Teddy Riley.......My Verdict!!! He was no good!!!

Teddy didn't LET Michael sound trendy...Mj WANTED that sound. And if u think HTW was the worst on the album...well that was all Michael's doing...MICHAEL wrote that song.

I say if u don't like the album stop blaming it on the producer...Michael wanted it and picked the songs that went on the album. The album is how MJ wanted it to be an that's that. He wasn't forced to put anything he didn't like on the album. So if you don't like it, then you simply don't like it.

Pretty much, lol.
love teddys work with mj.

And I am surprised you think that Bad sounds fresher than Dangerous. I personally think Bad has dated the most, the clunky synths and echoed beats just scream 1980's.
agree.even though bads my fav album is it the most dated because of the 80s sound that is so well known and obvious. same can be said of thriller bar the big 3 songs
My 2 sence:::::::

First off, REMEMBER THE TIME won more awards than any other song on the album..

MOST of the album was with Teddy Riley.. and the album sold over 30 million.. So obviously something good came out of working with Riley.. lol!

When Dangerous first was released it out sold BAD.. an album produced with QUINCY JONES.. Yes, with sale boosts Bad over reached dangerous again.

The SINGLES from DANGEROUS: (Sucess order)

JAM (MJ & T.R)

So his top selling singles were either just MICHAEL by himself and/or with Teddy Riley.. His other work with other people did not chart well or at all.

The 2 songs done with the other people only charted in the U.K. where all the other singles charted AT LEAST in the top 30 in the U.S. and the top 15 in U.K..

so I don't see how anyone can argue that Teddy Riley was a downfall for the album when he helped with sales and acceptance..

If you subtract the Teddy Riley songs out of Dangerous, it would negitivaly effect how the album charted..
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My 2 sence:::::::

First off, REMEMBER THE TIME won more awards than any other song on the album..

MOST of the album was with Teddy Riley.. and the album sold over 30 million.. So obviously something good came out of working with Riley.. lol!

When Dangerous first was released it out sold BAD.. an album produced with QUINCY JONES.. Yes, with sale boosts Bad over reached dangerous again.

The SINGLES from DANGEROUS: (Sucess order)

JAM (MJ & T.R)

So his top selling singles were either just MICHAEL by himself and/or with Teddy Riley.. His other work with other people did not chart well or at all.

The 2 songs done with the other people only charted in the U.K. where all the other singles charted AT LEAST in the top 30 in the U.S. and the top 15 in U.K..

so I don't see how anyone can argue that Teddy Riley was a downfall for the album when he helped with sales and acceptance..

If you subtract the Teddy Riley songs out of Dangerous, it would negitivaly effect how the album charted..

Well I am just stating my point of view, yes at the time Dangerous sold like hot cakes, but it lags now, I mean it was the only 1 of the special editions not to get into the top 75, lagging behind at number 108 in the U.K Charts

And about Remember The Time winning more awards well it was in the R&B catagories!

Also about the sucess rates of the singles, one thing to remember the three Teddy riley songs were all released just after Black Or White whilst the album was still fresh and if they are listed right it shows slightly differently

U.S Charts

Black Or White #1
Remember The Time #3
In The Closet #6
Will You Be There #7
Who Is It #14
Jam #26
Heal The World #27

U.K Charts

Black Or White #1
Heal The World #2
Give Into Me #2
Remember The Time #3
Will You Be There = In The Closet #8
Who Is It #10
Jam #12
Gone Too Soon #33

One Thing to point out! The new jack thing was alot more popular in america than it was in the U.K hence the higher chart positions but if you compare the U.K charts to the U.S charts you can see that the chart positions are far more superior for the non-riley tracks

Also in the U.K charts in 1992 Black Or White was the 24th biggest selling single BUT in 1993 Give into me was also the 24th biggest selling single, Give into me reached the same position as the ultimate single from Dangerous in the overall years charts

All in all at the time Riley was maybe good, well as it shows the album sold we but as music has progressed and the new jack thing died Dangerous is suffering, both albums either side of dangerous (Bad and HIStory) both had better selling singles, I mean HIStory even after the crap from 1993, the singles did dramatically well!

