The 'addict' picture the media is painting appears to be sticking


Proud Member
Mar 4, 2009
Devon, England
I've been on a couple of other forum's over the past few days reading about people's views on Michael... it would appear that the 'addict' that the media are making him out to be is the picture most people are believing. :(

Here are just a few comments I've found...

"Michael Jackson was devious and cunning enough to have his scrips written in the names of his staff and other aliases. It's not like he was going to his local Boots to collect a carrier bag full of drugs in person!

Stop shifting the blame. Jackson is responsible for his own drug abuse.

There's scant difference between Kerry Katona (a parent like Jackson), Pete Doherty, Amy Winehouse and other high profile addicts who get condemned left, right and centre on these board. He claimed was in pain and needed drugs. Pleading and begging to different doctors, getting drugs under different names (like Winona Rider in her shoplifting phase.). Standard MO for an addict. They'll do what it takes to get their fix. Jackson's addiction is just seen as more respectable because it was pills and a hospital grade anaesthetic he was addicted to rather than heroin and coke. He still shot up at the end of the day to find oblivion.

There will always be enablers who can make excuses. Oh *****'s a different kind of junkie because he was in pain and couldn't sleep. It's not his fault etc etc. At the end of the day, Jackson could have taken responsibility for his life and sought proper help for his addiction. He didn't. He sought more drugs. Like Katona, Winehouse, Doherty etc."

"A street drug addict and a prescription drug addict are no different....let's stop pretending they are...

Regardless if you start out obtaining pills for legitimate pain as it seems Jackson did....prescription drug addicts start to like the feeling of the oxycontin and other assorted pain killers and's the feeling they get hooked on...

As far as Jackson not's obvious that after several years of taking various types of narcotics your sleep patterns are all messed up...if you are popping 10 or 20 xanex a day...that will mess up your sleep pattern without adding any other drug...

This is still hardcore addiction...because the addict shopping is wrong....the addict knows obtaining prescriptions under aliases and other people's names is wrong but they want more and more and's never enough...

The difference between Amy Winehouse who I personally see as a mess....and Michael Jackson (and I am not talking about talent here because I think Jackson was much more talented) only that Michael Jackson had three dependent children and Winehouse has none..."

"I agree it starts and ends with him.He had 3 kids and NO self responsibility at all. The pharmacists and doctors et all are so many, they can only be collateral damage "

I would love to reply & prove them wrong but without the toxicology reports it's impossible. Does anyone know if Michael was an addict or is it pure speculation? I find it hard to believe that he was 'drugged up' all the time when he was so in love with his 3 children and had his chef cook them (and himself) healthy food.

If anyone can clarify the situation I'd really appreciate it.
well the thing is that no one knows any thing about mj not us not media not his "friends" ppl who worked for him in the last month said that he was ok and didn't look drugged up they said thats what they saw but they dont really know no one knows so ppl should stop talking out of there ass until they have proof and stop judging him and saying that he didn't love his kids ppl should get a life already they dont know what he had to go through with the world watching him
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the nurse Lee who everyone seems to believe was trustworthy when she talked about him begging her for propofol , said I'm coming forward only becasue i'm very upset he was painted as a drug addcit when he was not . She said she conducted several drug and blood tests on him throughout the period she worked for him which lasted four months from January till 19th of April 2009 and the results were always NEGATIVE , she delivered these results and exams to the LAPD the day the raid on Murray's office was conducted .

ask these people who run to believe Lee why they don't believe the rest of her story .

propofol is not addcitive drug the way mj was using it , the only way to get high was for him to keep injecting himselves which was never the case , he was not getting any advantages an addcit would get from abusing a drug . he was suffering severe insomnia and was exposed to such a strong sedatives by a doctor who thought these way of treatment would provide him with much more $$$$ than introducing him to a more safe way to sleep , since administring propofol need monitoring . MJ used to have a problem with drugs before but we really don't know about his medical records , illness ...etc .
So what if people think he was an addict?, we don't know for sure that he wasn't an addict. Clearly, Michael had issues with prescription drugs in the past and there is that possibility that he was never able to get rid of the habit.Being an addict doesn't mean a person is evil nor would it take away from the brilliant contributions MJ made to music.
Come On Bowen9999, was that really necessary?

