Talk about / post pictures of your pets [ Threads merged ]

Re: post pictures of your pets



awwwwwwwwww, that one with the kitty is just too adorable!!:wub:

and its always cool to put on hats and glasses on dogs! :lol:

We just celebrated 10 years of having Lilica with us on Oct 8th, I say its her birthday.
And here she is pissed off with the hat I made for her :rofl:
Re: post pictures of your pets

when my cat made it to the "Cat HELLO" magazine with her mysterious boyfriend :rofl:


:doh: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: Agnes, you nut!!! :toofunny: :toofunny: That was funny as hell! :lol: :lol:

Awww... So many cute dogs you guys...:D

Here is Shaq - my Golden Retriever :wub:
Isn't he adorable? :cheeky:


AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: I looooooooooooooooooooove Golden Retrievers. They are my absolute FAVORITES!! So beautiful and so kind and gentle too...LOVE them!! I wish I could have one...:timer:
Re: post pictures of your pets

Telha and Summer thank you for your kind words :wub:

Everytime someone says something nice about my sweet Shaq I get so cheerful...He's like my baby... You know :p My family and I treat him as if he were a member of the family...
He's extremely smart and understands so many things...It's Unbelievable. He never seizes to amaze me :D

Anyway, cute cat and awesome hat Telha! :lol:
Re: post pictures of your pets

aint he a real cutie

i love animals theres one true fact and not all will agree with me and thats your own choice but animals give more love than humans ever did

all they ask in return is somewhere warm to sleep , to be fed and watered and most of all to be loved like we would like to be loved
Re: post pictures of your pets

aint he a real cutie

i love animals theres one true fact and not all will agree with me and thats your own choice but animals give more love than humans ever did

all they ask in return is somewhere warm to sleep , to be fed and watered and most of all to be loved like we would like to be loved
Re: post pictures of your pets

awww raingirl, sooooo cute!!!!!:)
Re: post pictures of your pets

Yeah, I just told my mom that I've sealed my decision and she took it better than I thought but I think she better find her nitros :D She's been agaist me taking another dog, but once she meets the puppy she'll be like :wub: too. Three weeks to wait.
Re: post pictures of your pets

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Re: post pictures of your pets

Here's a new pic of my pet rabbit "Nester"

And the Girlfriends...Oreo and Blondie...

Here I am, with Nester my little Bunsome on my shoulder...

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Re: post pictures of your pets

Here is another pic of our rabbit. He's a Dwarf Netherlands rabbit...we call him "PJ Funny Bunny" or "Bunsome" or "Toyota Rab 4"

Re: post pictures of your pets

Here's the pic of my two Girlfriends. Oreo and Blonde...We call Oreo "Oreo Cookie" or "Ore" or "The Notorious O. R. E. O." . We call Blonde "Ditz" or "Attitude Woman" (on account that every time you pick her up to cuddle her, she bucks her head! LOL!)

Re: post pictures of your pets

Forgot another name we call the rabbit - "Edward Scissor-Ears"...


He's Mommy's Spoiled Baby Boy...
Who has a pet discussion

I was just wondering who has pets on this forum because I recently got two dogs and am obsessed with making videos of them.

Tell your stories of why you love your pets

I love my dogs because they are very silly and they always put a smile on my face. They can be tough to deal with sometimes, but it is always worth it by the end of the day.

Here are mine
Re: Who has a pet discussion

I also have 2 kitties. Here is a picture of them taken more than a good few years ago. It is the only pictures I have of them in my photobucket account.



The first picture is of my sweet little Cuddly Chops name Tabby. She is going to be 14 years old this July 27th. So she is quite old and hopefully I will have her for another few more years or so. She is half Tabby and half Calico.

The is second one is CoCo who is a pure chocolate point Siamese Cat. She is going to be 6 years old this September. She might be a cat but sometimes she tends to think she is a dog. Just the way she acts. I personally can't stand that cat. Only because she tends to be really mean and nasty to my sweet angel kitty sometimes.

BTW both of these cats are indoor cats only and they both had their front claws removed. This was my mother's decision not mine. Only because she didn't want her funiture and stuff ruin.

And we also have 6 fish:

2 angels
2 silver dollars
1 gold guarmi
and 1 pink kisser (The other one we had died almost like a month ago.)