The single blood on the dancefloor on the other hand was good, but we see again it had a different sound to any of the dangerous Riley tracks and it did well in the U.K but only 42 in the U.S

And again this is even more interesting Riley on invicible only contributed to 1 up tempo dance track "2000 WATTS" which is also dated sounding, especially the "put on your 3d glasses" at the start???? Captain Eo was in 3d that was 1985, the other 3 songs Michael wanted him to work on were slow ballad types so

Conclusion = Riley on dangerous, next Michael gets him to work on a filler album BUT the only sucessful single has a more MJ touch to it, next Michael recruits him for ballads...............is he on the next album?????
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Well the synthesizer sound of the 80s that MJ incoporated in Bad died as well so there for, Quincy (at that time i suppose) was no good? meh.

Good music is good music period. Even if it ages. I still hear RTT on the radio. And "better selling singles" doesn't always mean BETTER period.
I've never read so much crap. All the Teddy Riley tracks from Dangerous are amazing. Why do you think Dangerous is the most popular album among the fans!
I've never read so much crap. All the Teddy Riley tracks from Dangerous are amazing. Why do you think Dangerous is the most popular album among the fans!

Get your stuff right, I said in an earlier post, I am looking at it from a non-fan point of view, it doesn't matter whether you, another fan, me or anybody likes the songs as single opinions, I am trying to say that Dangerous has faded over the years in popular music culture where as OTW, Thriller and Bad seemed to have stayed, I dont see anyone nowadays covering or sampling any Riley beats from Dangerous do you??????

WTF ^^^^

At the start of 2006, Riley started the New Jack Swing revival, On February 8, 2008, local Virginia Beach newspapers reported that Riley was forced to sell his Future Records Recording studio due to massive financial problems
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While many of you deem "Heal The World" to be the weakest song on Dangerous...it is definitely one of the most recognized from the album. Every Earth Day schools play that song...many of our local public schools have big celebrations on Earth Day and they play that song all the time..i've seen it on the news many times. Heal The World is one of the most simplistic songs written and because of that its extremely universal. A 3 year old child can listen to that song and understand it. That is why Michael inlcuded that song on the album...It had a global message and it was easy to understand. Even though at the time it didn't chart amazing...it has been played many times and even to this date anybody can sing along to it because its so easy to remember. So based on that...I dont think Heal The World was the weakest song on Dangerous. Way more everyday Joe's have heard of Heal The World then Cant Let Her Get Away, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, or Gone Too Soon. Heal The World is a Michael Jackson classic...and once Michael passes on that song will be one of which people remember him by. Watch and see..
Jam a brilliant opening to that album
Ok Can't Let Her Get Aways is a bit of filler but still kicks ass!
In The Closet is ace!
She Drives Me Wild, again filler but is fab
Remember The Time, pure greatness
Dangerous, Well anyone who has ears can tell that is one hell of a song to dance to !! and is one of the best up tempo tracks MJs done

My opinion obviously :)

Couldn't have said it better...

I agree that the rest of the songs on the album might be better than She Drives me Wild or Can't let her Get Away, but come on...RTT is pure genious as is Dangerous!
Michael said himself that instramentals will always get outdated.. But the melodies will live on.. That's why the melody of the song is the MOST important thing in music.. Where people from everywhere can hum along..

Dangerous had great harmony..

Teddy Riley was a good aspect to Michael.. I enjoy the tracks they did together..

We can bring up numbers all we want, but it comes down to opinion..

He's songs that did not make a hit with Quincy, with pratically everyone else he worked with..

OK KEEP THE FAITH was written by the same person that did MAN IN THE MIRROR..

Does that discreadit her ability?? No!!

If u put in Off The Wall, there is no question the instramentals are out dated.. Thriller the same... In my opinion Dangerous is the album that would be least outdated (instramental) wise because of the fact the equiptment used today derived from the ground breaking equiptment that was coming out at that time.. Also new Jack swing is a micture of Pop and Hip Hop.. HIP HOP is much bigger now than the early 90's.. So I find dangerous ahead of it's time..

If u look at a hip hop record then and now.. They sell much better NOW!! because it has launched and became so huge.
Michael said himself that instramentals will always get outdated.. But the melodies will live on.. That's why the melody of the song is the MOST important thing in music.. Where people from everywhere can hum along..

Dangerous had great harmony..

Teddy Riley was a good aspect to Michael.. I enjoy the tracks they did together..