I mean, seriously, nobody cares what folks have to say. You post "those" comments and there are comments coming from other folks on non-MJ related boards, that are positive and out number what you have posted here.

Aside from bring DRAMA to board, what's the point!
I'm not making any judgment until the corenors report and the police investigation are made public. I don't follow what the media are say, I lost trust in them in the 1980's with them not report the correct facts on Michael. All I'm sure about is that Michael was to healthy to have died at 50.
So what if people think he was an addict?, we don't know for sure that he wasn't an addict. Clearly, Michael had issues with prescription drugs in the past and there is that possibility that he was never able to get rid of the habit.Being an addict doesn't mean a person is evil nor would it take away from the brilliant contributions MJ made to music.

I realise that but I'm concerned that people will remember Michael for being a drug addict rather than other things like his musicand his humanitarian efforts etc. which makes me very sad.
I think sometimes people have a hard time sticking to one belief or thought, so they constantly look for reasons to substantiate it or debunk it. Which is why I think this was posted, but here's my thought.

Usually, I'm spot on with my "gut feeling" so I'll give my "OPINION"

MJ was not a drug addict.

I believe that's why Dr. Murray can not understand what happened to Michael and told the police about the "secret stash" of drugs, because he wanted it be investigated if MJ was indeed taking other drugs.

It's true we really won't know until the results come out, but until they do, there is no need to say anything to negative comments. Stop reading through those comments. Replying to them or getting heated will do nothing to bring MJ back. If anything it's more stressful on you. That's why I stopped reading them a long time ago.

What they say will not fade the way I view MJ (as a person, nor a mega star). It's unconditional, just like I love my crazy brother, he really sucks, but I love him nonetheless.
Come On Bowen9999, was that really necessary?

I mean, seriously, nobody cares what folks have to say. You post "those" comments and there are comments coming from other folks on non-MJ related boards, that are positive and out number what you have posted here.

Aside from bring DRAMA to board, what's the point!

I didn't realise I was bringing drama... I was looking for discussion on how we can turn the tables and stop people thinking in these terms. The majority of posts I've seen on other boards (and even from overhearing conversations) are along the lines of the above. What do you mean - "no once cares what folks have to say"? Surely you would prefer people to remember Michael for what he was rather than what the media are making him out to be?
I didn't realise I was bringing drama... I was looking for discussion on how we can turn the tables and stop people thinking in these terms. The majority of posts I've seen on other boards (and even from overhearing conversations) are along the lines of the above. What do you mean - "no once cares what folks have to say"? Surely you would prefer people to remember Michael for what he was rather than what the media are making him out to be?
We can't change other people's beliefs. They will believe what they want. Don't let it bother you. It's not worth it.
Come On Bowen9999, was that really necessary?

I mean, seriously, nobody cares what folks have to say. You post "those" comments and there are comments coming from other folks on non-MJ related boards, that are positive and out number what you have posted here.

Aside from bring DRAMA to board, what's the point!
I agree. And from most people I am hearing it is still THE DOCTOR fault. Even medical people who made comments on shows say the same thing. So even if MJ was an addict it does not excuse the DOCTORS who took advantage of it. Michael had a MEDICAL PROBLEM unlike Amy Winehouse. These people are held to ETHIC STANDARD unlike some street thugs who is selling drugs who are not obligated to no one, not even themselves.
I didn't realise I was bringing drama... I was looking for discussion on how we can turn the tables and stop people thinking in these terms. The majority of posts I've seen on other boards (and even from overhearing conversations) are along the lines of the above. What do you mean - "no once cares what folks have to say"? Surely you would prefer people to remember Michael for what he was rather than what the media are making him out to be?
I see people feeling more sorry of Michael than blaming him. He was clearing taken advantage of. I hate that it came down to this when he as a heath person in eating the right things and being active. And to die from this is just sad.
But Michael was a drug addict, just because it wasn't cocaine or heroine they were drugs what he was on and he was obviously addicted. No point anyone telling me he wasn't because it's just not right.
I think sometimes people have a hard time sticking to one belief or thought, so they constantly look for reasons to substantiate it or debunk it. Which is why I think this was posted, but here's my thought.

