Talk about / post pictures of your pets [ Threads merged ]

Re: Who has a pet discussion

I have a male cat named Blu (after Blue from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends :p)
Sometimes he's totally addicted to me and want to sleep on me and hide behind my hair, sitting on my neck. It was possible as a kitten, but now it just looks funny xD


and this is my boyfriends cat - they are brothers even though it doesent look like that!

Yea he's eyes is a little funny sometimes :) He's name is "Sølvix" or to translate it "Silvervix".

As a child I've had in total 3 rabbits named "Pjevs" (danish word for a little weakling) "Futte" (danish word for warm slippers - for some reason that name goes for a cute pet name here in Denmark.. wired now that I think about the meening of it..) and last but not least "Donna" (like in Prima Dona or a Diva).

I've also had 3 other cats. The first was run over by a car only 7 months old :( The two others was given to a family my mother knew because we had to move.

Blu is MY cat that I bought myself when I moved into my very own appartment. And nothing bad is going to happen to my sweet little Prince Blu:heart:
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Re: Who has a pet discussion

i have a dog but dont know how to post pics here of her

one of my sisters has 2 bull dogs(bella and petey) a pugoodle Poodle pug mix(mr buuggins ) a cat (betty)and a squirrel(willow)
Re: Who has a pet discussion

I keep thinking about getting a pet recently! My favourite animals are rabbits, I'm obsessed with them! I'm thinking of either getting 2 of them, or a cat. Because I live in a town centre I would have to keep the cat indoors though, and I'm not really sure if they like that or not. I've never had one before so not really got a clue about them except that they're really cute lol. Maybe I'll stick to rabbits. :lol:
Re: Who has a pet discussion

I have one Dog. His name is Applehead and he's 3 years old. He's such a sweetie. He's a Cairn Terrier (like Toto).

If you want to see, you'll have to add me on Facebook. :D
Re: Who has a pet discussion

MJsBollywoodGirl7 and Safira, your cats look nice, what are their breed?

The one cat CoCo is a pure 100% Chocolate Point Siamese

and the other one is half Tabby and half Calico

I have a male cat named Blu (after Blue from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends :p)
Sometimes he's totally addicted to me and want to sleep on me and hide behind my hair, sitting on my neck. It was possible as a kitten, but now it just looks funny xD


and this is my boyfriends cat - they are brothers even though it doesent look like that!

Yea he's eyes is a little funny sometimes :) He's name is "Sølvix" or to translate it "Silvervix".

As a child I've had in total 3 rabbits named "Pjevs" (danish word for a little weakling) "Futte" (danish word for warm slippers - for some reason that name goes for a cute pet name here in Denmark.. wired now that I think about the meening of it..) and last but not least "Donna" (like in Prima Dona or a Diva).

I've also had 3 other cats. The first was run over by a car only 7 months old :( The two others was given to a family my mother knew because we had to move.

Blu is MY cat that I bought myself when I moved into my very own appartment. And nothing bad is going to happen to my sweet little Prince Blu:heart:

I thought my cat was the most cutest cat in the entire world. Your cat is even more cuter than mine. So is your boyfriend's cat. Even though my kitty is not the most cutest cat I still love my little Tabby kins just the same.
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I've never seen so many cute and adorable pets together! They're all beautiful! :)

Well, I had five cats, a beautiful familiy, but they got old and three of them are gone.. Now I still have two adorable old ladies: Kika and Sarah.

Here's one pic with all of my babies... Kika and Suki are on top. The three on bottom are Dudu, Sarah and Tinna.

This is Kika, my 15-year-old lady...

And this one is Sarah, Kika's 14-year-old daughter.

These two angels are still with me, lighting up my life. :)
Oh my GOODNESS, so many adorable animals :)

I also have 2 kitties. Here is a picture of them taken more than a good few years ago. It is the only pictures I have of them in my photobucket account.



The first picture is of my sweet little Cuddly Chops name Tabby. She is going to be 14 years old this July 27th. So she is quite old and hopefully I will have her for another few more years or so. She is half Tabby and half Calico.

The is second one is CoCo who is a pure chocolate point Siamese Cat. She is going to be 6 years old this September. She might be a cat but sometimes she tends to think she is a dog. Just the way she acts. I personally can't stand that cat. Only because she tends to be really mean and nasty to my sweet angel kitty sometimes.

BTW both of these cats are indoor cats only and they both had their front claws removed. This was my mother's decision not mine. Only because she didn't want her funiture and stuff ruin.
Oh dear, no wonder she acts strangely if you can't stand the poor thing. And I've heard it's painful for cats to have their claws removed, that's not normal :no:
You all have very cute pets, i love them!:)

aooow i love puddles, Nina looks so cute. I have also had a puddle (black one), just lost her few weeks ago:(

Thanks! Too bad your dog is gone... but I know he will be forever in your heart.:(:)

The Nina is 4 years old, is very affectionate and very yob. When you are angry and start destroying things from home. LOL! But it is very smart.