We can bring up numbers all we want, but it comes down to opinion..

He's songs that did not make a hit with Quincy, with pratically everyone else he worked with..

OK KEEP THE FAITH was written by the same person that did MAN IN THE MIRROR..

Does that discreadit her ability?? No!!

If u put in Off The Wall, there is no question the instramentals are out dated.. Thriller the same... In my opinion Dangerous is the album that would be least outdated (instramental) wise because of the fact the equiptment used today derived from the ground breaking equiptment that was coming out at that time.. Also new Jack swing is a micture of Pop and Hip Hop.. HIP HOP is much bigger now than the early 90's.. So I find dangerous ahead of it's time..

If u look at a hip hop record then and now.. They sell much better NOW!! because it has launched and became so huge.

See again I have to disagree simply from the point that the Teddy songs from dangerous are the most outdated from any mj album and it is not ahead of its time in the slightest hear are the reasons

1: New Jack is DEAD why would Teddy front the new jack revival in 2006 if it was still strong and still an influence, he tried the revival it didn't work, the vast majority didn't want it, Teddy then filed 11 bankrupcy charges, the revival failed, The current NJS4eva page fronts the next gig at a Bar opposite Camden Station in London

2: How many Riley dangerous songs have been covered or sampled and have been a success? Off The Wall tracks & thriller tracks are sampled to this day with great success, and even the synth sounds used on bad are similar to many Electro track nowadays, plus the songs still being played today and covered on shows like Pop Idol and so on

3: Basslines, I always think Michael is the real king of basslines, he works alot of tracks around them, listen to Billie Jean, thriller, beat it, DSTYGE, OTW, Bad, TWYMMF the list is endless where the basslines are great..........what about the Riley tracks no decent basslines except maybe Remember The Time, but 99% of me knows that was all MJ, Michael even started adding a bassline into JAM in the later Dangerous Tour shows which made the song sound so much better

All In All, in its day it was fresh sounding, a risk that worked for a while that sound is gone, I hear people say Invincible was ahead of its time, its not it was over produced and is barely recognised by the public today

Take a step back from being a fan and look at these albums and think of the singles released

Off The Wall

Michael is most remembered for????????/
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Allright bud, i agree with you on some leval i've never been a big fan of the tracks riley helped on except RTT thats about it the rest i feel were over done the ones he worked on that is not the rest of the album :lol:
sooooo history sold less than dangerous and the singles didn't do AS well as Bad or Thriller......that means MJ was no good for HIStory then? No one really covers songs from HIStory either...soooo that means MJ's just a "no good" producer or something?

If that's ur criteria then sure, i'll play lol.

To me BAD is the most outdated. I don't hear songs from bad on the radio NEARLY as much as songs from Dangerous. LOL Remember The Time and Who Is It I hear ALL the time.

And invincible was barely recognized cuz it was barely promoted. people love to forget that part.

I honestly think this whole discussion is just another "Nothing's greater than Thriller or Bad" talks in disguise lol
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sooooo history sold less than dangerous and the singles didn't do AS well as Bad or Thriller......that means MJ was no good for HIStory then? No one really covers songs from HIStory either...soooo that means MJ's just a "no good" producer or something?

If that's ur criteria then sure, i'll play lol.

To me BAD is the most outdated. I don't hear songs from bad on the radio NEARLY as much as songs from Dangerous. LOL Remember The Time and Who Is It I hear ALL the time.

And invincible was barely recognized cuz it was barely promoted. people love to forget that part.

OKay HIStory sold less, Dangerous sold more when it first came out. the bad over took it, an album released some 5 years previous and it being the only special edition not to reach the top 75 only getting in at 108 proves that to a certain extent!

HIStory is the best seling Multi disc album by a solo artist, and i remember it being quite more expensive than a normal one cd, plus its HIS TOP GROSSING ALBUM OF THE 90's!!!