Usually, I'm spot on with my "gut feeling" so I'll give my "OPINION"

MJ was not a drug addict.

I believe that's why Dr. Murray can not understand what happened to Michael and told the police about the "secret stash" of drugs, because he wanted it be investigated if MJ was indeed taking other drugs.

It's true we really won't know until the results come out, but until they do, there is no need to say anything to negative comments. Stop reading through those comments. Replying to them or getting heated will do nothing to bring MJ back. If anything it's more stressful on you. That's why I stopped reading them a long time ago.

What they say will not fade the way I view MJ (as a person, nor a mega star). It's unconditional, just like I love my crazy brother, he really sucks, but I love him nonetheless.
yes and even if he had a drug problem we cant judge we don't know what he has been through in his life and a lot of ppl around the world love him and still do ppl say these things coz of the media craziness but when it all ends he will be remembered as the king of pop
the way i look at it is that theres no proof he was an addict and we wont know officially until the investigation is completed whether all the stories of michael being an addict are true. my feeling is that there were likely multiple doctors and multiple drugs but thats just a theory based on different reports and in lieu of an official verdict and because the investigation is ongoing.

if people want to believe michael was an addict so be it. ive learnt that people can be really stubborn and will believe whatever they want.

the way i see it, if michael was addict does it really change anything? ultimately he was responsbile for his actions and life and over time maybe others will blame him for doing too many drugs like what happened with heath ledger. initially his family were very defensive but after some time passed his own father blamed his son for his death because he was “not being responsible” with the medication he was taking.

if michael was taking too much drugs im sure there was a good reason for it. to live with so much criticism levelled at you from so many people would be near impossible to live with i think. people can only take so much before they have a collapse of some sort and if michael turned to drugs to cope with the world he was living in, so be it. i dont judge him for that and will keep an open mind until the investigation is completed.
"if people want to believe michael was an addict so be it. ive learnt that people can be really stubborn and that often no matter how hard you try you cant get some people will believe whatever they want." It's not being stubborn it's facing the truth
Bowen9999 I think you have a valid point. I mentioned Michael at work the other day, to a colleague who is not an MJ fan, and she had no idea that some people say he was a 'health freak', she had only heard the 'drug addict' part. As has my mother.

The trouble is, as I've said in other posts, the media's reach is very wide and it is almost impossible to re-correct any information that they put out on a wide scale. I am convinced there is a conspiracy against MJ, but we can all do our bit to put the other side of the story to people, as I did to my colleague. I know it's only a small offering, but I shall do what I can whenever I can.
But Michael was a drug addict, just because it wasn't cocaine or heroine they were drugs what he was on and he was obviously addicted. No point anyone telling me he wasn't because it's just not right.

wtf what proof do you have that he was oh am sorry I guess you were there and you saw the drugs and even if it was true I don't blame him I blame the sick world he was in
Well MJ said it himself that he was addicted, I dont see anything wrong as long as their not calling names like they do do sometimes. But calling Michael an addict does not offend me, he was HUMAN who had imperfections like everyone else, I dont want to make him out to be an angel. I dont care if he was addicted or not alls I know is that I love Michael unconditionaly. I dont understand why people get offended, HE said it, his friends said it, what more evidence do you need? Its OK he was HUMAN!
wtf what proof do you have that he was oh am sorry I guess you were there and you saw the drugs and even if it was true I don't blame him I blame the sick world he was in

they saying he was getting drugs under different names, he was in the doctors 15 times in 3 months, his family before and janet once after the molestation charges tried to get him to come off drugs. Ortega even said that he thought Michael was addicted wtf it's like a Alcoholic saying I drink once a week. I'm sorry people are blinded he was an addict.

No I wasn't bloody there, but come on face the f'ing truth!!!!
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So what if people think he was an addict?, we don't know for sure that he wasn't an addict. Clearly, Michael had issues with prescription drugs in the past and there is that possibility that he was never able to get rid of the habit.Being an addict doesn't mean a person is evil nor would it take away from the brilliant contributions MJ made to music.