And I love your signature :wub:... oh my God, Michael has a beautiful mouth! :wild::wild::wild:​
At the moment I have a hamster called Gizmo. I've wanted a pet of my own for ages, but at the time was living in the flat and couldn't really have them (stoopid landlord) so I decided to get a hamster cos I could sneak that in without anyone knowing.

I've since moved back home (still with lil gizmo). I want more pets so much! My parents have a cat called breezer, who used to have a brother called Guiness who was MY cat and a little darling, the most gentle and loving cat I have every known. He knew when not to have his claws out (unlike his sister) and when I was asleep and he wanted my attention he would get up on my bed and simply place his paw on my nose. Unfortunately he went missing a few years ago (we think foxes got to him). Also last year we had a dog, muffin, put to sleep. She was around 16 and we'd had her since I was 6. Was really painful, cos I couldn't remember her not being around. But we had no choice as she ended up paralysed from the waiste down :(

Now I really want a dog, Lhasa Apso, which I know I have to wait till Im in my own place again. So I thought I'd get a housebunny. But my mum won't let me cos she thinks its wrong to keep them in the house, and we won't have enough room in the house. Plus cos of the cat. I tried to explain to her that the cage won't take up much more room than the hamster cage ive got right now (trust me its a mansion), and that I can bunny proof my room to let them have free roam. Plus theres always the spare room but no! So im on a pet sulk at the mo. lol I just love animals so much! I want one of everything! lol

So ANYWAY!!! heres a vid of Gizmo when I first got him, with his first small cage before I bought him his mansion! :D
Aw, Arnold! I love rabbits, my favourite animal. :wub: here are mine, they're six months old.

This is Rocky:

This is Miley:

They're brothers. :D
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aaaaw they're gorgeous, my neice has one like that

aaaaaaaw my rabbit has been good therapy while there's been all this sadness.......a nice cuddle off Arnold helps when i am upset
aaaaw they're gorgeous, my neice has one like that

aaaaaaaw my rabbit has been good therapy while there's been all this sadness.......a nice cuddle off Arnold helps when i am upset

Aw yeah I'm the same, it's such a comfort to have them around. :wub: Just a nice cuddle with no questions asked is what you need sometimes, lol.
I have a cat. a dog and two rabbits.



My cat is named Suzie, My dog is called Rusty and my rabbits are called Stwmpan & Siwgr " Siwgr is welsh for sugar)
My cat is a house cat she won't wonder far at all, she'll play around in the garden, I have a big garden plus a yard, that's the only places she'll go. If u close the door she start panickin and she'll cry. She hates everyone and when I say hate I mean hate. She won't let anyone walk past her, she won't let you touch her, she's hiss at u Evertime somone knocks on the door she'll run upstairs and stay there until that person is gone. She has hiding places, one of them is in the cooker, lmao. She has adopted two pair of gloves which are her babies. She'll carry them to u. If she can't find me, my mum or my sister then she'll start crying. Suzie has a friend called Randalph ( a small teddy bear)


My rabbit Stwmpan is very hyper, she loves attention. Also she loves our cat. She goes jumping about and follows here everywhere. She has a baby elephant named "Eli" ( its a toy elephant) and she loves dried bananas, we call them "nanas" she goes nuts for them. She doesn't like to be handled, she likes to be stroked. but not handled. She gets alot of false pregnancy though. Our other rabbit "Thumper" died becasue she kept having false pregnancy but hers caused a huge infection or something and as a result she lost alot of weight became really lethargic, wouldn't eat much then she died in her sleep. We adopted Stwmpan because the previous owners didn't want here and said that if they couldn't find anyone who wanted here then they'll either drown her or let her go. Stwmpan has a friend called Eli ( an elephant teddy)


My other rabbit Siwgr I got about a monthago, again previous owners didn't want her. When me & my sis went to see the rabbit we were appalled, her hut had not been cleaned at all, she was lying there in the corner in ther own dirt, she had no clean water and small amount of food. Her cage was very small aswell. Also her nail had grown so much that when my sister picked her up one of the nails fell off and she started bleeding. So me & my sister had to take her straight to the vet. The vet said that the rabbit had been mistreated and that she wasn't underweight but she could do with a few more pounds. We named her Siwgr cause she's a white lion head. She's still very nervous but lets you hold her fine.
We had to put her down though :( We found her yesterday all limp and lying on her side, so we had to rush her to the vets. They put her in an incubator and gave her some inections through out the night but she wasn't respoding so the vet put her down. He said that she must have done something to her back because she's gone all paralysed from the waist down. I just buried her about a minute ago with her toy Giraffe called Gordon.


Rusty the dog is my sister's dog really, he lives with my sister's boyfriend. I take him for walks and stuff. He's scared of little lambs and sheep, lol its funny he won't walk past them unless you're by his side. He loves long walks on the beach on going for an occaisonal swim. He's a staffy, but he's not mean at all. Satffy's are very misunderstood. Rusty is a lovely dog, he gets along fine with other dogs & chidlren but he likes to chase cats. He hates the rain, he woun't go for walkies in the rain.
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