Scream - Most exspensive video, was at the time the best charting billboard 100 debut at #5 (beaten only by.......mmmmmmm another HIStory track), It won 3 MTV awards for the video and sold 2 million units

You Are Not Alone - #1 across the world, best debut at billboard 100 - sold 3 million worldwide (and had lisa marie naked in video.....big win)

Earth Song - Nominated for Grammy video award but lost against "scream" , Michaels biggest selling single in the U.K beating BILLIE JEAN!!!! 3.15 million units

They Don't care about us - Reached #30 on billboard charts but number #4 in the U.K charts and #2 in the worldwide charts, had a controversial video (which i think if the original stayed would have helped the single some., but its for anyone to judge) 1.75 Million units

Stranger In Moscow - Completly flopped in the USA, But did quite well in europe #4 in various countries including the U.K and due to the remixes even hit number 1 on the euro dance charts!

Now tell me that there wasn't some sucess there, compare those songs to the Riley songs huh :yes:

And about Bad songs not getting played on the radio.........waaah bad, thr way you make me feel, smooth criminal (covered not that long ago by alien ant farm) also bad and TWYMMF seem to have been used alot by these "pop idol" shows and so on

I dont care if YOU like new jack swing, the world doesn't, and the problem with this thread is that its attacking some songs to an extent and people who like them will defend them, people who dont like them have nothing to defend!

One more thing about Remember the time, that song is more Michael than Riley, listen to Rileys remixes and tell me if the song would have been so good released in that state?

and Invincible...........its been years now can we stop using that promotion excuse, sony have not promoted bad for about 20+ years and its probably selling better than Vince today!
I'll admit that Dangerous is my least favourite MJ album cause New Jack Swing just ain't my thing. I am glad they more or less parted ways after that album because MJ needed to move on. There are som amazing songs on that album though; Jam, RTT, Will you be there (a masterpiece), Who is it (Billie Jean of the nineties) etc.
OKay HIStory sold less, Dangerous sold more when it first came out. the bad over took it, an album released some 5 years previous and it being the only special edition not to reach the top 75 only getting in at 108 proves that to a certain extent!

HIStory is the best seling Multi disc album by a solo artist, and i remember it being quite more expensive than a normal one cd, plus its HIS TOP GROSSING ALBUM OF THE 90's!!!


Scream - Most exspensive video, was at the time the best charting billboard 100 debut at #5 (beaten only by.......mmmmmmm another HIStory track), It won 3 MTV awards for the video and sold 2 million units

You Are Not Alone - #1 across the world, best debut at billboard 100 - sold 3 million worldwide (and had lisa marie naked in video.....big win)

Earth Song - Nominated for Grammy video award but lost against "scream" , Michaels biggest selling single in the U.K beating BILLIE JEAN!!!! 3.15 million units

They Don't care about us - Reached #30 on billboard charts but number #4 in the U.K charts and #2 in the worldwide charts, had a controversial video (which i think if the original stayed would have helped the single some., but its for anyone to judge) 1.75 Million units

Stranger In Moscow - Completly flopped in the USA, But did quite well in europe #4 in various countries including the U.K and due to the remixes even hit number 1 on the euro dance charts!

Now tell me that there wasn't some sucess there, compare those songs to the Riley songs huh :yes:

And about Bad songs not getting played on the radio.........waaah bad, thr way you make me feel, smooth criminal (covered not that long ago by alien ant farm) also bad and TWYMMF seem to have been used alot by these "pop idol" shows and so on

I dont care if YOU like new jack swing, the world doesn't, and the problem with this thread is that its attacking some songs to an extent and people who like them will defend them, people who dont like them have nothing to defend!

One more thing about Remember the time, that song is more Michael than Riley, listen to Rileys remixes and tell me if the song would have been so good released in that state?

and Invincible...........its been years now can we stop using that promotion excuse, sony have not promoted bad for about 20+ years and its probably selling better than Vince today!

Bullshit !!!!

With Dangerous michael didnt focus on the singles but on the album itself and he reached perfectely his goal Dangerous is the biggest saling album of 1992 -1993 after the Bodyguard album of withney Houston , it sold more than 30 million copies ,,with Dangerous michael was opening a new era , far less commercial than Bad but it succeded to reach the 30 million copies only 2 million less than Bad and you say Bad overtook Dangerous ????????let me laugh !!!!

You say it is the opinion of one of your friend and you ,well thats YOUR AND ONLY YOUR OPINIONS .