Exactly, what if he was an addict? He has been in the 90'. To me that's totally possible and that doesn't mean I don't love Michael.
this is not a world of truth and facts. it's ultimately, a world of beliefs. lots of evidence is found(that is, things that people call 'evidence'), and lots of things that people call 'truth'. but in the end, people believe what they WANT to believe.
Screw the media, I don't think Michael was an addict. He died from Dr. Murrays incompetence and nothing else.
Michael may have or may have not been an addict.......that is not the issue that I have. My issue is with the media blowing the entire thing out of proportion, trying to make Michael the bad guy. It's no longer "Michael Jackson the self-proclaimed King of Pop" its "Michael Jackson the drug addict" and I am SICK of this media bias. Elvis Presley was an addict, but the media largely chooses to ignore that fact.....I just want to smack these people.
Well, if the warrant is to be believed, it proves Michale had insomnia... it doesn't prove he was an addict. The sooner the general public realise this the sooner Michael's true legacy will shine through.
He may well have been addicted, but that doesn't excuse what Murrey did. If he was an addict it was because doctors were supplying him with the drugs, if they said no, he would not have been able to get addicted in the first place.

I am not judgemental about him, of course if he was addicted he should have got help, if not for himself, for his kids, but we have not been persecuted in the way that he was. The sad thing is that everyone kept the secret, now they are crawling out of the woodwork saying they knew, even some of his own family, well shame on them for keeping his secret, they did him no favours.
they saying he was getting drugs under different names, he was in the doctors 15 times in 3 months, his family before and janet once after the molestation charges tried to get him to come off drugs. Ortega even said that he thought Michael was addicted wtf it's like a Alcoholic saying I drink once a week. I'm sorry people are blinded he was an addict.

No I wasn't bloody there, but come on face the fucking truth!!!!

Firstly I don't think swearing and shouting at each other will get us anywhere!

You weren't there so you don't know for sure is what people are saying. None of us know the truth remember, not 100% anyway so just because it frustrates you people refuse to believe he had a prescription drug problem, you also frustrate them by saying you know that he did.

I'm not disputing that he had any drug issues, why? because I don't know the truth. What I think is dangerous though is if people focus only on that... why? Because Murray did bad CPR and delayed calling 911 - reports say he said there was no working phone and he didn't know the address... if he did say that well... he used his cellphone apparently and drove there each day so he had a working phone and knew the address!
Well, if the warrant is to be believed, it proves Michale had insomnia... it doesn't prove he was an addict. The sooner the general public realise this the sooner Michael's true legacy will shine through.

I agree and who wouldn't have insomnia and anxiety with what he'd been through with the trial and the allegations, it seems also in his life he had few he could trust and a tour facing him when he hadn't toured in years(I'm not saying he couldn't do it but was perhaps anxious over it) we all know he was known to be a perfectionist he was probably worrying over every bit of the show on top of that.

He may well have been addicted, but that doesn't excuse what Murrey did. If he was an addict it was because doctors were supplying him with the drugs, if they said no, he would not have been able to get addicted in the first place.

I am not judgemental about him, of course if he was addicted he should have got help, if not for himself, for his kids, but we have not been persecuted in the way that he was. The sad thing is that everyone kept the secret, now they are crawling out of the woodwork saying they knew, even some of his own family, well shame on them for keeping his secret, they did him no favours.

Exactly and we need to know why Murray did the things he did on the 25th... panic or paid to do so? Some say(so may not be true) the guy who introduced Michael to Murray was the bodyguard who now protects Murray... hmmm...

Whether or not Michael had this problem(I'm not saying he didn't) I don't think its fair for the media to cast him as a 'druggie' until they have solid facts, they haven't cast Murray as the 'murderer' - why? because he is alive and can sue and Michael now can't stand up for himself... I think its sad some fans buy into all the media say, you can't trust them... yes there maybe truth in there, but we don't know for sure what is the truth. So we can't say he was an addict for sure even if some fans believe that...
wtf what proof do you have that he was oh am sorry I guess you were there and you saw the drugs and even if it was true I don't blame him I blame the sick world he was in

The search warrant calls him an addict. The search warrant was issued based on findings from the coroner's report.