complete sense for the present period: "In the past MONTH I've gone from 'Where is he?' to 'Here he is again...'"

It's clear that this is how Michael works.


I agree with J5master, I think it was- well, I don't want any potential "surprise" being spoiled by an insider!!!!!!! THis is part of what being an MJ fan is about!!!!! I guess we just gotta trust that he nows what he's doing!!!
*patiently (but excitedly) waiting*
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See I agree with a lot of you guys have said, see back in old days months would pass and we would be none the wiser, yet now we got internet it is actually making it worse in some aspects,

Now obviously I would not change the internet as it has done one major thing, bringing us all together no matter what county on the globe we are has got to be a good thing,
See I agree with a lot of you guys have said, see back in old days months would pass and we would be none the wiser, yet now we got internet it is actually making it worse in some aspects,

Now obviously I would not change the internet as it has done one major thing, bringing us all together no matter what county on the globe we are has got to be a good thing,

yes..but you see..even with the internet...the secrecy and Mystique of Michael has not been compromised, and he still went to number 1 with a cd that has been rereleased a record number of times. now, that's magic.
yes..but you see..even with the internet...the secrecy and Mystique of Michael has not been compromised, and he still went to number 1 with a cd that has been rereleased a record number of times. now, that's magic.

My thing about Mike though was he is old school and I can dig with his mystique. But with the internet, illusion is now a thing of the past and either you in it or you not. Not saying Michael ain't trying (since he and Will.I.Am have been discussed about selling his music online some kind of way) but shoot, Michael still believes in mystery whether everybody has to put their whole mug on your TV screen or on MySpace and I can actually dig that Michael can take his time on an album. That's why people keep wilding about when Michael is coming out with something or not.
Keep it real, son. :shades:

OK, honestly ... I don't see him popping out with anything right away. There are too many distractions right now. Court cases pending, Neverland's future up in the air, management issues ... all of which could serve to falter a positive return to the spotlight. In all honesty, I do not expect a new CD this year.

Even more honesty... as a fan, I am getting tired of waiting and waiting and waiting. Even more so than that, it pains me to see fan communities/clubs closing during the silence. While other groups of fans are turning on one another, out of what appears sheer frustration.

Not trying to be a negative nelly or bring anyone down, I am simply sharing my honest feelings.
^that's why it is nice to have a distraction in the mean time like NKOTB!! am I right? ;)