If people dont like Dangerous and dont sample ,thats becasue it is not a commercial album , the tracks of teddy Riley are not easy to listen to , you must know listen to music to be able to appreciate these sort of music , with time you start to see the subtilities of the songs .I love the New Jack swing even if its dead , Disco music is dead but is doent mean OFF THE WALL is a bad album can you deny it ???
Just Because Dangerous has not charted as well as Bad regarding the singles doesnt mean it is a bad album , charting well or saling well doesnt mean nothing as regard as the quality of music .

And NO we dont stop talking about the promotion of INVINCIBLE SINCE THE PROMOTION WAS THE MAIN PROBLEM .
Comparing to Bad ,INVINCIBLE had only 1 single realeased , can you deny it ?? how many tracks did michael realeased from Bad , 5 ? 6 ? , INVINCIBLE sold 8 million copies with only 1 single ,is it the truth or invention ??? how long did the promotion of Bad lasted ?? 2 years ??? and what about INVINCIBLE , 3 months ????

Stop talking bulshit , if you dont like Dangerous or Vinc well , dont like them but stop believing you are the gospel .
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2 out of the 3 singles MJ released with Teddy was in the top 3 singles for Dangerous..

does that not say anything??
I'll tell ya what, Dangerous wasn't a commercial album??????? mmmmmm when has Michael not strived to make a commercial album so in that perspective you are infact contradicting your self in saying it did not reach that goal?

Also one more thing, you talk Bullshit mate, you dont even know what your chatting about, let me quote you twice just now

You just posted
"far less commercial than Bad but it succeded to reach the 30 million copies only 2 million less than Bad and you say Bad overtook Dangerous ????????let me laugh !!!!"

Earlier in the thread you posted
"When Dangerous first was released it out sold BAD.. an album produced with QUINCY JONES.. Yes, with sale boosts Bad over reached dangerous again."

I think you need to stop arguing with yourself before bringing anything else up, I have listened to these songs I have disected them, filtered inside out, Even found the vocoder on She Drives Me Wild, which NO ONE had heard before, so dont think i just waltzed into making this thread, you obviously did with those 2 quotes above me.........the end
(my keyz don't work zo i'm uzing 'z', zorry)

Why are u zo angry?? If you don't like Dangerouz then u don't like it. It'z PERZONAL TAZTE. (lol)

A lot of ztylez come a go through out hiztory, doezn't mean the aezthetic quality izn't there. Zome of MJ'z zongz did better than otherz, doezn't mean there'z no aezthetic value in thoze that didn't do well.

And I agree Dangerouz iz commercial, but MJ haz never made an album COMPLETELY commercial EVER...he puzhez the envelope and he iz creative...he doezn't conform. Hiztory, for example izn't commercial.

FOR EXAMPLE...Zhe Drivez Me Wild definitely izn't commercial and definitely WAZ experimental.

Take it or leave it man lol. If U don't like it, don't blame the producer. Blame MJ for not releazing zomething u like better. Cuz MJ appreciated new Jack. thatz why itz included. He wanted Riley on the album becauze MICHAEL felt he had zomething to offer. Again, MJ DOEZN'T put ANYTHING on an album he doezn't like zo...make all the argumentz in the world about why Riley zuckz but it boilz down to YOU not liking it and thatz that. lol
(my keyz don't work zo i'm uzing 'z', zorry)

Why are u zo angry?? If you don't like Dangerouz then u don't like it. It'z PERZONAL TAZTE. (lol)

A lot of ztylez come a go through out hiztory, doezn't mean the aezthetic quality izn't there. Zome of MJ'z zongz did better than otherz, doezn't mean there'z no aezthetic value in thoze that didn't do well.

And I agree Dangerouz iz commercial, but MJ haz never made an album COMPLETELY commercial EVER...he puzhez the envelope and he iz creative...he doezn't conform. Hiztory, for example izn't commercial.

FOR EXAMPLE...Zhe Drivez Me Wild definitely izn't commercial and definitely WAZ experimental.

Take it or leave it man lol. If U don't like it, don't blame the producer. Blame MJ for not releazing zomething u like better. Cuz MJ appreciated new Jack. thatz why itz included. He wanted Riley on the album becauze MICHAEL felt he had zomething to offer. Again, MJ DOEZN'T put ANYTHING on an album he doezn't like zo...make all the argumentz in the world about why Riley zuckz but it boilz down to YOU not liking it and thatz that. lol

I understand that point exactly, I have mentioned that at the time it was exciting, but Michael has done some "mistakes" not pointing at Riley, cuz again like you said it is opinion, but the again going back to Michaels use of Riley on Vince suggests him not letting Riley to close to dance tracks again, as we know Michael would love his music to last forever, but he took a risk and for the fans who like it its great but some of the lesser known songs suffered, but again Michael did write them and so on

Just on a note, Michael never liked Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' and that was landed on thriller, I think Quincy could twist his arm though
(my keyz don't work zo i'm uzing 'z', zorry)

Why are u zo angry?? If you don't like Dangerouz then u don't like it. It'z PERZONAL TAZTE. (lol)

A lot of ztylez come a go through out hiztory, doezn't mean the aezthetic quality izn't there. Zome of MJ'z zongz did better than otherz, doezn't mean there'z no aezthetic value in thoze that didn't do well.

And I agree Dangerouz iz commercial, but MJ haz never made an album COMPLETELY commercial EVER...he puzhez the envelope and he iz creative...he doezn't conform. Hiztory, for example izn't commercial.

FOR EXAMPLE...Zhe Drivez Me Wild definitely izn't commercial and definitely WAZ experimental.

Take it or leave it man lol. If U don't like it, don't blame the producer. Blame MJ for not releazing zomething u like better. Cuz MJ appreciated new Jack. thatz why itz included. He wanted Riley on the album becauze MICHAEL felt he had zomething to offer. Again, MJ DOEZN'T put ANYTHING on an album he doezn't like zo...make all the argumentz in the world about why Riley zuckz but it boilz down to YOU not liking it and thatz that. lol
ur just trying to sound cool :smilerolleyes:
I dunno if he took the rizk for the fanz...maybe he juzt likez taking rizkz? Maybe he likez Riley'z ztyle? That IZ pozzible ya know lol.

Juzt becauze itz not commercially zuccezzful doezn't mean anything, iz my point. (although I'd zay Dangerouz waz and iz ZTILL very commercially zuccezzful LOL..again I hear people bumping Dangerouz WAY more than Hiztory.) And zo what if not everyone likez New Jack? Not everyone likez rock, or R&B, or Hip hop either but MJ ztill uzez the zound.

And i ztiiiilllll zay Bad zoundz way more aged than Dangerouz. If u put out RTT or Dangerouz or ITC...on the radio, they'd zound more relevant than Bad or TWYMMF or Dirty Diana. And that doezn't mean that Bad iz bad either lol

And promo for Invincible izn't an excuze...LOL!! Itz a real izzue...zeriouzly. The album waz doing really well until zony ztopped promoting and...there'z a lot of other drama with that. Look it up.

And...I zuppozed when a REAL izzue happenz...after a certain number of yearz, it'z value expirez or zomething? Oookay.

ur just trying to sound cool :smilerolleyes:

Fo' zhizzle!!! :lol:
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Mike always has taken what was 'IN' at the moment and create something along those lines with the MJ sound..

He ALWAYS has done that..
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Well it's all relative.

IMO, Dangerous is a masterpiece album and I love ALL of the tracks except for She Drives Me Wild and Can't Let Her Get Away , which despite not being a great fan of, I think are also pretty cool and addictive!
but MJ haz never made an album COMPLETELY commercial EVER...he puzhez the envelope and he iz creative...he doezn't conform. Hiztory, for example izn't commercial.
Pop music is commercial, it's not like he's making some out there music like Sun Ra or something.
i think the point is it's never in the same shell as his contemporaries, especially in production.
DANGEROUS was very commercial..

One of the largest commercial albums to date.. lol!

BAD and DANGEROUS were the most commercialized albums in history..

What they did in the entertainment idustry was revolutionary.. What Michael did through those albums helped establish the standared of what entertainers do with there career.. (indorsements/the way tours are set up/ record breaking deals/ etc.)

All that creates an album to be COMMERCIAL..
Pop music is commercial, it's not like he's making some out there music like Sun Ra or something.

I never zaid Dangerouz wazn't commercial...I zaid Mj'z never COMPLETELY commercial. If he waz he wouldn't be az innovative az he iz. He wouldn't make ztuff like Black or White or Heal the World...which izn't what anyone elze would come out with.

MJ'z not a completely POP artizt either.
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